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which are befo're, 14 I press' to'ward the ma'rk, for the prize of the high calling of Go'd in Chri'st Je'ṣus. Let us therefore, as man'y as be perfect, be thus mi'nded: and if in any thing ye be oth'erwise mi'nded, Go'd shall reve'al e'ven this' un'to you. 16 Nevertheless', whereto' we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mi'nd the same thing. 17 Brethren, be followers togeth'er of me', and ma'rk them which wa'lk so, as ye have us for an ensam'ple. 18 (Fo'r man'y wa'lk, of whom I have told you of'ten, and now tell you e'ven we'eping, 'that they are the en'emies of the cross of Chri'st: 19 Whose end' 'is' destruction, whose go'd is their' bel'ly, and whose glory is in their sha'me, whọ mind earth'ly things.) 20 Fo'r our conversation is in heav'en; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Chri'st; 21 Who shall change our vi'le bod'y, that it may be fash'ioned like un'to his glorious bod'y, according to the work'ing whereby he is a'ble e'ven to subdu'e a'll things un'to himself'.

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CHAP. IV. Therefore, my breth'ren de'arly beloved and longed for, my joy' and crown', so' stand fast' in the Lo'rd, 'my' de'arly belov'ed. 2 I bese'ech Euo'dias, and bese'ech Sýn'tyche, that they be of the sa'me mi'nd in the Lo'rd. 3 And I entre at the'e also, true yo'ke-fel'low, help' those wom'en which la'boured with me in the gos'pel, with Clem'ent also, and with other my fellow-la'bourers, whose na'mes are' in the book of life. Rejoi'ce in the Lo'rd a'lway: 'and' again' I say, Rejoi'ce. 5 Let your modera'tion be kno'wn un'to all men. The Lo'rd is at hand'. Be careful for nothing but in every thing by pra'yer and supplica'tion, with thanksgiving, let your requests' be ma'de kno'wn un'to Go'd. 7 And the peace of Go'd, which pass'eth a'll understan'ding, shall ke'ep your hearts and mi'nds through Chri'st Je'sus. Finally, breth'ren, whatsoev'er things are tru'e, whatsoever things are' hon'est, whatsoever things 'are' just', whatsoever things are' pu're, whatsoev'er things are' lovely, whatsoev'er things are' of good' repo'rt; if there be' an'y vir'tue, and if there be' an'y pra'ise, think' on the'se things. 9 Tho'se things, which ye have both learn'ed, and received, and heard', and se'en in me, do' and the Go'd of peace shall be with' you. 10 But I rejoi'ted in the Lo'rd grea'tly, that now' at the last your ca're of me hath flour'ished again'; wherein ye were also




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ca'reful, but ye lacked opportunity. 1 Not' that I speak in respect of want': for I have learn'ed, in whatsoever state I am', 'therewith'' to be content'. 12 I know bo'th how to be aba'sed, and I know how to abound': ev'ery where, and in a'll things, I am instruc'ted, bo‍th to be full' and to be hun'gry, bo'th to abound' and to suffer ne'ed. 13 I can do a'll things through Chri'st which strengtheneth me. 14 Notwithstan'ding ye have well done that ye did commu'nicate with my affliction. 15 Now, ye Philip'pians, kno'w a'lso, that in the beginning of the gos'pel, when I depa'rted from Macedo'nia, no' church commu'nicated with me, as concer'ning giving and rece’įving, but ye' o'nly. 6 Fo'r e'ven in Thessaloni'ca ye sent once and again' un'to my neces'sity. 17 Not' because I desi're a gift; but I desi're fruit that may abound' to your account'. 18 But I have a'll, and abound': I am full', hav'ing received of Epaphrodi'tus the things which were sent'' from you, an o'dour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice ac'ceptable, well ple'asing to Go'd. 19 But my Go'd shall supply' a'll your ne'ed, according to his rich'es in glo'rỳ, by Chri'st Je'sus. 20 Now un'to Go'd and our Father 'be' glo'ry for ever and ev'er. A'men'. 21 Salu'te every sa'int in Chri'st Je'sus. The breth'ren which are with' me gre'et you. 22 A'll the sa'ints salu'te you, chie'fly they that are of Ce'sar's hous'ehold. 23 The grace of our Lo'rd Je'sus Chri'st be with you all. A'men'.

¶ It was writ'ten to the Philip'pians from Rome by




1 PAUL, an apos'tle of Je'sus Chri'st by the will' of Go'd, and Timotheus 6 our' broth'er, 2 To the sa'jnts and faithful brethren in Chri'st which are at Colos'se: Grace 'be' un'to you, and pe'ace, from Go'd our Father, and the



5 For

Lo'rd Jesus Chri'st. 3 We give thank's to Go'd and the Father of our Lo'rd Jesus Chri'st, pra'ying always for you, Since we heard' of your faith in Chri'st Je'sus, and of the love which ye hav'e' to all the sa'ints; the ho'pe which is laid up' for you in heaven, whereof' ye heard befo're in the word' of the truth of the gos'pel; 6 Which is com'e un'to yo'u, as it is in all the world'; an bringeth fo'rth fruit, as it doth' also in yo'u, since the day ye heard' of it,' and knew the grace of Go'd in tru'th: 7 As ye also learned of Epaphras, our de'ar fellow-servant, who is for you a faithful minister of Chri'st; Who also decla'red un'to us your love in the Spirit. 9 For this ca'use we' also, since the day we heard' 'it,' do not cease to pra'y for you, and to deṣi're that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will' in a'll wis'dom and spiritual understan'ding; 10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lo'rd un'to a'll ple'asing, be'ing fruitful in every good' work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; 11 Strengthened with all might', according to his glo'rious power, un'to a'll pa'tience and long-suf'fering with joyfulness; Giving thank's un'to the Father, which hath made us me'et to be parta'kers of the inher'itance of the sa'jnts in light': 13 Who hath deliv'ered us from the power of darkness, and hath transla'ted 'us' in'to the kingdom of his de'ar Son': 14 In whom we have redem'ption through his blood', 'e'ven' the forgiveness of sin's 15 Who is the image of the invis'ible Go'd, the firstborn of every creature: 16 Fo'r by' him were a'll things crea'ted, that are in heav'en, and that are in earth', vis'ible and in'visible, wheth'er they be thro'nes, or domin'ions, or principalities, or pow'ers; a'll things were crea'ted by him, and for him: 17 And he' is befo're all things, and by' him all things consist': 18 And he is the head' of the bod'y, the church': who is the begin'ning, the first'-bo'rn from the dead'; that in a'll things' he might have the pre-em'inence: 19 Fo'r it pleased the Father' that in him' should all ful'ness dwell': 20 And (having made pe'ace through the blood' of his cross') by' him to reconcile a'll things un'to himself'; by him', 'I say,' wheth'er 'they be' things in earth', or things in heav'en. 21 And yo'u, that were sometime a'lienated, and en'emies in your mind by wick'ed work's, yet now hath he reconciled 22 In the bod'y of his flesh' through death', to present' you hoʻly,


and unbla'meable, and unrepro'veable, in his sight; 23 If ye contin'ue in the fa'ith groun'ded and set'tled, and 'be' not moved awa'y from the ho'pe of the gos'pel, which ye have heard', 'and' which was preached to every creature which is un'der heav'en, whereof' I Pa'ul am made a min'ister: Who now rejoi'ce in my suf'ferings for you, and. fill up that which is behi'nd of the afflic'tions of Chri'st in my flesh for his bod'y's sa'ke, which is the church'; 25 Whereof' I am made a min'ister, acco'rding to the dispensation of Go'd which is giv'en to me for you, to fulfil' the word of Go'd; 26 E'ven' the mystery which hath been hid' from a'ges and from genera'tions, but now' is made manifest to his saints: 27 To whom Go'd would make kno'wn what' 'is' the rich'es of the glo'ry of this mystery among the Gen'tiles; which is Chri'st in you, the ho'pe of glo'ry: 28 Whom we pre'ach, wa'rning ev'ery man, and teaching every man in a'll wis'dom; that we may present every man perfect in Chri'st Je'sus: 29 Whereunto' I' also la'bour, stri'ving according to his' work'ing, which work'eth in me might'ily.

CHAP. II. For I would' that ye knew what grea't con'flict I have for yo'u, and 'for' them' at Laodice'a, and 'for' as man'y as have not se'en my face in the flesh'; 2 That their hea'rts might be comforted, be'ing knit' togeth'er in love, and un'to a'll rich'es of the full' asṣu'rance of understan'ding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of Go'd, and of the Father, and of Chri'st; 3 In' whom are hid all the treas'ures of wis'dom and knowledge. 4 And this I say, lest an'y man should beguile you with enti'cing word's. 5 For though I be ab'sent in the flesh', yet am I with' you in the spirit, joy'ing and behoʻlding your order, and the sted'fastness of your fa'ith in Chri'st. 6 As ye have therefore received Chri'st Je'sus the Lord, 'so' walk ye in him; 7 Ro'oted and built up' in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, aboun'ding therein' with thanks'giving. 8 Bewa're lest an'y man spoil you through philos'ophy and va'in dece'it, af'ter the tradition of men', af'ter the ru'diments of the world', and not after Chri'st: 9 For in him' dwelleth a'll the fulness of the Go'dhead bod'ily. 10 And ye are comple'tę in him', which is the head' of a'll principal'ity and power: 11 In' whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without' hands, in put'ting of'f the bod'y of the sin's



of the flesh' by the circumcision of Chri'st; 12 Buried with him in bap'tism, wherein' also ye are ris'en with him' through the fa'ith of the opera'tion of Go'd, who hath raised him from the dead'. 13 And yo'u, be'ing dead' in your sin's and the un'circumcision of your flesh', hạth he quick'ened togeth'er with him', hav'ing forgiv'en you all tres'passes; 14 Blot'ting out the hand'-writing of o'rdinances that was against' us, which was contrary to us, and took' it out of the wa'y, na'iling it to his cross' ; And' hav'ing spoiled principal'ities and pow'ers, he made a she'w of them o'penly, tri'umphing o'ver them in it. 16 Let no' man therefore judg'e you in me'ąt, or in drink', or in respect of an hol'y-day, or of the new-mo'on, or of the sab'bath-' days;' 17 Which are a shadow of things to com'e but the bod'y 'is' of Chri'st. 18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and wor'shipping of a'ngels, intru'ding in'to those things which he hath not se'en, va'inly puffed up by his flesh'ly mind; 19 And not holding the head', from which all the bod'y by joints and bands having nourishment min'istered, and knit' togeth'er, incre'aseth with the incre'ase of Go'd. 20 Wherefore, if ye be dead' with Chri'st from the ru'diments of the world', why', as though liv'ing in the world, are ye subject to o'rdinances, 21 (Touch' not, ta'stę not, han'dle not, 22 Which all are to perish with the u'sing,) af'ter the command'ments and doc'trines of men'? 23 Which' things have inde'ed a she'w of wis'dom in will'-worship and humility, and neglec'ting of the bod'y; not in an'y hon'our to the satisfying of the flesh'.

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CHAP. III.1 If ye then be ris'en with Chri'st, se'ęk those things which are abov'e, where Chri'st sit'teth on the right hand of Go'd. 2 Set your affec'tion on things abov'e, not' on things on the earth'. 3 Fo'r ye are dead', and your life is hid' with Chri'st in Go'd. 4 When Chri'st, 'who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye' also appear with him in glo'ry. 5 Mo'rtify therefore your mem'bers which are upon' the earth'; fornica'tion, uncle'anness, ino'rdinate affection, e'vil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: 6 For which' things' sa'ke the wra'th of Go'd com'eth on the chil'dren of disobe'dience. 7 In the which ye' also wa'lked sometime, when ye lived in them. 8 But now ye also put off all these; an'ger, wra'th, mal'ice, blasphemy, fil'thy communication out of your

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