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Felicitatem in honoribus ac divitiis pofitam non effe.

DI profanum vulgus, et arceo.



Favete linguis carmina non prius Audita Mufarum facerdos

Virginibus puerifque canto.

Regum timendorum in proprios greges,

Reges in ipfos imperium eft Jovis,

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That happiness confifts not in honour and rich Abominate the uninitiated vulgar, and them off. Give a religious attention : prieft of the mufes, fing to virgins and boys v not heard before. The dominion of dread f reigns is only over their own fubjects,* that of piter, glorious for his conqueft over the giants, whe fhakes

H 3

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* Literally FLOCKS. Homer is fond of terming kings fhepherds of the people. Thus the true God entitles himself the fhepherd of his people, and them the sheep of his pasture: the expreffion therefore is not too low for the pomp of the ftrophe, agreeably to the charge of a late ingenious editor of our author,

Cun&ta fupercilio moventis.
Eft [a] ut viro vir latius ordinet
Arbufta fulcis: hic generofior
Defcendat in campum petitor;
Moribus hic, meliorque fama
Contendat: illi turba clientium
major; aequa lege neceffitas
rtitur infignes et imos:

Omne capax movet urna nomen.
ictus enfis cui fuper impia
ce pendet, non Sicula dapes
ulcem elaborabunt faporem ;
Non avium citharæque cantus
num reducent. Somnus agreftium
; virorum non humiles domos
ftidit, umbrofamque ripam,
Non Zephyris agitata Tempe.
terantem quod fatis eft, neque
altuofum folicitat mare,





fævus Arcturi cadentis

mpetus, aut orientis Hoedi;

verberatæ grandine vineæ,

dufquæ mendax; arbore nunc aquas


Culpante, nunc torrentia agros

Sidera, nunc hiemes iniquas.

Contracta pifces æquora fentiunt,

Jactis in altum molibus: huc frequens
Caementa demittit redemtor

Cum famulis, dominufque terrae


Faftidiofus: fed timor et minae

Scandunt eodem quo dominus; neque


[a] Efto ut viro. BENTL.

fhakes all nature with his nod, is over fovereigns themfelves. It happens that one man plants trees, in regular rows, to a greater extent than another: this man comes down into the Campus Martius as a candidate of a better family, while another vies with him for morals and a better reputation; a third has a fuperior number of dependants; but death, by the impartial law of nature, is allotted both to the confpicuous and obfcure: the capacious urn keeps every name in motion. Sicilian dainties will not force a delicious relifh* to that man, over whofe impious neck the naked fword impends: the fongs of birds or the lyre will not restore his fleep. Sleep difdains not the humble cottages and fhady bank of peasants, he disdains not Tempe, fanned by zephyrs. Him, who defires but a competency, neither the tempeftuous fea renders anxious, nor the malign violence of Arcturus fetting, or of the rifing kid; not his vineyards beaten down with hail, and a deceitful farm, his plantations at one feafon blaming the rains, at another, the influence of the conftellations parching the grounds, at another, fevere winters difturb him. The fishes perceive the feas contracted, by the vast foundations that have been laid into the deep: hither numerous undertakers, with their men, and lords difdainful of the land, fend down mortar: but anxiety and the threats of confcience, afcend by the fame way as the poffeffor, nor does gloomy care depart from the brazen-beaked galley, and

Alluding to the ftory of Damocles.


Decedit ærata triemi, et

Poft equitem fedet atra cura. Quod fi dolentem nec Phrygius lapis, Nec purpurarum fidere clarior Delenit ufus, nec Falerna

Vitis, Achæmeniumque coftum;

Cur invidendis poftibus, et novo
Sublime ritu moliar atrium?
Cur valle permutem Sabina
Divitias operofiores? [a]


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Bellicam fortitudinem, probitatem, et arcani fidem commendat.

ANGUSTAM, amici, pauperiem pati

Robuftus acri militia puer
Condifcat; et Parthos feroces
Vexet eques metuendus hafta;
Vitamque fub dio, et trepidis agat
In rebus illum ex moenibus hofticis
Matrona bellantis tyranni
Profpiciens, et adulta virgo

Sufpiret, Eheu! Ne rudis agminum
Sponfus laceffat regius afperum
Tactu leonem, quem cruenta
Per medias rapit ira çaedes.
Dulce et decorum eft pro patria mori:

[a] Divitias onerofiores. BaNTL.




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