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At a Meeting of the Surtees Society, held in Durham Castle, on Tuesday, December 6th, 1921, the PRESIDENT (Dr WILLIAM BROWN) in the chair,

It was ordered,

"That the Register of Archbishop Thomas of Corbridge be edited for the Society by the President.”



The death of Dr William Brown in July 1924 deprived the Surtees Society of one who, as its Secretary and afterwards as its President and Patron, showed an exemplary devotion to its interests for a long period of years. At the time of his death, his work upon the archiepiscopal registers was well advanced, and, in addition to the contents of the present volume, which completes the register of Corbridge, he left behind him a full transcript of the important register of archbishop Greenfield, with his annotations. In accordance with his express wish, the Secretary of the Society has edited his manuscript for the press and has supplied it with the introduction which he left unwritten. The task has been greatly lightened by the conscientious thoroughness with which Dr Brown revised and perfected his work as it proceeded, and by the close acquaintance with his methods of work and habits of thought which it was the privilege of the present writer to acquire during a long friendship founded on common interests. This volume and the volumes of Greenfield's register which will appear in course of time will be found, it is hoped, to maintain the standard of editing which Dr Brown established in the five volumes of the series which he was able to produce in his lifetime, and to keep alive that reputation for sound scholarship in which he was second to none who have made episcopal registers their special province.

In addition to the final sections of Corbridge's register, the portion of the Sede Vacante register of the dean and chapter of York for the period between the death of Corbridge and the coming of his successor is printed here (nos. 1113 to 1214), in order to fill up the gap which precedes the opening of the register of archbishop Greenfield.

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