Servitus crefcit nova: nec priores Te fuis matres metuunt juvencis; CARMEN IX. AD TITUM VALGIUM. Amicum moerentem de filii morte confolatur. ON femper imbres nubibus hifpidos Manant in agros; aut mare Caspium Vexant inaequales procellae Ufque; nec Armeniis in oris, Amice Valgi, ftat glacies iners Tu femper urges flebilibus modus Cantemus Augufti tropea Cæfaris; et rigidum Niphaten, [a] Cura maritos. BENTL. 20 25 10 15 20 Medum are growing up for you; a new fet of flaves is growing up; nor do the former ones quit the house of their impious mistress, notwithstanding they often have threatened it. The matrons are in dread of you on account of their young lads; the thrifty old men are in dread of you; and the girls but just married are in diftrefs, left your beauty fhould. flacken the affection of their hufbands. ODE IX. To TITUS VALGIUS. He comforts his friend grieving for the lofs of his fon. SHOV HOWERS do not perpetually pour down upon the furrow'd fields, nor do hurricanes for ever harrafs the Cafpian fea; nor, my friend Valgius, does the motionless ice remain fixed throughout all the months in the regions of Armenia: or do the Garganian oaks always labour under the northerly winds, and the afh trees are not always widowed of their leaves. But you continually purfue Myftes, who is taken from you, with mournful measures: nor does the effects of your love for him ceafe at the rifing of Vesper, nor, when he flies the rapid approach of the fun. But the three-aged old man (Neftor) did not lament for the amiable Antilochus all the years of his life: nor did his parents, or his Trojan fifters perpetually bewail the blooming Troilus. At length then defift from your tender complaints; and rather let us fing the fresh trophies ef Auguftus Cæfar, and how the frozen Niphates, * As having so often broke their faith. and Medumque flumen gentibus additum CARMEN X. AD LICINIUM MURENAM. Hortatur ut mediocritate contentus æquanimitatem retineat. RE ECTIUS vives, Licini, neque altum Semper urgendo; neque, dum procellas Cautus horrefcis, nimium premendo Litus iniquum. Auream quifquis mediocritatem Diligit. Tutus caret obfoleti 5 Sordibus tecti, caret invidenda Sobrius aula. Saepius ventis agitatur ingens Pinus; et celfae graviore cafu Decidunt turres; feriuntque fummos Fulmina [a] montes Sperat infeftis, metuit fecundis Alteram fortem bene præparatum Jupiter; idem Summovet: non, fi male nunc, & olim Rebus auguftis animofus atque Fortis appare: fapienter idem Contrahes vento nimium fecundo Turgida vela. CARMEN [a] Fulgura montes. [b] Citharae tacentem, and the river Medus, added to the vanquished nations, roll more humble tides, and the Gelonians ride within a small tract of land, and pass not the bound prefcribed them. ODE X To LICINIUS MURENA. He advifes him to be content with a mean, and to maintain an evenness of temper. Licinius, you will lead a better courfe of life, by neither always purfuing the main fea, nor, while you cautiously are in dread of ftorms, by preffing too much upon the hazardous fhore. Whoever loves the golden mean, is fecure from the fordidnefs of an antiquated cell, and is too prudent to have a palace that might expofe him to envy. The lofty pine is more frequently agitated with winds, and high towers fall down with a heavier ruin; and thunderbolts ftrike the fummits of the mountains. A well-provided breaft hopes in adverfity, and fears in profperity. 'Tis the fame Jupiter, that brings the hideous winters back, and that takes them away. If it is bad with us now, it fhall not be fo hereafter. Apollo fometimes roufes the filent lyric muse, nor does he always bend his bow. In narrow circumstances appear in high fpirits, and undaunted. In the fame manner you will prudently contract your fails, which are apt to be too much fwollen in a profperous gale. VOL. I. G ODE CARMEN XI. AD QUINTIUM HIRPINUM. Animum Quintii a publicis privatifque curis ad bilari QUI tatem convertit. UID bellicofus Cantaber, et Scythes, Hirpine Quinti, cogitet, Adria Divifus objecto, remittas Quærere; nec trepides in ufum Pofcentis ævi pauca. Fugit retro Levis juventas et decor, arida Pellente lafcivos amores Canitie, facilemque fomnum. Non femper idem floribus eft honos Cur non fub alta vel platano, vel hac Dum licet, Affyriaque nardo, Pocula prætereunte lympha? CARMEN Incomtum Lacaena. [b] Religata nodo, Torentius. |