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43 But the centu'rion, will'ing to sa've Pa'ul, kept' them from 'their' pur'pose; and comman'ded that they which could swim' should cast' 'themselves' first 'in'to the se'a,' and get to land: 44 And the rest, some on bo'ards, and some on 'bro'ken pie'ces' of the ship. And so it came to pass', that they esca'ped a'll safe to land'.

CHAP. XXVIII. And when they were esca'ped, then they knew that the island was called Mel'ita. 2 And the barbarous people she'wed us no lit'tle kindness: for they kin'dled a fi're, and received us ev'ery one, because of the present ra'in, and beca'use of the co'ld.

3 And when Pa'ul had gathered a bun'dle of sticks, and la'id them' on the fi're, there came a vi'per out of the he'at, and fas'tened on his hand. And when the barba'rians saw the 'ven'omous' be'ast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath esca'ped the se'a, yet vengeance suffereth not to liv'e. 5 And he shook of'f the be'ast in'to the fi're, and felt no harm. 6 Howbe'it they look'ed when he should have swo'llen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but, after they had look'ed a grea't while, and saw no ha'rm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a go'd.

7 In the same qua'rters were possess'ions of the chic'f man of the island, whose name was Publius; who received us, and lo'dged us three days courteously. 8 And it came to pass', that the father of Pub'lius lay sick of a fe'ver, and of a blood'y flux: to whom Pa'ul en'tered in', and pra'yed, and laid his hand's on him, and he'aled him. 9 So, when this was done, oth'ers a'lso, which had disc'ases in the island, ca'me, and were he'aled: 10 Who also hon'oured us with man'y hon'ours; and when we departed, they la'ded 'us' with such things as were necessary.

11 And after three months we depa'rted in a ship of Alexan'dria, which had win'tered in the i'sle, whose si'gn was Cas'tor and Pollux. 12 And lan'ding at Syr'acuse, we tar'ried 'the're' three days. 13 And from thence we fetched a com'pass, and ca'me to Rhe'gium: and af'ter on'e day the south' wind blew, and we came the next day to Pute'oli; Where we found brethren, and were desired to tar'ry with them seven days and so we went to'ward Ro'me. 15 And from thence, when the breth'ren heard of us, they came to me'et us as far as Ap'pii Fo'rum, and the Three Taverns; whom


when Pa'ul saw, he thank'ed Go'd, and took courage. 16 And when we came to Ro'me, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the cap'tain of the guard: but Pa'ul was suf'fered to dwell by himself', with a so'ldier that kept him.

17 And it came to pass', that, af'ter three days, Pa'ul called the chief of the Jews togeth'er: and when they were come together, he said un'to them, Men and' breth'ren, though I have commit'ted noth'ing against' the people or cus'toms of our fa'thers, yet was I deliv'ered pris'oner from Jerusalem in'to the hands of the Ro'mans: 18 Who, when they had exam'ined me, would have let 'me' go, beca'use there was no cause of death' in me. 19 But when the Jews spake against' it,' I was constrained to appeal un'to Ce'sar; not that I had a'ught to accu'se my na'tion of. 20 For this ca'use therefore have I called for you, to se'e 'you,' and to speak with you:' beca'use that for the hope of Israel I am bound with this cha'in. 21 And they said un'to him, We neither received let'ters out of Jude'a concer'ning thee, neither an'y of the breth'ren that ca'me she'wed or spa'ke any harm of thee. 22 But we deși're to hear of thee what thou think'est: fo'r as concerning this sect', we know that ev'ery where it is spo'ken against'.

23 And when they had appoin'ted him a day, there came man'y to him into 'his' lo'dging; to whom he expoun'ded and tes'tified the kingdom of Go'd, persua'ding them concer'ning Jesus, both out of the law of Mo'ses, and 'out of' the prophets, from mo'rning till e'vening. 24 And some belie'ved the things which were spo'ken, and some believed not'. 25 And when they agre'ed not among themselves, they departed, after that Pa'ul had spoken on'e word, Well' spake the Holy Gho'st by Esa'ias the proph'et un'to our fathers, 26 Sa'ying, Go un'to this pe'ople, and say, He'aring ye shall he'ar, and shall not understand'; and se'eing ye shall se'c, and not perceive: 27 For the hea'rt of this people is waxed gro'ss, and their e'ars are dull of he'aring, and their eyes have they clo'sed; lest they should se'e with their' ey'es, and he'ar with their' e'ars, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should he'al them. 28 Be it kno'wn therefore un'to you, that the salva'tion of Go'd is sent un'to the Gen'tiles, and that they will hear it. 29 And when he had said these words, the Jews depa'rted, and had grça't re'asoning among themselves.


30 And Pa'ul dwelt two whole years in his own hi'red house, and received all that came in' un'to him, Pre'aching the kingdom of Go'd, and te'aching those things which concern' the Lord Jesus Chri'st, with a'll con'fidence, no man forbid'ding him.







1PAUL, a servant of Jesus Chri'st, called 'to be' an apostle, sep'arated un'to the gospel of Go'd, 2 (Which he had promised afo're by his proph'ets in the holy scrip'tures,) 3 Concer'ning his Son Jesus Christ our Lo'rd, which was ma'de of the se'ed of Da'vid, according to the flesh', And decla'red 'to be' the Son of Go'd with pow'er, according to the Spir'it of ho'liness, by the resurrec'tion from the dead': 5 By whom we have received gra'ce and apos'tleship, for obe'dience to the fa'ith amon'g a'll na'tions, for his name; 6 Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Chri'st: 7 To a'll that be in Ro'me, beloved of Go'd, called 'to be' saints: Gra'ce to you, and pe'ace, from Go'd our Father, and the Lo'rd Jesus Christ. 8 First, I thank' my Go'd through Je'sus Chri'st for you a'll, that your fa'ith is spo'ken of throughout the whole world. 9 For Go'd is my wit'ness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gos'pel of his Son', that without' ce'asing I make men'tion of you always in my prayers; 10 Ma'king request', if by an'y me'ans now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of Go'd to come un'to you. 11 For I long to see you, that I may impa'rt un'to you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; 12 That is, that I may be comforted togeth'er with you, by the mu'tual fa'ith both of you and me'. 13 Now I would not have you ignorant, breth'ren, that of'tentimes I



purposed to come un'to you, (but was let' hitherto,) that I might have some fru'it amon'g yo'u a'lso, e'ven as amon'g oth'er Gen'tiles. 14 I am debt'or both to the Greeks and to the Barbarians, both to the wi'se and to the un'wise. as much as in me is', I am ready to pre'ach the gos'pel to you that are at Ro'me also. 16 Fo'r I am not asha'med of the gospel of Chri'st: fo'r it is the power of Go'd un'to salva'tion to every one that belie'veth; to the Jew' first', and also to the Gre'ck. 17 Fo'r therein' is the right'eousness of Go'd revealed from fa'ith to faith: as it is writ'ten, The just shall live by faith. 18 Fo'r the wrath of Go'd is revealed from heav'en against' a'll ungodliness and unright'eousness of men, who hold the truth in unright'eousness; 19 Because that which may be kno'wn of Go'd is man'ifest in them: fo'r Go'd hath she'wed it' un'to them. 20 Fo'r the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are cle'arly se'en, be'ing understood' by the things that are ma'de, 'e'ven' his eter'nal pow'er and Go'dhead; so that they are without' excu'se: 21 Because that, when they knew' Go'd, they glo'rified him' not as' Go'd, ne'ither were thank'ful, but beca'me va'in in their imagina'tions, and their fo'olish heart was da'rkened. 22 Profes'sing themselves to be wi'se, they beca'me fo'ols, 23 And cha'nged the glo'ry of the uncorruptible Go'd in'to an im'age ma'de like to corrup'tible man', and to bird's, and four-footed be'asts, and cre'eping things. 24 Wherefore Go'd also gave them up to uncle'anness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishon'our their o'wn bodies betwe'en themselves: 25 Who cha'nged the truth of Go'd in'to a li'e, and worshipped and served the cre'ature more than the Crea’tor, who is bless'ed for ev'er. A'men'. 26 For this ca'use Go'd gave them up un'to vi'le affec'tions: fo're'ven their wom'en did cha'nge the nat'ural use in'to that which is against' na'ture: 27 And likewise also the men, le'aving the natural use of the wom'an, burned in their lust one to'ward anoth'er; men with men, wor'king that which is unse'emly, and rece'iving in themselves that rec'ompence of their error which was me'ęt. 28 And even as they did not like to reta'in Go'd in 'their' knowledge, Go'd gave them over to a rep'robate mind, to do those things which are not convenient: 29 Be'ing filled with all unrighteousness, fornica'tion, wick'edness, covetousness, malic'iousness; full' of en'vy, mur'der, deba'te, dece'it, malig'nity; whisperers, 30 Back'biters, ha'ters of Go'd, despi'teful, proud', bo'asters, inven'tors of

e'vil things, disobe'dient to parents, 31 Without' understan'ding, covenant-brea'kers, without' nat'ural affection, impla'cable, unmer'ciful: 32 Who, kno'wing the judgment of Go'd, that they which commit' such things are worthy of death', not o'nly do' the sa'me, but have pleas'ure in them that do them.


CHAP. II.—1 Therefore thou art inexcu'sable, O man, whosoev'er thou art that judg'est for wherein' thou judg'est another, thou condem'nest thyself'; for thou that judg'est do'est the same things. 2 But we are su're that the judg ment of Go'd is according to truth against' them which commit' such things. 3 And think'est thou this', O man, that judg'est them which do' such things, and do'est the sa'me, that thou shalt esca'pe the judg'ment of Go'd? 4 Or despi'sest thou the rich'es of his good'ness, and forbearance, and long-suffering; not knowing that the good'ness of Go'd le'adeth thee to repen'tance? 5 But, after thy hardness and impen'itent hea'rt, treas'urest up un'to thyself' wra'th against the da'y of wrath and revela'tion of the right'eous judgment of Go'd; 6 Who will ren'der to every man according to his deeds: 7 To them' who, by pa'tient contin'uance in well'-do'ing, se'ck for glo'ry, and hon'our, and immortality, eternal life; 8 But un'to them that are conten'tious, and do not obe'y the tru'th, but obe'y unrighteousness, indigna'tion and wra'th, 9 Tribula'tion and an'guish, upon' ev'ery so’ul of mạn that do'eth e'vil; of the Jew' first', and also of the Gen'tile: 10 But glo'ry, hon'our, and pe'ace, to every man that work'eth good'; to the Jew' first, and also to the Gen'tile Fo'r there is no respect' of per'sons with Go'd. 12 For as many as have sin'ned without' law, shall also per'ish without' law; and as man'y as have sin'ned in the law, shall be judged by the law, 13 (Fo'r not the he'arers of the law are just befo're Go'd, but the do'ers of the law shall be jus'tified. 14 Fo'r when the Gen'tiles, which have not the law, do by na'ture the things contained in the law, these, hav'ing not' the law, are a law un'to themselves: 15 Which she'w the work of the law writ'ten in their hearts, their con'science also bea'ring wit'ness, and 'their thoughts the mean while ac'cusing or else ex'cusing one another,) 16 In the day when Go'd shall judge the se'crets of men by Je'sus Chri'st, according to my gospel. 17 Behold, thou art called a Jew, and rest'est in the la'w, and ma'kest thy bo'ast of Go'd, 18 And kno'west 'his' will,


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