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"Minerva-like, majestic Mary moves,

Law, Latin, liberty, learned Lucy loves,
Eliza's elegance each eye espies,

Serenely silent Susan smiles surprise,

From fops, fools, flattery, fairest Fanny flies."

The best of this class of poems, however, is said to be the following:


"Ardentem aspicio atque arrectis auribus asto."- Virgil.

An Austrian army, awfully arrayed,

Boldly by battery besieged Belgrade;

Cossack commanders cannonading come,
Dealing destruction's devastating doom;
Every endeavour engineers essay

For fame, for fortune, forming furious fray;
Gaunt gunners grapple, giving gashes good;
Heaves high his head heroic hardihood;
Ibrahim, Islam, Ismail, imps in ill,

Jostle John, Jarovlitz, Jem, Joe, Jack, Jill,
Kick kindling Kutosoff, kings' kingsmen kill;

Labour low levels loftiest, longest lines;

Men marched 'mid moles, 'mid mounds, 'mid murd'rous mines.

Now nightfall's near, now needful nature nods,
Opposed, opposing, overcoming odds.

Poor peasants, partly purchased, partly pressed,
Quite quaking, Quarter! quarter! quickly quest.

Reason returns, recalls redundant rage,

Saves sinking soldiers, softens seigniors sage.

Truce, Turkey, truce! truce, treach'rous Tartar train ! Unwise, unjust, unmerciful Ukraine,

Vanish, vile vengeance! vanish, victory vain!

Wisdom wails war-wails warring words. What were
Xerxes, Xantippe, Ximenes, Xavier ?

Yet Yassey's youth, ye yield your youthful yest,
Zealously, zanies, zealously, zeal's zest.

The foregoing has been variously imitated, and here are a few specimens:

Arthur asked Amy's affection;
Bet, being Benjamin's bride,
Coolly cut Charlie's connection;
Deborah, Dicky denied.
Eleanor's eye, efficacious,

Frederick's fatality feels;

Giles gained Georgiana-good gracious!

Harry hates Helen's high heels.

Isaac is Isabel's idol;

Jenny jeers Jonathan Jones;

Katherine knows knock-knee'd Kit Kriedal ;

Love's leering Lucy's long bones.

Mary meets mortifications;

Nicholas Nancy neglects;

Oliver's odd observations

Proves Peter poor Patty protects.

Quaker Quintilian's queer quibbles
Red Rachel's reasons resist :
Soft Simon's sympathy scribbles
Tales to tall Tabitha Twist.

Urs'la unthinking, undoing
Volatile Valentine's vest;
William's wild wickeder wooing

'Xceeds youthful Zelica's zest.


Awake Aurora! and across all airs
By brilliant blazon banish boreal Bears,
Crossing cold Canope's celestial crown,
Deep darts descending dive delusive down.
Entranced each eve Europa's every eye
Firm fixed forever fastens faithfully,
Greets golden guerdon gloriously grand;
How holy Heaven holds high His hollow hand!

Ignoble Ignorance, inapt indeed,

Jeers jestingly just Jupiter's jereed!

Knavish Khamschatkans, knightly Kurdsmen know
Long Labrador's light lustre looming low;
'Midst myriad multitudes majestic might
No nature nobler numbers Neptune's night.
Opal of Oxus, or old Ophir's ores,

Pale Pyrrhic pyres prismatic purple pours-
Quiescent quivering, quickly, quaintly queer,
Rich, rosy, regal rays resplendent rear ;

Strange shooting streamers, streaking starry skies,
Trail their triumphant tresses-trembling ties.
Unseen, unhonoured Ursa-underneath,

Veiled, vanquished-vainly vying-vanisheth :
Wild Woden, warning, watchful-whispers wan
Xanthitic Xeres, Xerxes, Xenophon,

Yet yielding yesternight, Yules yell yawns
Zenith's zebraic zigzag, Zodiac zones.


Andrew Airpump asked his aunt her ailment.
Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit.

Captain Crackscull cracked a catchpoll's coxcomb.
Davy Doldrum dreamt he drove a dragon.

Enoch Elkrig eat an empty eggshell.

Francis Fripple flogged a Frenchman's filly.
Gaffer Gilpin got a goose and gander.

Humphrey Hunchback had a hundred hedgehogs.
Inigo Impey itched for an Indian image.
Jumping Jackey jeered a jesting juggler.
Kimbo Kemble kicked his kinsman's kettle.
Lanky Lawrence lost his lass and lobster.
Matthew Mendlegs missed a mangled monkey.
Neddy Noodle nipped his neighbour's nutmegs.
Oliver Oglethorpe ogled an owl and oyster.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pepper.
Quixote Quixite quizzed a queerish quidbox.
Rawdy Rumpus rode a rawboned racer.
Sammy Smellie smelt a smell of small coal.

Tiptoe Tommy turned a Turk for twopence.
Uncle Usher urged an ugly urchin.

Villiam Veedy viped his vig and vaistcoat.
Walter Waddle won a walking wager.

X, Y, Z have made my brains to crack O

X smokes, Y snuffs, Z chews too strong tobacco.
Though oft by X, Y, Z much lore is taught,

Still Peter Piper beats them all to naught.

The preceding is a literary folly indeed; and though the following is not much better, it is at least sensible:


Adored and angelic Amelia, accept an ardent and artless amourist's 'affection, alleviate an anguished admirer's alarms, and answer an amorous applicant's ardour. Ah, Amelia! all appears an awful aspect. Ambition, avarice, and arrogance, alas! are attractive allurements, and abuse an ardent attachment. Appease an aching and affectionate adorer's alarms, and anon acknowledge affianced Albert's alliance as acceptable and agreeable. Anxiously awaiting an affectionate and affirmative answer, accept an admirer's aching adieu. Always angelic and adorable Amelia's affectionate amourist, Albert.


Charles X., x-king of France, was xtravagantly xtolled, but is xceedingly xecrated. He xhibited xtraordinary

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