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Record Breaking Sale! Encyclopaedia Britannica



[FORM at nearly half-price



HE PUBLIC is entitled to a plain statement regarding our amazing sale of the Encyclopaedia Britannica in the New Form at a saving of 46%.

You, especially, if at all interested in the Britannica, will want to know exactly what are your chances of getting one of these wonderful sets before they are entirely sold out.

The facts are these: We ordered 10,000 sets in this New Form for this sale, thinking that number would be ample for many months. But the demand has been enormous. Thousands of people jumped at the chance of getting the latest, large type Britannica, complete and unabridged, at a price reduction of nearly one-half.

As a result we are now near the end of our stock. This means certain disappointment for thousands. We shall have no alternative but to return all orders after the few sets now remaining are gone.

No more half price sets after the present stock is sold The reason is this: No more sets in the New Form at a reduction of 46% can be produced for nearly a year. To print the Britannica in any form is a stupendous undertaking. It takes three or four months to make the paper. It takes five months more for printing and binding. In any event we could not guarantee delivery on a new printing before next September.

Of course you will still be able to get the Britannica-but only in the Cambridge Issue, which sells for nearly twice as much.

Only prompt action will get one of these sets

"Some day," you have said, "I will own the Encyclopaedia Britannica." Today you have the opportunity to obtain one of the splendid sets of the New Form, praised by thousands as the ideal Britannica, at the remarkable saving of 46%. But you must act promptly. If you delay only a few

This Beautiful Bookcase Free

This beautiful bookcase, in Mahogany finish especially designed by Maple & Co. of London, will be given free with each set in the New Form while this offer lasts.

days your opportunity may be gone. You owe it to yourself to fill out the coupon for full particulars, now, before you forget it. This coupon commits you in no way.

Why the price of this
famous book is so low

The New Form is a remarkable publishing achievement-an innovation by experts making possible a sweeping reduction in price.

Costs were cut almost in two by Binding the complete Britannica in 16 double volumes instead of 32 single volumes.

Using the thin yet durable Britannica Opacity Paper-2400 tons purchased at a very favorable price.

Printing the New Form from the latest revised, large type plates of the Cambridge issue, saving the cost of setting up 33,000 pages of type.

These savings are shared with you. If you act quickly you can be one of the fortunate few who will buy the Britannica at such an amazingly low price. And remember, the Britannica

Mail this Coupon Today!

in the New Form is identical in contents, word for word, page for page with the large type, large page issue Britannica which is known throughout the world.

All the world's knowledge can now be yours

There is no subject of interest to any man, woman or child that is not covered thoroughly and authoritatively in the Britannica. It contains all knowledge-science, art, literature, biography, history, invention, the World War and the momentous times that have followed: also the latest developmentsin all fields of endeavor-written in easy narrative style that holds the reader's interest.

A small first payment puts the complete 16 double volumes and the handsome free bookcase in your home. The balance is payable in monthly payments so small they will never be missed. But don't put off sending for information.

Write for interesting
56-page book-Free

It tells all about the Britannica in the New
Form, reproduces a number

of specimen pages [many in color], explains the easy terms of small monthly payments, and tells how our experts made possible such an amazing reduction in price. 56 pages of interesting, instructive reading. Free-if you mail the coupon at once.


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Please mention The Outlook when writing to THE ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, INC.

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Published weekly by The Outlook Company, 120 East 16th Street, New York. Copyright, 1925, by The Outlook Company. By subscription $5.00 a year for the United States and Canada. Single copies 15 cents each. Foreign subscription to countries in the postal Union, $6.56.

HAROLD T. PULSIFER, President and Managing Editor
NATHAN T. PULSIFER, Vice-President

ERNEST HAMLIN ABBOTT, Editor-in-Chief and Secretary ARTHUR E. CARPENTER, Advertising Manager LAWRENCE F. ABBOTT, Contributing Editor

There are today 27,000,000 children in America without systematic Bible instruction.-Report of S. S. Survey

What Shall It Profit a Father

and mother to give their children every educational advantage, every business opportunity, or gifts of wealth untold, if the children have not also the moral control of sterling character woven into the very fibre of their being? A prominent judge, the other day, attributed juvenile delinquency in a large degree to the absence of the religious influence in the home.


Fills a Real NEED in Family Life

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2. A Digest of Important World News

3. Stimulating Sermons by World's Great Preachers

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5. Editorials with Christian Viewpoint

6. Children's Bible Stories

7. International Sunday School Lesson

8. Margaret Sangster's Family Page

9. Authoritative Articles on Things that Affect Your Happiness

This great family paper, published since 1878, going into nearly a quarter of a million Christian homes every week, has been called "the outstanding interdenominational religious weekly of our country." If you believe it is worth while to have the eternal Bible Truths taught to every child in America and to all the peoples of the earth; if you think there is MORE to life than mental training, physical development, material possessions, and mechanical progress, then you will welcome this moulder of family ideals, this character-building influence in your home. Send $1.00 for a six months'

trial subscription, or accept the following


"It is loved by Home Folks"


25 or 50 or 100 copies of Christian Herald FREE to your Church or Sunday School to sell at 5c a copy. Ask also for ChurchFund-Raising Plan.

Introductory Offer

The regular price of Christian Herald is 5c a week, $2.00 a year (Foreign $3.00), but to introduce it in your home we agree to mail you a copy every week for 52 weeks (1 year) (regular news-stand price $2.60) and one beautiful 1926 Scripture Text Wall Calendar, size 9 x 16 inches (with a choice Bible verse for each day of the year)-BOTH for only $2.10, postpaid. For each month there is a reproduction in colors of one of the world's religious masterpieces, making a collection of twelve great Bible pictures in all. From an artistic standpoint, this Calendar is the equal of many calendars selling at $1.00 a copy. This low combination price of $2.10 for the Calendar with Christian Herald a full year (52 fine issues) would be impossible if the Calendars were printed by the thousand instead of by the million (3,500,000 Scripture Text Calendars sold last year). For Canada add 50c a year extra to cover postage.

SPECIAL-Two Christian Herald Subscriptions for Christmas Gifts-Only $3.00

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MEN have been known to go

for months without shelter, for weeks without food and for days without water, but no one can live for more than a few minutes without air.

Breathing is the first necessity of life-yet few of us know how to breathe to develop our bodies and to improve our health. If we could be always in fresh air taking plenty of exercise, our usual undirected, instinctive breathing would naturally develop to give us better health. Nature would take care of us. But the conditions in which we live, the stress of present-day life, cause us to accumulate an excess of poisonous waste products in our bodies. To help dispose of these we should go beyond instinctive breathing and at frequent times during the day mentally direct the breaths we take.

Count Your BreathsHow many breaths a minute do you take? Stop now with your watch in hand and for 60 seconds count them. Fifteen to twenty Fifteen to twenty short, top-of-your-lungs breaths? You are not breathing deeply. Occasionally you should take six or eight long, leisurely breaths a minute-so deep that the dia phragm is expanded and the ribs are barreled out. Several times a day stop what you are doing, stand straight with head up, shoulders back and breathe-always through the nose, of course. Try it this way-inhale, one, two,

About one out of six of the total number of deaths in the United States each year is caused by diseases which affect the lungs. Pulmonary tuberculosis and pneumonia claim more than 210,000 victims annually. Ten years ago the death-rate from tu berculosis was sixty per cent higher than it is today. Only a short time ago it was thought that fresh air must be kept away from patients suffering from lung troubles. Today it is known that fresh air is one of the main aids in getting well-and this knowledge has helped to produce the


Baby's first cry! However it may sound to grand. Under the spell of her eager imagination that thin little cry is a call for her. But what he really is ing for is air. In the Land of Unborn Babies he had wide world, his first need is air and through every

mother's ears, it is music to the baby's mother.

no need to use his lungs. But here, in the great

moment of his life he will demand air.

three, four; hold, five; exhale, six, seven, eight, nine; relax, ten. This will give you six breaths a minute quiet, unhurried breathing. After a time your unconscious breathing may become deeper and you will begin to feel a new and delightful sense of buoyant power.

Good Posture First

When you stand or sit with shoulders rounded and chest contracted you squeeze your lungs and make deep breathing impossi ble. Lift your head, raise your chest, straighten your spine, elevate your ribs and you cannot help "breathing for health". Deep breathing exercises should be taken night and morning. Empty the lungs as fully as pos sible with each breath.

marked decrease in tuberculosisdeath-rate. Defects in the air passages should be cor rected if one is to breathe most effectively. Wise parents should keep careful watch over their children's noses and throats to see that they are not afflicted with adenoids or diseased tonsils.

Deep breathing must be studied. There is more to it than the taking of a full breath. The diaphragm and abdominal muscles must be strengthened by exercise and the

Published by

important because fresh air removes harmful waste matter in the blood.


That "Stitch in the side"Have you ever felt a stitch in the side when running? This is a warning-not always that your heart is weak, or that you have indigestion, as many persons suppose, but sometimes that your lungs are unaccustomed to being filled to their full capacity. Most of us rarely breathe to the bottom of our lungs. One-third of the lung cells of the average person is unused. These cells tend to collapse and stick together. When the air is forced into them, it sometimes causes pain.

Your health demands that you should breathe properly. The blood circulates all through the body distributing material to build and repair the tissues, picking up waste products and fighting disease germs. The turning-point of its journey is in the lungs where it deposits the waste and takes a fresh supply of oxygen from the air. Without deep breathing of fresh air there cannot be ample supply of oxygen.


sufficient oxygen there cannot be adequate growth or repair of any part of the body, nor vigorous warfare against disease. Begin today to breathe deeply This is breathe for health.

body must be trained to maintain correct

The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
has prepared a booklet giving simple and
interesting health rules, including scientific
advice about fresh air and proper breath-
ing. These rules, with the simple breathing
exercise given above, can be followed by
anybody who wishes better health. Send
for a copy of "How to Live Long". It will
be mailed free.
HALEY FISKE, President.





METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY-NEW YORK Biggest in the World, More Assets, More Policyholders, More Insurance in force, More new Insurance each year

Please mention The Outlook when writing to the METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY

Volume 141

The Bombardment of the Navy DMIRAL SIMS, Commander of the American Fleet in the World


War, was characteristically definite, pungent, and outspoken in his testimony before the President's Air Board. On the one hand, he scored the overconservatism and ignorance of leaders in the Navy which hampered naval aviation -and not aviation only, but other parts of the Navy. "For many years," he said, "the Navy has been controlled by uneducated and untrained officers-untrained in a military sense-who have been appointed to the most important positions." He attributed this largely to Secretary Daniels, but he included in his criticism Mr. Daniels's two successors. He commended General Mitchell for bringing aviation to the attention of the people, but he disagreed absolutely with him on the matter of organization. Admiral Sims does not approve of a separate air force, and he deplored the action of the American Legion in passing resolutions in favor of it. "The idea of using the influence of a great organization,' said Admiral Sims, "in order to put through a certain measure is determining our National defenses by popular opinion of people who are not informed, and it is extremely dangerous."

Next week we shall print correspondence from Washington describing the Air Board in action and characterizing the testimony it heard.

Putting the Buck

Where It Can't Be Passed

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October 28, 1925

the supervisors, who are elected from the towns and now have a sort of distributive executive authority, are confined to legislative functions, and the executive authority is vested in a Board of Estimate and Apportionment consisting of three elected officers a county president, a vice-president, and a commis

sioner of finance. This Board makes the

Admiral Sims-Trenchant Critic of Naval Policy

estimate each year of revenue and expense, and its budget cannot be exceeded in any of its items by the appropriations of the Board of Supervisors. The county president has the power to appoint and dismiss the heads of departments.

Those who distrust the power of the people to govern themselves do not like people to govern themselves do not like this charter. They want government cluttered up with checks and balances. But an increasing number of American citizens believe that authority should be brought out into the open, where it can be seen, and that the people can be trusted to hold those who exercise that authority responsible.

The same principle of bringing government into the open is behind the movement for the short-or shorter-ballot,

Number 9

now up for consideration by the people of the State of New York.



that gracious sweep of the Californian coast known as the Bay of Monterey there is a little village called Carmel-by-the-Sea. It did not grow like most villages; it was deliberately founded. And at the time of its foundation, now a considerable number of years ago, it was far away from anywhere. The first villagers, a group of artists and writers and searchers after the simple life, established themselves here because, as they would put it, they desired to get away from "progress" spelled with a big "P."

The very fact, however, that they were trying to do "something different" soon threatened to be their own undoing. Carmel-by-the-Sea became a curiosity; it became an interesting objective for an automobile trip. Undeterred by the jealously preserved eleven curves on the highway which links Carmel with Monterey and the world, motorists, in everincreasing numbers joyfully made the trip and told their friends. After the motorists came the "realtors" and promoters, buying up lots and waiting for the inevitable "raise." Later came the demand from this business army of occupation for "improvements," asphalt pavings, sidewalks, graded streets, better plumbing, and the elimination of the eleven curves.

For over twelve years now the contest has gone on with varying fortune. Quite recently it seemed as though "progress" must surely win the day. "You cannot lose money at Carmel-by-the-Sea!" had become a veritable slogan in the ranks of the real estate army; with Carmel improved you could not fail to make a fortune. When the matter came up for decision recently, both sides bestirred themselves as never before, and all California looked on with curious interest. The villagers the fundamentalists, as they are called-won the day. By solid majorities the asphalt pavings, the sidewalks, the graded streets, were voted

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