Tardavit alas; cum populus frequens agnam. CARMEN XVIII. Romanorum luxum et avaritiam infectatur ON ebur, neque aureum No Mea renidet in domo lacunar: Non trabes Hymettie [a] Premunt columnas ultima recifas [b] Africa: : neque Attali Ignotus hæres regiam occupavi : Nec Laconicas mihi Trahunt honestæ purpuras clientæ : At fides, et ingeni Benigna vena eft; pauperemque dives Me petit: nihil fupra Deos laceffo, nec potentem amicum Largiora flagito, Satis beatus unicis Sabinis. Truditur dies die, Novæque pergunt interire Lunæ : Tu fecanda marmora 25 30 5 10 15 Locas fub ipfum funus, et fepulchri Immemor, ftruis domos; Marif [a] Trabes Hymettias. GALE. [b] Ultima recifae. GALE. in refounding applauses, thrice hailed you in the theatre: me, the trunk of a tree falling upon my fkull, would have difpatched, had not Faunus," the protector of men of genius, with his right hand, warded off the blow. Be you mindful to pay the victims and the votive temple; I will facrifice an humble lamb. O DE XVIII. He inveighs against the Roman luxury and covetouf ness. * NOR ivory, nor gilded arch, makes a figure in my houfe: no Hymettian beams reft upon pillars cut out of the extreme parts of Africa; nor, a pretended heir, have I poffeffed myself of the palace of Attalus: nor do ladies, my dependants, fpin Laconian purple for my use. But honour, and a liberal vein of genius, are mine: and the man of fortune makes his court to me who am but poor. I importune the gods no farther, nor do I require of my friend in power any larger enjoyments, fufficiently happy with my Sabine farm alone. Day is driven on by day, and the new moons haften to their wain. You put out marble to be hewn, though with one foot in the grave, and unmindful of a fepulchre, are building houses; and are busy * Or PAN. to Marifque Baiis obftrepentis urges Summovere litora, Parum locuples continente ripa. Quid, quod ufque proximos Revellis agri terminos, et ultra Limites clientium Salis avarus? pellitur paternos In finu ferens Deos Et uxor et vir, fordidofque natos. Nulla certior tamen Rapacis Orci [a] fede deftinata 20 25 30 Aula divitem manet Herum. Quid ultra tendis? Æqua tellus Pauperi recluditur, Regumque pueris: nec fatelles Orci Callidum Promethea Revexit, [b] auro captus. Hic fuperbum Tantalum atque Tantali Genus coercet: hic levare functum. Pauperem laboribus, Vocatus atque non vocatus audit. [a] Orci fine destinata. [b] Revinxit auro captus, 35 40 CARMEN to extend the fhore of the fea, that beats with vio lence at Baix, not rich enough while restrained to the limits of land. Why is it, that, through avarice, you even remove the landmarks of your neighbour's ground, and trefpafs beyond the bounds of your clients? and wife and husband are turned out, bearing in their bofom their houfhold gods, and their poor-looking children. Nevertheless, no court more certainly awaits its wealthy lord, than the deftined feat of rapacious Pluto. Why do you go on? The impartial earth is open to the poor, as well as to the fons of kings: nor has the life-guard ferryman of hell, bribed with gold, re-conducted the artful Prometheus: he condefcends, whether invoked or not, to relieve the poor, freed from their labours. ODE CARMEN XIX. IN BACCHUM. DITHYRAMBUS. Sibi fas effe Bacchi laudes, ut ejus numine pleno & concitato, canere. BACCHUM in remotis carmina rupibus Fas et beatæ conjugis additum Thracis et exitium Lycurgi. Tu flectis amnes, tu mare barbarum : [a] Non levi ruina. 5 to 15 Tu |