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of our Air Service. The problem is complicated enough without the injection of the hostilities and feuds of individuals.

Exit Hylan


OOKING across the continent, Mayor Hylan, of New York City, saw James Rolph, Jr., in his fourteenth year and fourth term as Mayor of San Francisco. Why should New York be deprived of the further services of the best Mayor it had ever had, as he had often been assured, simply because he had already served two terms? The answer was given on primary day, and it was expressed in the single word "Tammany." Governor Smith, who had supported him for election four years ago, led the fight against the Mayor on behalf of James J. Walker, and won a great victory.

tion. Within the State his political power was very nearly, if not quite, supreme. La Follette politically was Wisconsin personified.

Arrayed against the Mayor was practically every newspaper of the city with the exception of the Hearst press. Mayor Hylan's denunciation of the newspapers as servants of the "traction crowd" and of Wall Street was not intelligent, but it hardly warranted the treatment which the press gave him in this campaign. Weak and faulty as Mr. Hylan's administration of the city has been, it has not lacked certain merits. The newspapers of New York would have had more influence in guiding public opinion if they had been discriminating critics of John F. Hylan. As it is, it seems likely that if Tammany controls. the next administration it will pay as little heed to the criticism of the press as John F. Hylan did.

Mr. Waterman, who won an overwhelming victory in the Republican primaries, is now Tammany's outstanding opponent. His problem is to secure support of independent voters who find in Tammany's history little reason for supporting Tammany's candidate. Mr. Hylan has said that if Tammany were to win New York would be "wide open." What reason is there for doubting it?

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During his lifetime he found an able lieutenant in his son, Robert M. La Fol

Great Britain's Industrial Crisis

"Great Britain is to-day uneasy over her economic position. A year ago it seemed as if the country were at last overcoming the aftermath of war... Twelve months of so-called 'tranquillity' have, however, revealed an industrial change, sudden, swift, and for the worse."

What this change is, how it vitally affects British labor, British British industry, and politics, P. W. Wilson explains simply and clearly in next week's issue of The Outlook. To read this article is to gain an understanding of one of the world's most pressing economic problems.

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Those sympathetic with the National Republican organization will support, rather unhopefully, an independent nominee, Mr. Dithmar. Primaries in Wisconsin are open to all kinds of voters; and, moreover, the great majority of the voters in Wisconsin are nominally Republican. There is little indication that the death of Senator La Follette has made much change in what is called Progressivism in Wisconsin.

New Developments in Radio


LEADING radio engineer from the Mid-West attending the Radio World's Fair and the National Radio Exposition in New York was asked if he felt that the ultimate in radio had been attained.

"No, indeed," he said; "radio is far from the ultimate point of perfection. I should say it is now in the stage where the automobile was when the six-cylinder engine appeared on the market. We can always expect improvements and refinements in broadcast receivers from year to year, just as the motorist looks forward to a new model car each season.'

There was scarcely a unit of a receiving set on display at the New York shows which did not incorporate some improvement. Many of the refinements were slight, but when all are grouped together and wired within a cabinet they tend for a more perfect machine that can be easily operated by any member of the family.

It was apparent to radio enthusiasts visiting the shows that improved tone quality, simplified control, and circuits which dispense with batteries and use the house-lighting current are the outstanding developments this season.

Manufacturers point out that the public now buys radio for its entertainment value instead of to fulfill a desire to hunt about the dials for feeble waves from far-away cities. This has forced engineers to improve tone quality and make the radio set truly a musical instrument, capable of reproducing broadcasts with entire fidelity. Therefore the tin horn loudspeakers have been the center of attack, because this unit which transforms the electrical impulses back into sound has been responsible for much distortion in radio concerts.

It was evident at the shows that the goose-neck loudspeaker is fast losing favor and is destined to the same fate as

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the horn of the early phonograph. The popular reproducers this season are in the form of a disk about eighteen inches in diameter, or a unit built in an elaborate cabinet resembling a piece of furniture. The housewife is largely responsible for the gradual disappearance of the horn, because she is the chief advocate of something more decorative than an ungainly funnel in the living-room. The want of a more artistic reproducer and the fact that listeners are becoming more critical of tone quality necessitated the development of the radio receiver primarily as a musical instrument.

There was one loudspeaker at the Grand Central Palace designed as an attractive piece of furniture, and different from all others in performance and mode of operation. It gives distortionless reproduction at volume equal to a band or orchestra. It employs a rigid cone, energized by a powerful electromagnet, with a new super-power amplifier tube serving as the source of driving power for the cone. This development embodies a new principle, which enables operation from the 110-volt, 60-cycle, alternating current of the house-lighting mains. It faithfully covers the complete acoustical range, from the lowest notes of the organ to the highest pitch of the soprano, and the volume can be regulated from a whisper to a torrent of sound, without the slightest indication of distortion.

Tuning in Easily


ECEIVERS have been greatly simplified and numerous models displayed at the two radio shows in New York were equipped with a single dial. Other circuits did away with dials and used new methods of tuning. One manufacturer introduced a uni-control revolving drum tuner. Another style made use of a narrow rectangular scale, with a pointer traveling up and down in a slit or tiny window, in which the numbers corresponding to the various wave lengths are visible. The drum type is tuned by revolving the drum by means of two little wheels, the milled rims of which protrude through the center of the slanting panel. As the cylindrical form is turned different stations are heard and the call letters can be written on the face of the drum, so that in the future all the operator need do is to set the wheels in accordance with the lettering on the drum.

Hundreds of broadcast listeners who have been waiting for a batteryless set found receivers at the shows to satisfy their expectations. Several models connect directly to the house-light socket, just as an electric iron or toaster, and no batteries are required. Other manufacturers have demonstrated external "B" battery eliminators, which can be at

(C) International

Paul Wayland Bartlett

tached to any existing vacuum tube set. There were not as many "A" battery eliminators on display as there were "B" current supply devices.

Based on the amount of business ex

hibitors booked at the shows, the many improvements and beauty of design disclosed in September have won a host of new followers for broadcasting, and oldtimers have been enticed to cast aside the old models for a 1925-6 receiver, with which they hope to cover more mileage through the ether this winter, with fidelity of tone and a minimum of interference.

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New Brunswick, the Dominion Government, the United States Power Commission, and the International Joint Commission between the United States and Great Britain, which passes on matters relating to boundary waters.

This sounds formidable, but there is no real opposition to the plan and no trouble has developed internationally. The people of New Brunswick are known to be enthusiastic, and not only see no injury to them in the proposed use of the waters of Passamaquoddy Bay but believe that the establishing of this vast engineering plan will be directly beneficial to New Brunswick. Both in Canada and Maine the expenditure of perhaps $100,000,000 for construction work is welcome enough.

With the international and local aspects thus favorable and with general acceptance by engineers of the feasibility of the plan, only cost, time, and the drawbacks of working in remote and undeveloped districts remain to be considered. There seems to be more than a mere probability that the bold designer of the scheme, Dexter P. Cooper, may see the proposed "mass production of energy" (perhaps 700,000 horse-power) become an actuality and the tides be thus harnessed through electricity to the will of man.


Men America Could Ill Afford to Lose


OT all men whose service has been
National in extent have been Na-

tionally known. Seymour L. Cromwell,

whose recent death as the result of an accident ended a life that was still in its prime, was known and honored in what is known as Wall Street. He contributed as President of the Stock Exchange in a marked degree to the stability and welfare of the Nation, but it would not be easy to find any public record or acknowledgment of what he did. To him the Stock Exchange was not a mere piece of stabilizing machinery, but was a human institution; and he made himself in the highest sense the servant of every one in the Exchange from the lowest employee up. He was a profound believer in democracy in industry, as in all other fields of American life.

Alfred Cotton Bedford was at the time of his death last week a recognized chief authority on the production and distribution of petroleum and its products.

During the war he was Chairman of the Petroleum Committee of the Council of National Defense. Since 1882 he had been an employee or officer of the Standard Oil Company or one of its subsidiaries, or one of the component parts of the original company, finally becoming Chairman of the Board of Directors of

the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. He was one of the strongest supporters of the Young Men's Christian Association; and he did great service to the restoration of world stability as Chairman of the American Section of the International Chamber of Commerce.

Paul Wayland Bartlett was one of the most distinguished of modern sculptors. His death is a loss to France as well as to America, for he spent much of his time in France, did much of his work there, and would have contributed further to the sculpture of that country. One of his best-known works was the statue of Lafayette which was given by American school-children to the French Republic and stands to-day near the Louvre in Paris. His statue of Franklin was carried on a pilgrimage in 1921 from Baltimore to Philadelphia, and thence to New York and to Boston, and finally erected at Westbury, Connecticut. Paul Bartlett understood his medium and used

situation which will have to be put into effect will entail hardships on the

French people; but American officials

believe that such fiscal house-cleaning was necessary, in any event, and that France will benefit by it. The first step to this end, by which the French Government is undertaking to replace six per cent treasury notes with similar obliga

Wide World Photos

Joseph Caillaux

French Minister of Finance

it with both technical mastery and imagi- tions bearing only four per cent, is in


The French Debt


ITH the arrival in the United States of Joseph Caillaux, French Minister of Finance, as head of a special debt commission, and the beginning of negotiations with the American Debt Funding Commission, there is good reason to hope that a solution of the delicate and complicated French debt problem is at hand. For France it opens a vista of commercial progress. For the United States it means the end of a disturbing uncertainty.

Neither the French Government nor the American Administration desires to see the present negotiations fail.

Whatever the causes of the financial difficulties in which France has been floundering, the American Government recognizes the existence of those difficulties and the effort which France is now making to extricate herself from them.

The reforms in the French financial

operation already. It is hoped that this effort will be completed by October 15.

There seems to be every disposition on the part of the American Government to make the payments during the first years, while France is attempting to get on her feet again financially and economically, as light as possible. During the later years of the sixty-two-year period over which the payments are expected to run France's financial prosperity will, it is believed, permit her to make the larger payments required. It is particularly desirable that concession should be made as to amortization and interest rates, so as to lighten the burden of the debt during these years when the other burdens which France has to bear are disproportionately heavy.

After the settlement of the French debt, settlements with other nations should soon follow, and President Coolidge should be able to submit to the coming Congress funding arrangements with all, or virtually all, of the countries on the debtor list.

The Little War in Syria

FROM about the end of July a violent

anti-French uprising has been going on in the Druse Province near Damascus, in Syria. Two French detachments, one numbering 170 men and the other over 3,000, were attacked at the beginning of August by Druses, Mohammedan sectarians inhabiting the province, and

suffered considerable losses. Druses have besieged the French garrison of Soueida, the capital of the province. French soldiers and officials also have been attacked in other places.

The French have had great difficulties in coping with the uprising, which, it seems, is not yet suppressed. It is true that the whole province numbers only some 60,000 inhabitants, whose armed forces do not exceed 15,000 riders. But the country is covered with deserts and mountains and has no ways of communication except tortuous paths. Besides, the French forces stationed there hardly count 7,000 men.

Whatever be its results, the Druse uprising is, of course, a purely local affair. As such it is unimportant. But it is undoubtedly an important symptom of the general unrest in Syria.

Syria and the Lebanon, which have been placed by the League of Nations under French administration, or, to be more exact, French mandate, are the bulwark of the Arab culture and the headquarters of the Arab intelligentsia in the Near East. The flourishing commercial city of Aleppo, beautiful Damascus, which has been the main center of Mohammedan learning ever since the days of the Khalifate, Beirût with its American and Jesuit schools and colleges, as well as many other cities, lend to Syria the rôle of a leading country in the life of the Islamic Near East. Even before the Great War, while Syria was still a part of the Turkish Empire, a strong movement for complete political independence was going on there.

The Druse uprising, as well as most of the uprisings that have taken place in recent years in Syria, is but one phase of the general Arabic movement for independence. And it is exactly in these terms that Sultan El Attrash Pasha, the hereditary Druse chieftain, has characterized it in an interview with the correspondent of the "Deutsche Allegemeine Zeitung." Our ultimate aim, he said, is the complete independence of

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Syria, with the French participating in our governmental life only as advisers. He also expressed the hope that, following the example of the Druses, all Syrian provinces would rise against the French. He said the moment for such a rising was especially propitious just now, when the French were busy in Morocco. Whether this will happen or not is, of course, a question, but it is feared by most observers familiar with the situation.

The dissatisfaction with the French rule in Syria seems to have become particularly acute since the spring of this year, when the former High Commissioner of the country, General Gouraud, was replaced by General Serrail. The latter, a radical and an anti-clerical, has decreed a series of measures that have stirred up the religious feelings of the population; thus he decided to secularize the education in the local schools. Similar blunders, of course, may have added fuel to the flames. Yet the deeper cause of the unrest lies in the movement for independence above mentioned, which in our days is characteristic of the Syrian Arabic countries just as it is of India, China, and other Asiatic lands.

The Troubles of the League THE League of Nations has of late

been deeply concerned over disturb ing and important world problems. That it has found definite solutions as to its own powers and purpose in these matters does not appear.

The Mosul dispute peculiarly worries the League, as is natural, for Turkey, not a League member, had, as the League avers, consented to accept the findings of a Commission appointed by the League. But Turkey did nothing of the sort. Instead Tewfik Bey brusquely told the League's Council that his nation stood on the Lausanne Treaty and, in effect, that the settlement lay between Turkey and Great Britain. The same day the League heard news that Christians were being deported from the Mosul border region, where a Turkish army had been moved. At our last accounts the League has "passed the buck" to the World Court by asking it for an opinion on the League's Council's duties under the Lausanne Treaty, while, according to one correspondent, "high officials" of the League.comfort themselves with the feeling that before long snow will close the

high passes between Turkey and Irak.

For obvious reasons the League is at home in delay and discussion, but lost in doubt as to how it may, can, or should


One certainly sensible negative decision was reached by the League when it dropped the Danish proposal to establish a Conciliation Court. What was proposed was not a court at all, but a mediation commission. To attach this function even indirectly to a World Court would be to cloud the purpose and value of the World Court as such and to duplicate mediative agencies already existing at The Hague and in the League. The distinction between a court and an arbitration committee, big or little, is perfectly obvious. It would be injurious to the judicial value of the World Court to connect it with political claims and counter-claims.

Another negative decision was against a proposal by Uruguay for revising the World Court's basis, supposedly for the purpose of making it easier for the United States to come in. The debate brought out a strong pronouncement by Sir Cecil Hurst of England's positive disapproval of attempts at coercive or compulsory arbitration on non-juridical quarrels.

One affirmative tendency (not yet an action, however) was shown in the League Assembly when it approved of beginning technical preparation and planning with a view to a new Disarmament Conference to be held under League auspices. The delegates seemed sure that this was the only right plan for such a conference, but the elaborate preliminary conferences and "paper work" planned do not indicate that the world will soon see an actual Disarmament Conference. The League has been urged to approve the China Conference, and probably will, but it is holding back because it does not like the form of the resolution before it. Still another proposed conference is to engage the League's attention-and there is nothing the League loves better than to discuss conferences. France, through M. Loucheur, has introduced in the Assembly a resolution for an international conference to study national and international economic conditions which might breed war. This is rightly considered one of the most important matters before the League, but it is arousing vigorous opposition as a dangerous fomenter of discord.

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