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unsafe to any but

the dead, the satire

must be

Scribendi, quodcumque animo flagrante liberet
Simplicitas, cujus non audeo dicere nomen ?
Quid refert, dictis ignoscat Mucius, an non ?
Pone Tigellinum: taeda lucebis in illa,

restricted Qua stantes ardent, qui fixo gutture fumant,
Et latum media sulcum diducis arena.




"Qui dedit ergo tribus patruis aconita, vehatur
Pensilibus plumis atque illinc despiciat nos ?"
Quum veniet contra, digito compesce labellum. 160
Accusator erit, qui verbum dixerit: Hic est!
Securus licet Aeneam Rutulumque ferocem
Committas: nulli gravis est percussus Achilles,
Aut multum quaesitus Hylas urnamque sequutus.
Ense velut stricto quoties Lucilius ardens
Infremuit, rubet auditor, cui frigida mens est
Criminibus; tacita sudant praecordia culpa.
Inde irae et lacrumae. Tecum prius ergo voluta

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153. dic. nomen] even to mention the name." 154-157. Mucius] i. e. one of the old nobility. 66 They would probably not be offended at it But what good is that ?-Delineate Tigellinus and you will be tortured." Tigellinus was Nero's favourite and accomplice in the burning of Rome: hence the reference in 1. 155-157.


155-157.] There is a difficulty in this passage, from the verb in the last line. Either "diducis" must be read, and joined with the future "lucebis;" or "diducit," joined with the plural "fumant." nieaning is however clear. The tortures described were those inflicted on the Christians by Nero, on the charge of having caused the great fire of Rome, A.D. 65 (Tac. Ann. xv. 38. 44): 1. 156, is the burning at the stake, a sword being placed under the chin, so that they stood "with rigid (fixo) neck :" 1. 157, is the dragging on a hurdle to the place of execution. Probably it is best to adopt diducis," and keep the strict future and present force

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of the two verbs. The rendering will then be "you are on your way to blaze (lit. you will blaze) in that torch in which the wretches stand and burn, who smoke with rigid neck, and you are already scooping a wide furrow in the mid-sand ;" i. e. on the hurdle.

155. taeda] The words of Tacitus (1. c. above) are "in usum nocturni luminis urerentur."


159. plumis] "down;" (lit. feathers:)-the stuffed cushion of the 'lectica.' Pensilibus;' because carried on the bearer's shoulders. Translate "aloft on down."

161. Accusator erit] sub. “ejus, qui," &c. "There will soon be some one to inform against him."

163, 164.] "You may compose on mythical subjects (cf. 1. 2—11) as you will."

163. Committas] "Pit," i. e. make them to do battle in verse, as Virgil did. The term was used properly of gladiators.

165. quoties] "But whenever." 166. infremuit] The preterite with the force of the Greek aorist.

Haec animo ante tubas. Galeatum sero duelli
Poenitet." Experiar, quid concedatur in illos,
Quorum Flaminia tegitur cinis atque Latina." 171

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Austere Ultra Sauromatas fugere hinc libet et glacialem theories, Oceanum, quoties aliquid de moribus audent, practice. Qui Curios simulant et Bacchanalia vivunt :

and easy


Indocti primum; quamquam plena omnia gypso
Chrysippi invenias. Nam perfectissimus horum est,
Si quis Aristotelem similem vel Pittacon emit, 6
Et jubet archetypos pluteum servare Cleanthas.
Rarus sermo illis et magna lubido tacendi,
Atque supercilio brevior coma.
Verius ergo
Et magis ingenue Peribomius. Hunc ego fatis
Imputo, qui vultu morbum incessuque fatetur.
Horum simplicitas miserabilis ; his furor ipse
Dat veniam sed pejores, qui talia verbis
Herculis invadunt, et de virtute loquuti.

2. audent] sub. "disserere." 3.] The reference is probably to M. Curius Dentatus, the conqueror of Pyrrhus. Cf. Hor. Ep. i. 1. 64 ('maribus Curiis').

4. primum] "to begin with." ib. gypso] i. e. busts of that material.

5. Chrysippi A well-known Stoic, pupil of Cleanthes, and often spoken of as if he had founded the school. See Hor. Sat. 3. 34, "Chrysippi porticus et grex." It was really founded by Zeno, the master of Cleanthes.

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'Cleanthas' see note on 1. 5.
15. supercilio brevior coma] "hair
clipped shorter than the eyebrow."

16. Peribomius] Some notorious rake of the day or perhaps a fictitious name from περιβώμιος. See Liddell and Scott's Gr. Dict. in


16-18. Hunc horum-his] Men of the stamp of Peribomius.

17. imputo] "I put down to."

19, 20. talia-invadunt] Engage in practices similar to those of Peribomius. Verbis Herculis :' the reference is probably to the well-known "choice of Hercules," quoted in Xenophon, Mem. ii. 1. 21, from the orator Prodicus; and cf. Cic. de Offic. i. 32. In early youth virtue

Female senti

ments on the subject.


Loripedem rectus derideat, Aethiopem albus.
Quis tulerit Gracchos de seditione querentes ?
Quis coelum terris non misceat et mare coelo, 25
Si fur displiceat Verri, homicida Miloni,
Clodius accuset moechos, Catilina Cethegum ?
In tabulam Sullae si dicant discipuli tres?
Qualis erat nuper tragico pollutus adulter
Concubitu, qui tunc leges revocabat amaras
Omnibus, atque ipsis Veneri Martique timendas.
Nonne igitur jure ac merito vitia ultima fictos
Contemnunt Scauros, et castigata remordent? 35
Non tulit ex illis torvum Lauronia quemdam
Clamantem toties: "Ubi nunc lex Julia? dormis?"
Ad quem subridens: "Felicia tempora, quae te
Moribus opponunt! Habeat jam Roma pudorem!

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27. Cat. Cethegum] Note on Sat. viii. 232.

28. tab. Sullae] The famous "proscription," lit."list." After the battle under the walls of Rome (B.C. 82), which finally crushed the Marian party, Sulla, who was now master of Rome, published lists of outlawry (proscriptio'), comprising all the leading names of the opposite faction. The property of any one thus named was ipso facto confiscated, and he might be killed with impunity. Several thousands perished in the "Reign of Terror" thus established.

ib. discipuli tres] i. e. the triumvirate of Antony, Lepidus, and Augustus. It was formed B.C. 43; avowedly, to prosecute the war against the murderers of Caesar, but really in

furtherance of the designs of Au-* gustus, who thought it best to temporize with Antony. The triumvirs commenced by a proscription of the republican party almost as bloody as that of Sulla; hence "discipuli."

29. adulter] Domitian, who seduced his niece Julia, the granddaughter of Vespasian. See Macleane ad loc.

29, 30. tragico-concubitu] Translate, "by a frightful connexion :" lit. " tragic;" i. e. as fit a subject for tragedy as Oedipus.

30. leges revocabat amaras] Reenacted the Lex Julia (of Augustus) 'de adulteriis' (1. 37).

31. ipsis timendas] Note on Sat. x. 314.

34. ultima] "extreme." "Vitia :' used for those who practise them.

34, 35.]these counterfeit Scauri" i. e. great men; as in Hor. Od. i. 12. 37,"Regulum et Scauros referam.' The reference is to the two M. Aemilii Scauri, father and son; the former censor and twice consul, and the latter famous for his magnificent celebration of the public games in his aedileship, B.C. 58.

36. Lauronia] Some licentious lady of the day.

Tertius e coelo cecidit Cato. Sed tamen unde 40
Haec emis, hirsuto spirant opobalsama collo
Quae tibi? Ne pudeat dominum monstrare taber-


Quod si vexantur leges ac jura, citari


Ante omnes debet Scatinia. Respice primum Et scrutare viros: faciunt hi plura; sed illos Defendit numerus junctaeque umbone phalanges. Magna inter molles concordia. Non erit ullum Exemplum in nostro tam detestabile sexu. tations of Numquid nos agimus causas? civilia jura

Male imi


42. tabernae] Note on Sat. vii. the other hand, the greatest weight

'are raked up."

220, 221 (extr.). 43. vexantur] ib. leges ac jura]


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66 enactments

and rules of law." 4 At Rome, as with ourselves, the primary sources of law were twofold: legislative enactment ("lex"), our "statute or "written law, and immemorial custom ("mos"), our common,' "customary," or "unwritten" law; whether as affecting the whole community, or particular places or persous. The "lex" was of course comprised in the collection of "leges "like our "Acts of Parliament;" while the "mos" was ascertained by authoritative decisions either affirming or implying it. In this sense the terms are distinguished by Horace, "Mos et lex maculosum edomuit nefas." Od. iv. 5. 22.

Besides these two sources, however, there will necessarily be a third, viz. the development of the general principles, both of "lex" and "mos," by their application, in the course of litigation, to the features of particular cases: thus, practically, evolving from day to day, a body of new law. With us, this is the exclusive province of the Law Courts, whose decisions, until reversed, are of binding authority in all similar cases. At Rome, as on the Continent now, the decisions of the Courts had not this force; but on

was attached to the opinions of juris consulti,' which came to the same thing.

Combining the above remarks, it will be seen that what the law in fact was on any given point, would be ascertained, partly from the written "leges," (with which may be classed senatus consulta," and praetors' edicts,) and partly from these authoritative expositions as well of the "mos" itself as of the developments in detail both of the



and "lex." The entire body of law thus ascertained was "jus," or "jus civile." Leges' and jura' were its subdivisions, the former comprising what was ascertained from the written law; the latter, what was ascertained from the other sources above referred to. (It should be observed, that jura' means also the several provisions of a 'lex.')

44. Scatinia] sub. "lex." An early law against effeminate persons; the molles' of 1. 47.

46. junctae umbone (for 'umbonibus;' i. e. clypeis') phalanges] The well-known testudo,' made by joining the shields, under cover of which a scaling party advanced to the assault. The meaning here of course is, "your number and combination protects you."

51-57.] "You cannot say (5153) that we, except in rare cases,

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