Leftoribus eruditis, præfertim iis, qui in ludis litera riis operam navant. NOLUMUS fanè cum Fabio Horatium in quibufdam interpretari, ideoque locos omnes parùm caftos honeftâ (uti fperamus) fraude ad verecundiam quodammodo revocavimus. Tantum enim abeft ut juvenes ab afterifcis (quibus editiones in ufum Delph. fcatent) quo minùs quædam legant, impediantur, ut potiùs exinde dirigatur, imò invitetur eorum curva in pravum curiofitas. Q. HORATII FLACCI CARMINUM LIBER I CARMEN I AD CILNIUM MÆCENATEM. Alios aliis ftudiis duci: fe lyrici vatis gloriam ambire, unius Macenatis judicio obtinemdam. ÆCENAS atavis edite regibus, MA O & præfidium & dulce decus meum! Terrarum dominos evehit✶ ad Deos. * Evehere. BENTL. 5 10 Gaudentem All men have different attachments: HORACE's tafte is for Lyric poetry, for the fuccefs of which he depends upon the patronage of MECENAS. MA ECENAS, defcended from royal ancestors, O both my protection and my darling honour! There are fome whofe delight it is to have collected Olympic duft in the chariot race; and whom the goal nicely avoided by glowing wheels, and the noble palm, exalts to the gods-the governors of the world. This man, if an affembly of the capricious Roman commonalty be bent to raise him to the high. eft dignities; another, if he hath *ftored up in his own granary whatfoever is fwept from the Lybian threshing*Hath imported vast quantities of corn from Africa. A 5 Gandentem patrios findere farculo 15 20 25 30 35 Te. HARE. CARMEN |