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lefs of death, and that of hardy Iberia obeys : thee the Sicambrians, who delight in flaughter, laying aside their arms, revere.


To AUGUSTUS, on the Reftoration of Peace.

PHOEBUS chided me, when I was meditating to fing of battles and conquered cities on the lyre; that I might not fet my little fails along the vaft Tyrrhenian fea. Your age, oh Cæfar, has both restored plenteous crops to the fields, and has brought back to our Jupiter* the Roman standards, torn from the proud pillars of the Parthians; and has fhut up the temple of Janus founded by Romulus, now free from the war; and has impofed a due difcipline upon head-ftrong licentioufnefs, and has extirpated crimes, and recalled the antient arts; by which the Latine name and strength of Italy have increased, and the fame and majesty of the empire is extended from the fun's western bed, even to the east. While Cæfar is at the head of affairs, neither civil rage, nor violence, fhall disturb the general tranquillity; nor hatred which forges fwords and fets at variance unhappy ftates. Not thofe,

The temple of Jupiter Capitolinus.


Non qui profundum Danubium bibunt,
Edicta rumpent Julia; non Getae,
Non Seres, infidive Perfae,

Non Tanaim prope flumen orti.
Nofque et profeftis lucibus et facris,
Inter jocofi munera Liberi,

Cum prole, matronifque noftris,
Rite Deos prius apprecati,

Virtute functos, more patrum, duces,
Lydis remifto carmine tibiis,

Trojamque, et Anchifen, et almae

Progeniem Veneris canemus.




who drink of the deep Danube, fhall now break the Julian edicts; not the Getae, not the Seres, or the perfidious Perfians, nor thofe born upon the river Tanais. And let us, both on common and festal days, amidst the gifts of joyous Bacchus, to gether with our wives and families, having first duly invoked the gods, celebrate, after the manner of our ancestors, with songs accompanied with Lydian pipes, our late valiant commanders, and Troy, and Anchifes, and the offspring of benign Venus.








Ad bellum Actiacum profecturo comitem fe offert.

TBIS Liburnis inter alta navium,
Amice, propugnacula,

Paratus omne Cæfaris periculum

Subire, Maecenas, tuo.

Quid nos? Quibus te vita [a] fi fuperftite
Jucunda; fi contra, gravis:

Utrumne juffi perfequemur otium
Non dulce, ni tecum fimul?

[a] Vita fit fuperftite.

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Horace offers to accompany him on his departure for the Actian expedition.

YOU will go, my friend Maecenas, with Liburnian gallies amongst the towering forts of Antony's large fhips, ready at your own hazard to undergo any of Cæfar's dangers. What fhall I do? to whom life may indeed be agreeable if you furvive, but, if otherwife, it will be infupportable. Whether fhall I at your commands purfue my eafe, which cannot be pleafing unless in your company?


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