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One of the 250,000 who provide Bell Service.

At Your Service

Imagine a bird's-eye view of the United States. Imagine it criss-crossed with telephone wires or underground cables connecting every city, town and hamlet. Imagine these wires reaching nearly 14,000,000 destinations-in city homes and offices and in 2,500,000 farmhouses.

Imagine all this and your vision is still short of the truth regarding the Bell System. A telephone at your elbow, a wire circuit to your farthest neighbor. Apparatus which embodies the latest developments of an army of trained scientists. The picture is still incomplete.

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In every center of popu lation is a telephone exchange and an organization of skilled workers to give life to the nation-wide facilities of communication. Every circuit must be tested; every inch of wire watched and kept in repair; every switchboard operated day and night.

But that is not all. There is the new construction to meet

the increasing needs of the telephone-using public. Every day, from one end of the country to the other, thousands of crews of linemen and cablemen, and installers of every kind of telephone equipment, carry on this work with the continued growth of the nation.




One Policy, One System, Universal Service, and all directed toward Better Service

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While cards, and tea-rooms, and the latest play

Will reap their easy millions, through the week.

You cannot sense the things of which I speak.

You are not heartless. Could I only lay
One baby's body at your feet to-day,
Or here and now bring swift before your

One mother watching by her child that dies,

You would be pitiful, would strain to give,

And thousands doomed by apathy would live.

Great God of Nations, give me words to stir

These sleek-fed aisles of broadcloth and of fur!


N Mr. Irving Bacheller's "What's the Matter?" a surprising statement as to the traveled John Milton meets the eye. He says of Shakespeare: "Never in all his life, probably, did he travel so far as we go in a round trip from New York to Boston." Very good thus far; but he adds: "The same is true of Milton." Please tell us this is a typographi cal interpolation instead of something that has escaped the editorial scrutiny. That these observations may have a modicum of completeness, witness the brief account of Milton's travels. Though the elder John Milton was not a man of wealth, he was anxious to round out the education of his son as an English gentleman. Travel was almost the invaria ble elective in the education of an Eng lish gentleman. In April, 1638, Milton was on his way across the Channel for a Continental tour. He went to Paris, Nice, Genoa, and to Florence. In the last city he frequented the academies and met Galileo, saw his astronomical looked through his

"glass." He next spent two months in

Naples lay next in his tour, whence he planned to go to Sicily and to Greece, but the news of the critical stage of the contest between Charles I and Parliament brought his journey to a premature end. But even then he did

Two more months

He left Rome for

brief sojourns in Ferrara, Venice, and

Geneva. He arrived

in England in

August, 1639, having spent about sixteen

months in travel.

Alliance, Ohio.

CLAUDE KINNICK, Professor of English.

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This rather cumbersome name means the private corporation which has been established by a treaty between the States of New Jersey and New York for the proper development of the harbor of New York as a great receiving and exporting shipping port. Governor Smith's article will be of vital interest to the inhabitants of the region of New York who are desirous of preserving their business interests, and equally vital to the farmers and manufacturers of the West who wish to distribute their products on the Eastern seaboard in an ecoEnomical fashion. Governor Smith was born in New York in 1873.

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CANFIELD, whose married name is Mrs. J. R. Fisher, is widely known as an American writer of fiction and as a contributor to many magazines, of which The Outlook is proud to be one. In addition to the five announced stories in the series of "Human Byways" (of which the fourth appears in this issue) The Outlook has accepted a new article of the same character which relates to Mrs. Fisher's own great-grandmother, and which seems to us perhaps the finest study of New England character which we have had from her pen.

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Vacation fares



The National Park Line

much cheaper
this year

to our wondrous West

-the place for your vaca

tion, an Empire of Enchant-
ment, unmatched in its
outdoor possibilities.

Go via the Burlington-you'll like its in-
viting hospitality, its thoughtful attention
to your comfort and convenience. Fare
substantially reduced; Government taxes

Write for free book describing region that
interests you. If you want more than one book,
send 6c for postage. P. S. Eustis, Passenger
Traffic Manager, C. B. & Q. R. R., Chicago

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The Financial Department is prepared to furnish information regarding standard investment securities, but cannot undertake to advise the purchase of any specific security. It will give to inquirers facts of record or information resulting from expert investigation, and a nominal charge of one dollar per inquiry will be made for this special service. All letters of inquiry should be addressed to THE OUTLOOK FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York TO PROMOTE RECOVERY


OT long ago a letter came to us from a woman who asked


our opinion of a number of speculative stocks she was holding on margin. She wrote glibly of the expected "spring rise" in the stock market, and wondered if she had best sell out and take her profit when it was over, or wait until the end of the year and make still more money. Who said that there is a "spring rise" coming, and, if any one did say it, what sound basis has he for such a statement? People who make predictions about the future course of the stock market are liable to get themselves and their friends into considerable trouble, and merely because we want a thing to happen is no guaranty that it will happen.

Nothing in this world happens by chance.

Perhaps a "spring rise" is coming. We hope it is; but we should like to see any one who could convince us that it is a certainty. The plain truth is that nobody knows, and any man or woman who speculates on the fluctuations of stock prices is going to lose a lot of money some day.

All of this is somewhat beside the point we want to make, which is that we hear a great deal of talk nowadays about business recovery. Almost any one will tell you that things are certain to be better soon, but not many can give reasons for their belief that this is so. Like the woman and her "spring rise," they want business to be better, and therefore they think it will be. We too think things are improving; but before our industrial life can be put back upon a sound and permanent

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Why Straus Bonds
Are Safe

HE standard first mortgage real estate bonds underwritten by


S. W. STRAUS & Co. offer you real safety and the best interest
return consistent with safety, because-

They are backed by our record of 40 years without loss to any investor.
They are safeguarded by the time-tested scientific provisions of the
Straus Plan.

They are based upon the best security-improved income-producing
real estate.

For forty years these bonds have given thousands of investors safety,
satisfaction, and an assured income. Not one of these investors has
ever lost a dollar on any STRAUS bond or been compelled to wait a
day for payment of either principal or interest.

Investigate this record and these bonds. Our booklet "40 Years Without
Loss to Any Investor," is yours for the asking. Write today and specify
Booklet D-1205


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asis there is still much work to be


There are international problems to de solved, and, while some of the naons are getting their affairs in shape nd are well started on the road to revery, others, of which Russia is a otorious example, are in a chaotic state ith no prospect of prompt betterment. he foreign market for American goods as largely disappeared, and one of the hain causes of our present business epression is our inability to sell our urplus of goods abroad. Another thorn the flesh of business is the fact that uyers, not yet convinced that prices re on a permanent basis, are unwilling o commit themselves for any appreciale time in advance; they are ordering or immediate needs, and nothing else. The result is that business is a sort of and-to-mouth, day-to-day affair, slow oving and spasmodic. Politics, in Vashington and in other parts of the world, have played their part in hinderng the recovery we all of us so earnestly lesire.

Again, after every period of proserity there comes a corresponding time ef depression. During our post-war ination years there was a demand for all inds of goods, and not only were the arge concerns taxed to capacity to suply the buyers' wants, but numberless ittle companies sprang into being all ver the country. So long as business vas good the little fellows prospered, out when the demand for their products liminished, and in many cases disapeared altogether, they were not suffi lently strong to weather the storm. ailures have been common and numerus; the "weeding-out process" is going n, and, while it means hardship for nany, the results are bound to put busiless as a whole on a sounder basis.

What it all amounts to is that we are obliged to heal the wounds suffered by whole world at war. It is not easy nd it cannot take place overnight. There has been a violent, though natual, reaction from the period of inflaion and prosperity through which, we lave passed, but it seems to us that we an depend upon our new banking and redit system to see us safely through. t stood up under the strain of the bigest war in history, and it would seem is if we were justified in pinning on it jur hopes of ultimate recovery.

One thing, however, we should bear constantly in mind, and that is that our resent world is different from the one ve liyed in before the war. New probems must be faced and there are new obs to be done. On the other hand, we hould also remember that the economic undamentals are always the same, unhanged and unchanging. And it does not pay to try short cuts. People who ttempt them sooner or later invariably -ome to grief. Fine theories are promulgated which fool people for a time, nd rainbow chasing becomes a popular port with those who are averse to facng facts, but eventually the old truths ssert themselves and the time spent in worshiping false gods proves to have een wasted.

Schemes for revolutionizing our bankng system, for issuing new kinds of

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N every city, no matter how small, there are some manufacturers and business men who make it a point to be in New York once or oftener during the year.

The Equitable has the privilege of serving hundreds of them. They arrive, register at the hotel, make their business calls, and then drop in at The Equitable.

Sometimes they have banking business to transact; sometimes they want merely to check up their own business observations and opinions with those of men at the heart of the financial district. In either case their welcome is equally cordial and sincere.

We shall be glad to have you numbered in this company of The Equitable's friends from out of town. Come in on your next visit to New York. You will bring us information from your section that will be of value to us; and we shall find ways to make our service valuable to you. Our Uptown Office, on Madison Avenue at 45th Street, is convenient to your hotel.

Send for our booklet "Equitable Service"


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money, for making one section of the country pay taxes for all the rest, at tempts at class legislation, and political dilly-dallying all collapse of their own accord eventually. Our industrial and social structure is a delicate and intri cate piece of mechanism made up of countless wheels, and every wheel has cogs in it and every part of the machine must do its work if the whole is to func tion properly. Which means to say that every one of us is a part of the big machine and it is for us to see to it that we do nothing to clog the wheels. We all know what our job is, and we can do the most good to ourselves and every one else by sticking to it. How often it has happened that a man who has made a success in one line of business thinks that fact proves that he can make a suc cess of anything he tries, and the result is complete failure! Because a man is a great manufacturer or inventor is no reason to suppose that he is also a great banker or railway man. If every man would do his own work and not try to settle all the affairs of the rest of the world, the world and the man himself would be better off, and in the present instance our industrial recovery would be immeasurably easier. Every man is but a cog in the wheel, and if he tries to take the place of the wheel itself the whole machine is going to slow down.

People are learning this lesson gradually. They must learn it if good is to result, and the knowledge may be gained either of a man's own accord or from bitter experience. Unfortunately, many people learn only from experience, although it is perfectly possible to profit by what others have done. The recent disclosures in regard to bucket shops and the thousands of people fleeced by them are only further evidences of the fact that Barnum was right, and that, in spite of countless similar experiences proving the futility of trying to get rich without work, there is always a crop of people ready to try it. And no doubt many will blame Wall Street. But if any one would take the trouble to think about it, why should what is known as Wall Street be blamed for the operations of certain dishonest persons who rent offices in New York's financial district? As a matter of fact, the business men of Wall Street, the real Wall Street, probably have less sympathy with dishonesty than any body of individuals in

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