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Cornicis vetulae temporibus Lycen:
Poffent ut juvenes vifere fervidi,

Multo non fine rifu,

Dilapfam in cineres facem.




Drufi de Vindelicis, ac praefertim Tiberii de Rhoetis victorias Agufti aufpiciis ac felicitati adfcribit. UAE cura Patrum, quaeve Quiritium,

QPenis honorum muneribus tuas,

Augufte, virtutes in aevum

Per titulos memorefque faftos
Aeternet? O, qua fol habitabiles
Illuftrat oras, maxime principum,
Quem legis expertes Latinae
Vindelici didicere nuper

Quid Marte poffes. milite nam tuo
Drufus Genaunos, implacidum genus,

Breunofque veloces, et arces

Alpibus impofitas tremendis

Dejecit acer plus vice fimplici.

Major Neronum mox grave proelium
Commifit, immanefque Rhoetos
Aufpiciis pepulit fecundis :
Spectandus in certamine Martio,
Devota morti pectora liberae
Quantis [a] fatigaret ruinis:
Indomitas [b] prope qualis undas

[a] Quantis fatigarat ruinis.

[b] Indomitus prope qualis. BENTL





to be a rival in years with the aged raven: that the fervid young fellows might vifit, not without exceffive laughter, that torch, which once fo brightly fcorched, now reduced to ashes.



He afcribes the victory of Drufus over the Vindelici, and more especially that of Tiberius over the Rhoeti, to the aufpices and fuccefs of Auguftus.

WHAT zeal of the fenators, or what of the

Roman people, by decreeing the most ample honours, can eternize your virtues, O Auguftus, by monumental infcriptions, and lasting records? O thou, wherever the fun illuminates the habitable regions, greatest of princes, whom the Vindelici, that never experienced the Roman fway, have lately learned how powerful you are in war. For Drufus, by means of your foldiery, has more than once bravely overthrown the Genauni, an implacable race, and the rapid Breuni, and the citadels fituated on the tremendous Alps. The elder * of the Neroes foon after fought a terrible battle, and, by your propitious aufpices, fmote the ferocious Rhoeti: how worthy of admiration in the field of battle, to fee with what deftruction he oppreffed the brave hearts devoted to voluntary death: just as the fouth works the untamable waves, when the myftic


Exercet Auster, Pleiadum choro
Scindente nubes; impiger hoftium
Vexare turmas, et frementem
Mittere equum medios per ignes.
Sic tauriformis volvitur Aufidus,
Qui [a] regna Dauni praefluit Appuli,
Cum faevit, horrendamque cultis
Diluviem [b] meditatur agris ;
Ut barbarorum Claudius agmina
Ferrata vasto diruit impetu,

Primofque et extremos metendo
Stravit humum, fide clade victor;
Te copias, te confilium, et tuos
Praebente Divos. nam tibi, quo die
Portus Alexandria fupplex

Et vacuam patefecit aulam,
Fortuna luftro profpera tertio
Belli fecundos reddidit exitus,

Laudemque et optatum peractis
Imperiis decus arrogavit..

Te Cantaber non ante domabilis

Medufque, et Indus, te profugus Scythes

Miratur, O tutela praefens

Italiae, dominaeque Romae.

Te, fontium qui celat origines

Nilufque, et Ifter, te rapidus Tigris,

Te belluofus qui remotis

Obftrepit Oceanus Britannis, Te non paventis funera Galliae,

[a] Qua regna Dauni. BENTL.
[b] Diluviem minitatur agris.







mystic dance of the Pleiades cleaves the clouds; s is he strenuous to annoy the troops of the enemy, and to drive his eager fteed through the midst of flames. Thus the bull-formed* (or branching Aufidus, who washes the dominions of the Apulian Daunus, rolls, when he rages and meditates an horrible deluge to the cultivated lands; when Claudius overthrew, with impetuous might, the iron ranks of the barbarians, and by mowing down both front and rear, ftrewed the ground, victorious, without fuftaining any lofs on his fide; through your fupplying him with troops, with councils, and your own guardian powers. For, on that day, when the fuppliant Alexandria opened her ports and deferted court, fortune, propitious to you in the third luftrum, has put a happy period to the war, and has afcribed fresh praife, and the only wished-for honour to the victories already obtained. O thou dread guardian of Italy and imperial Rome. Thee the Spaniard, till now unconquered, and the Mede, and Indian; thee the vagrant Scythian admires ; thee both the Nile, who conceals his fountainheads, and the Danube; thee the rapid Tigris; thee the monster-bearing ocean that roars against the remote Britons; thee the region of Gaul, fearlefs

* The antient painters and sculptors used to give horns to the images of their river-gods.

+ See note to ODE IV. BOOK II.

This victory, obtained by Tiberius, left the world in peace, and Rome no more to wish for.

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Duraeque tellus audit Iberiae :
Te caede gaudentes Sicambri
Compofitis venerantur armis.



PHOEBUS volentem proelia me loqui,
Victas et urbes, increpuit, lyra;
Ne parva Tyrrhenum per aequor
Vela darem, tua, Cæfar, aetas
Fruges et agris rettulit uberes ;
Et figna noftro reftituit Jovi,
Derepta Parthorum fuperbis

Poftibus; et vacuum duellis

Janum [a] Quirini claufit; et ordinem
Rectum evaganti fraena licentiae
Injecit, emovitque culpas,

Et veteres revocavit artes";
quas Latinum nomen et Italae
Creverevires, framaque, et imperi
Porrecta majeftas ad ortum

Solis ab Hefperio cubili,

Cuftode rerum Caefare, non furor
Civilis, aut vis [b] exiget otium;
Non ira, quae procudit enfes,

Et miferas inimicat urbes.

[a] Janum Quirinum. PASSERATIUS.
[b] Vis eximet otium.







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