ODE XXX To VENUS. Horace invokes Venus to be present at Glycera's private facrifice. VENUS, queen of Cnidos and Paphos, neglect your favourite Cyprus, and transport yourself into the beautiful temple of Glycera, who is invoking you with abundance of frankincenfe. Let your fervid fon haften along with you, and the graces, with their zones loofed, and the nymphs, and youth difagreeable without you, and Mercury. ODE XXXI. To APOLLO. That a found fate of body and mind, together with a tafte for poetry, exceeds all other blefings of life. WHAT does the poet beg from the confecrat ed Shrine of Phoebus? What does he pray for, while he pours from the flagon the first libation of wine? Not the rich crops of fertile Sardinia : not the goodly flocks of the fcorched Calabria: not gold, or Indian ivory: not those countries, which the still river Liris eats away with its filent ftreams. Premant [a] Calena falce, quibus dedit Vina Syra reparata merce, Dis carus ipfis ; quippe ter & quater Me cichorea, levefque malvæ. Frui paratis & valido mihi,. CARMEN XXXII. AD LYRAM. 15 15 20 Rogatus feculare carmen fcribere, lyram fuam precatur Horatius ut cantus argumento pares fibi fuggerat. Poscimus [c] Si quid vacui fub umbra Lufimus tecum, quod & hunc in annum Vivat & plures, age, dic Latinum, Barbite, carmen, Lefbio primum, modulate civi: Qui ferox bello, tamen inter arma, Litore navim; Liberum, & Mufas, Veneremque, & illi Et Lycum nigris oculis nigroque Crine decorum. 5 10 O decus [a] Premant Calenem. BENTL. [b] Divet ut aureis. [c] Pofcimus.-vacui tub antro. ftreams. Let thofe, to whom fortune has given the Calenian vineyards, prune them with a hooked knife and let the wealthy merchant drink out of golden cups, the wines procured by his Syrian merchandize, favoured by the gods themselves, for as much as without lofs he vifits three or four O thou fon times a year the Atlantic fea. Me olives fupport, me fuccories and emollient mallows. of Latona, grant me to enjoy my acquifitions, and to have my health, together with an unimpaired understanding, I befeech thee; and that I may not lead a difhonourable old age, nor one deprived of a tafte for mufic. ODE XXXII. TO HIS LYRE. Being defired to write a fecular ode, Horace invokes his lyre to affift him with firains equal to the subject. WE E are now called upon. If in idle amufement in the fhade with you, we have played any thing that may live for this year and many, come on, affift me with a lyric ode in latin, my dear lyre,-first turned in Greek by the Lefbian citizen Alcaus: who fierce in war, yet amidft arms, or if he had made faft to the watery fhore his tofled veffel, fung Bacchus, and the mufes, and Venus, and the boy her ever clofe attendant, and Lycus, lovely for his black eyes and jetty locks, thou VOL. I. E Oinament O decus Phœbi, & dapibus fupremi 1 CARMEN XXXIII. AD ALBIUM TIBULLUM. 15 Solatur eum aliorum exemplo, qui amantes non reda ΑΙ mentur, LBI, ne dolea's plus nimio, memor Decantes elegos, cur tibi junior Læfa præniteat fide. Infignem tenui fronte Lycorida Cyri torret amor: Cyrus in afperam Quam turpi Pholoe peccet adultero. Ipfum me melior cum peteret Venus, Curvantis Calabros finus. 5 ΤΟ 15 CARMEN [a] Mihi, cuique, falve. BENTL ornament of Apollo, charming fhell, agreeable even at the banquets of fupreme Jupiter! O thou fweet alleviator of anxious toils, be propitious to me, whenever I duly invoke thee. ODE XXXIII. To ALBIUS TIBULLUS. He endeavours to comfort him by inftancing others who were in love without a mutual return. GRI RIEVE not too much, my Albius, thoughtful of cruel Glycera; nor chant your mournful elegies, becaufe having forfeited her faith, a younger man is more agreeable than you in her eyes. Behold a love for Cyrus inflames Lycoris, diftinguished for her delicate little forhead:* Cyrus follows the rough-fpun Pholoe; but fhe-goats fhall fooner be united to the Apulian wolves, than Pholoe fhall commit a crime with a bafe adulterer. Such is the will of Venus, who delights in cruel fport to fubject to her brazen yokes perfons and tempers ill-fuited to each other. As for myself, the flave-born Myrtale, more untractable than the Adriatic fea, that forms the Calabrian gulfs, intangled me in a pleafing chain, at the very time a more eligible love courted my embraces. * The ancients thought a small forhead a great beauty, and the ladies affected it in their drefs. |