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Illum propofita mortis neceffitate, ad hilariter jucundeque vivendum invitet.

IFFUGERE nives: redeunt jam gramina

D campis,

Arboribufque comae !

Mutat terra vices; et decrefcentia ripas

Flumina praetereunt:

Gratia cum Nymphis geminifque fororibus audet 5. Ducere nuda choros.

Immortalia ne fperes, monet annus, et [a] almum
Quae rapit hora diem.

Frigora mitefcunt Zephiris; ver proterit aeftas,
Interitura, fimul.

Pomifer autumnus fruges effuderit; et mox

Bruma recurrit iners.

Damna tamen celeres reparant coeleftia lunae :
Nos ubi decidimus


Quo[b]pius Aeneas, quo Tullus, dives et Ancus 15 Pulvis et umbra fumus.

Quis fcit an adjiciant hodiernae craftina fummae

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By reprefenting to him the certainty of death, he exborts him to live in a chearful and a joyous manner.



HE fnows are diffolved away, the herbage now returns to the fields, and the leaves to the trees. The earth changes her viciffitudes, and the decreasing rivers glide along their banks: the elder grace, together with the nymphs, and her two fifters, dares now naked to lead up the dance. That you are not to expect things permanent here, the year, and the hour that hurries away the agree ble day, fufficiently convinces us. The colds are mitigated by the returning zephyrs; the fummer follows clofe upon the fpring, fhortly to die itself, as foon as fruitful autumn fhall fhed its ftores; and anon fluggith winter returns again. Nevertheless, the quick-revolving moons repair their wainings in the fkies but when we defcend, to thofe regions where the pious Aeneas, where Tullus and the wealthy Ancus have gone before us, we become nothing but duft and fhade. Who knows whether the gods above will add to this day's reckoning the Ipace of to-morrow? Every thing which you fhall indulge in your friendly genius, fhall efcape the greedy hands of your heir. When once, O Torquatus,

* There were three graces, Aglaia, Thalia, and Euphrosyne.

Cum femel occideris, et de te fplendida Minos
Fecerit arbitria;

Non, Torquate, genus, non te facundia, non te,
Reftituet pietas.

Infernis neque enim tenebris Diana pudicum
Liberat Hippolytum :

Nec Lethaea valet Thefeus abrumpere caro
Vincula Pirithoo.

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Immortalitatem penes poetas esse.

ONAREM pateras, grataque commodus,
Cenforine, meis aera fodalibus:

Donarem tripodas, praemia fortium

Graiorum: neque tu peffima munerum
Ferres, divite me fcilicet artium


Quas aut Parrhafius protulit, aut Scopas;
Hic faxo, liquidis ille coloribus


Solers nunc hominem ponere, nunc Deum.
Sed non haec mihi vis; non tibi talium
Res eft aut animus deliciarum egens.
Gaudes carminibus: carmina poffumus
Donare, et pretium dicere muneri.
Non incifa notis marmora publicis,
Per quae fpiritus et vita redit bonis



quatus, you fhall be dead, and Minos fhall have made his awful dicifions concerning you; not your family, not your eloquence, not even your piety fhall restore you to life. For neither can Diana free the chafte Hippolytus from infernal darkness: nor is Thefeus able to break off the Lethaean fetters from his dear Pirithous.



That the gift of immortality is in the power of the poets.

Cenforinus, with liberal heart I would prefent my acquaintance with goblets and beautiful vases of brass: I would prefent them with tripods, which were the rewards of the brave Grecians: nor will you bear off the meanest of my donations, if ever I become rich in those pieces of art, which either Parrhafias or Scopas produced; the latter in ftatuary, the former in liquid colours, eminent to portray at one time the image of a man, at another that of a God. But I have no store of this fort, nor do circumstances or inclination require any fuch curiofities as these. You delight in verses: verfes I can give, and set a value on the donation. Not marbles engraved with public infcriptions, by the means of which breath



and Cenforinus was very wealthy, and confequently was

fufficiently provided with elegant furniture.

Poft mortem ducibus; non celeres fugae;
Rejectaeque retrorfum Annibalis minae ;
Non incendia Carthaginis impiae
Ejus, qui domita nomen ab Africa
Lucratis rediit, clarius indicant
Laudes, quam Calabrae Pierides: neque
Si chartae fileant quod bene feceris,
Mercedem tuleris. quid foret Iliae
Mavortifque puer, f taciturnitas
Obftaret meritis invida Romuli?
Ereptum Stygiis fluctibus Aeacum
Virtus, et favor, et lingua potentium
Vatum divitibus confecrat infulis.
Dignum laude virum Mufa vetat mori :
Coelo Mufa beat. fic Jovis interest
Optatis epulis impiger Hercules:
Clarum Tyndaridae fidus ab infimis.
Quaffas eripiunt aequoribus rates :
Ornatus viridi tempora pampino
Liber vota bonos ducit ad exitus.





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