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business, or personal service-domestic workers, teachers, nurses, business or professional assistants, etc., etc.-whether you require help or are seeking a situation, may be filled through a little announcement in the classified columns of The Outlook. If you have some article to sell or exchange, these columns may prove of real value to you as they have to many others. Send for descriptive circular and order blank AND FILL YOUR WANTS. Address Department of Classified Advertising The Outlook Company, 381 Fourth Ave., N. Y.

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As the war caused the world's finan cial center to shift from London to New York, so it changed the shipping center. Hamburg before the war had the greatest tonnage of any European port; now, according to the Liverpool "Journal of Commerce," a struggle is going on between Rotterdam, Antwerp, and Hamburg as to which shall play the leading rôle in the future carrying trade; in this contest Rotterdam so far appears to have the advantage. Among many other improved harbor appliances, Rotterdam possesses thirty-five floating grain elevators, which raise the grain by suction from the hold of a vessel and squirt it into the Rhine barges, weighing it automatically during the process.

The fatal lure of the edelweiss was responsible, according to recent reports, for the death of nearly a score of persons in the Alps during the past season. The plant grows on steep and rocky slopes and often on overhanging precipices, and the temptation to "go just a little farther" to secure the blossom takes the climber to an insecure place and he pays with his life the penalty for

EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED-Competent teachers for public and private schools. Calls commg every day. Send for circulars. Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, N. Y.

PLACEMENT BUREAU for employer and employee: housekeepers, matrons, dietitians, governesses, secretaries, mother's helpers, attendants. 51 Trowbridge St., Cambridge, Mass.

DESIRABLE prospects are being received for teachers available after Christmas and the following September. Special terms for enrollment. THE INTERSTATE TEACHERS' AGENCY, Macheca Building, New Orleans, La.

WANTED-Teachers all subjects. Good vacancies in schools and colleges. Interuational Musical and Educational Agency, Carnegie Hall, N. Y.

TEACHERS wanted for emergency vacancies. Public and private schools, colleges, and universities. Education Service, 1254 Amsterdam. Ave., New York.

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For Intestinal Disturbances "Buffalo Mineral Springs Water can be relied upon as highly efficacious in all the various gastro-intestinal disturbances.". E. C. LAIRD, M.D., former Resident Physician at the Springs.

Buffalo Mineral Springs Water is helpful in the treatment of Albuminuria, Bladder and Kidney Stones, Bladder Inflammation, Enlarged Prostate, Rheumatism, Gravel, Gout, Neuritis, Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Acidosis, Dyspepsia, and Nausea from any cause. It is an active antacid Diuretic. Also a delightful non-carbonated table water.

Physicians and other interested persons are invited to write to the Springs for "Fifty Years of Medical Opinions," a little book about Buffalo Mineral Springs Water written by many prominent physicians in all parts of the country. At all Druggists.


Business Situations SUPERVISOR boys' department, Hartford Orphan Asylum, Hartford, Conn. Protestant. Forty boys, age 6 to 14. Public school. State experience and salary required.

Companions and Domestic Helpers WANTED-Experienced mother's helper to take charge of three small children. Good health. Give references. State salary expected. Address Mrs. W. H. Worrilow, Lebanon, Pa.


Business Situations MATRON'S position in school or institution. American, Protestant, refined, experienced, indorsed. 823, Outlook.

Professional Situations YOUNG lady, 23, B.A. (Hon.) McGill, shorthand, typing, desires position as companion, secretary, or governess with Americans traveling in Europe. Will be in France February. Highest references. 824, Outlook.

Companions and Domestic Helpers COMPANION-housekeeper. A middle aged lady of refinement and culture, Protestant, would like position with elderly couple or lady. Best of references. 825, Outlook.

HIGH class German, graduate nurse, good traveler, without relatives, excellent manager of households, useful companion, lady or gentleman. Unquestionable references. 653, Outlook.

LADY, 36, refined, experienced linguist, public reader. good sewer, picker, desires traveling position. 822, Outlook.

TRAVELING chaperon or companion. A middle aged lady of refinement and culture, thoroughly familiar with foreign countries, will chaperon one or more young ladies at home or abroad. References. 826, Outlook. GRADUATE nurse, American woman, desires position as companion to elderly person or invalid. Any locality. Special terms where position promises permanency. Recommendations covering several years of experience. 815, Outlook.

WANTED, by an experienced woman of ability and pleasant personality, a position as housemother, housekeeper, or other executive position in summer camp for girls or boys for season of 1922. Satisfactory references upon request. Address 821, Outlook.

SITUATIONS WANTED Companions and Domestic Helpers HOUSEKEEPER companion. Refined widow (44), to invalid or motherless children. Dainty cook, economical manager, cheerful disposition. References. Address Mrs. B., 34 Manning Ave., Plainfield, N. J.

REFINED English woman desires position as housekeeper or assistant helper in private home. Best of redentials. Ten years' experience. 817, Outlook.

ASSISTANT housekeeper or dietitian. Position wanted by young woman with college training and some experience in school or institution. 813, Outlook.

REFINED, cultured Kentucky lady desires position as companion, housekeeper, or any position of trust. 1446 South Sixth St., Louisville, Ky.

Teachers and Governesses NURSERY-governess, German, Protestant. Supervision all English branches. Best physical care. Kindergarten. 20 years' experience. Good references. 820, Outlook.


MISS Guthman, New York shopper, will shop for you, services free. No samples. References. 309 West 99th St.

BOYS wanted. 500 boys wanted to sell The Outlook each week. No investment necessary. Write for selling plan, Carrier Department, The Outlook Company, 381 Fourth Ave., New York City.

M. W. Wightman & Co. Shopping Agency, established 1895. No charge; prompt delivery. 44 West 22d St., New York.

WANTED-Young women to take nine months' course in training for the care of chronic and convalescent invalids. Address Supt. F. E. Parker Home, New Brunswick, N. J.

AMBITIOUS writers of photoplays. short stories, songs, poems, newspaper articles. send to-day for FREE helpful booklet, "Successful Writing." Writer's Digest, S 688 Butler Bldg., Cincinnati.

INVALID or aged. Physician with many years' experience in the care of the aged and chronic invalids in leading sani aria and health resorts will care for two cases in his private residence. R. K. Cleborne, M.D., 3409 Hamilton St., West Philadelphia, Pa. PLEASANT suburban home for invalids.. 829, Outlook.


What 15c Will Bring You Only 15 cents gives you the Pathfinder 13 From the

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Fourteen East Sixtieth Street



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During the early days of the Russian Revolution, a contributor to the "Atlantic" says, robberies were frequent in the streets of Petrograd. "One lady whom I knew," she says, "was coming home one evening wearing a long coat of black Persian lamb. Two men stopped her and asked her if she wished to buy a fur coat. She replied that she did not require to, as she had the one she was wearing. 'Why,' they said, 'that is the very one we mean;' and as she did not have the money to redeem it, they took it from her."

Some astronomical bulls perpetrated by authors are enumerated in an article in the San Francisco "Chronicle." Zane Grey makes the new moon rise in the east just after sunset; Rider Haggard has a full moon rising in the west soon after sunset; Marryat wrote of a waning crescent moon seen in the early evening; while Dickens "out-Joshuaed Joshua when, in 'Hard Times,' he made a star stand idle in one spot for seven days and nights." This was to comfort a man who fell into a disused mine. shaft, and who says, in the novel: "Often as I come to myself and found it shining on me down there in my trouble, I thowt it were the star as guided to Our Saviour's home. I awmust think it be the very star."

Among the humors of the domestic servant problem a subscriber asks space for this: The lady was interviewing an applicant, and asked her whether the family which she had just left was a

THE PASSION PLAY small one? "No'm," was the answer;

Parties sailing in April, May, June and July. Comprehensive itineraries, moderate prices. Send for Booklet A-10. BENNETT'S TRAVEL BUREAU Official Agent for Oberammergau Passion Play 506 Fifth Ave.

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Eager & Babcock, New York City

"they was three."

One of the most popular of the comic "strips" that have become a feature of most of the daily papers is the one that celebrates the doings of Mutt and Jeff. This is reproduced in 380 different newspapers, we are told by "The Cartoonist." The "balloons" or chatterings of this precious pair are, it is said, translated even into Japanese. While children are often seen poring over the pages that contain these comic cartoons, their author is quoted as saying: "The child doesn't buy the paper. while the adult does. I aim at the adult only."


Another cartoonist, speaking of boy humor, has this to say, as quoted in "The Cartoonist:"

Kids aren't humorists: they're just funny. If you see a youngster trying to do anything at all. he'll do it with all available sincerity. So sincere, in fact, that he appears funny. Then you laugh at him-he hears you, and good-night! He tries to show off; tries to be funny, and fails miserably. No, kids aren't humorists, they're just funny in their sincerity.

How Little Social Errors Ruined Their Biggest Chance

IOLET CREIGHTON was proud of her husband. And she had reason to be. Six years ago he was at the very bottom of the ladder. Now he was almost near the top. One more decisive stepand they would be ready to step across the boundary, into the world of wealth, power and influence.

No wonder Ted was elated when he brought the good news home. "Well, Vi, it has come at last!" he beamed. "Crothers has left and I'm to have his place. I'm actually going to be one of the vice-presidents of the company."

Violet was duly surprised-and delighted. "The wife of an officer of the company," she laughed. "Sounds good, doesn't it ?" and together they planned for the wonderful days to come, of the big things he would accomplish and the charming functions of which she would be hostess. Yet beneath their happy planning was a subtle, unexpressed fear which both realized-yet which both ignored.

An Invitation Is Received

The next evening Ted brought even bigger news. They were to dine at the Brandon home-actually to be the guests of William Brandon! Violet knew how happy Ted must be, how he had dreamed of and longed for this very opportunity. Yet, when he told her of the dinner invitation, there was a sudden tug of pain at her heart.

Oh, she was happy enough, and proud that Ted had reached his goal. But were they ready for itwould they enter their new social sphere gracefully and with a cultured charm, or would they make a blundering mess of it?

"But do you think you should have accepted, Ted?" she queried. "You know how elaborately the Brandons entertain, and how-well, formal they are. Why, I don't even know whether it is correct for me to wear an evening gown!"

Ted was silent for a moment. I couldn't possibly refuse," he said slowly. "We'll simply have to see it through. Mr. Brandon wants to have a long chat with me before the final arrangements are made. But I'll admit I'm kind of worried myself. Now, do you suppose I may wear a dinner jacket or must I wear full dress?"

For the first time the Creightons realized that there was something more than business status if they were ever to be real successes-they realized that personality, culture and social charm played an important part. And they felt keenly their lack of social knowledge, their ignorance as to what was correct and what was incorrect.

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He knew that the others were watching
them, reading in their embarrass-
ment their lack of social knowledge.

But then, something happened. Violet noticed
that Mrs. Roberts had glanced at her husband and
frowned ever so slightly. She wondered what was
wrong. Perhaps it was incorrect to cut lettuce with
a knife. Perhaps Ted should not have used his
fork that way. In her embarrassment she dropped
her knife and bent down to pick it up at the same
time that the butler did. Oh, it was humiliating,
unbearable! They should never have come. They
didn't know what to do, how to act.

Mr. Brandon was speaking again. Ted was apparently listening with rapt attention, but inwardly he was burning with fierce resentment. It was unfair to expect him to be a polished gentleman when he had had no training! It wasn't right to judge a man by his table manners! But-why did Violet seem so clumsy with her knife and fork? Why couldn't she be as graceful and charming as Mrs. Roberts? He was embarrassed, horribly uncomfortable. If he could only concentrate on what Mr. Brandon was saying instead of trying to avoid mistakes.!

The Creightons Suffer Keen

Violet, sitting opposite, listened quietly to the
conversation. She wished that Mrs. Roberts would
not watch her, that she would not make any more
mistakes, that the ordeal would soon be over. The
butler stopped at her side with a dish of olives. . . .

"I say, Creighton, are you listening to me or not?" With a start, Ted turned toward his host. He had not been listening. He had not been paying attention. How could he, when directly opposite him, before all the guests, his wife was taking olives with a fork! Violet glanced up and saw the look of horror in his eyes. She crimsoned, became embarrassed. But though Mr. Brandon seemed mildly surprised and Mrs. Roberts seemed very near the verge of smiling, the incident was smoothed over and conversation began once again.

For Ted. the evening was irretrievably spoiled. He knew that the others were watching Violet and him, reading in their embarrassment their lack of social knowledge. condemning them as ill-bred and uncultured. But when the ladies rose from table to retire to the drawing-room, and he rose to follow, he knew by the amused glances of the others that they had hopelessly failed, that they had socially disgraced themselves.

He wasn't surprised, then, when Mr. Brandon remarked, after the other guests had left and Violet had stepped into the next room for her wraps. "I'm sorry, Creighton, but I've decided to consider Roberts for the vacancy. I need a man whose social position is assured, who can meet men of any position on their own footing. The executives in our company must be able to make a good impression wherever they go, and they must

be the type of men one instinctively trusts and respects."


An Opportunity is Lost

At home that night, Violet refused to be comforted. "It was all my fault-1 have spoiled your best chance," she cried. But Ted knew that he was as much to blame as she.

"Another chance is bound to come," he said, "and we'll be ready for it. I'm going to buy a reliable, authoritative book of etiquette at once."

It was only when the famous Book of Etiquette was in her hands, and she saw how easy it was to acquire the social knowledge, the social poise and dignity they needed, that Violet was happy again. They would never make embarrassing blunders again. They would never be humiliated again. Here was the very information they needed-clear, definite, interesting information that told them just what to do, say, write and wear on all occasions, under all conditions.

Ted and Violet read parts of the Book of Etiquette together every evening. It revealed to them all the mistakes they had made at the Brandon home and told them exactly what they should have done. It was positively a revelation! By the time they had finished that splendid book they knew they would ever after be well poised and at ease even in the company of the most brilliant celebrities!

The Importance of the Book of Etiquette to YOU

The Book of Etiquette is recognized as one of the most dependable and up-to-date authorities on the conduct of good society. It has shown thousands of men and women how to meet embarrassing moments with calm dignity, how to be always at ease, how to do, say, write and wear always what is absolutely correct. It has made it possible for people everywhere to master quickly the secrets of social charm, enabling them to mingle with the most highly cultured people and feel entirely at ease.

In the Book of Etiquette, now published in two large library volumes, you will find valuable and interesting information on every question of social import. The entire subject of etiquette is covered completely, exhaustively. Nothing is omitted, nothing forgotten. Every phase of etiquette has been brought up to date, and no detail, no matter how slight, has been omitted.

Five-Day FREE Examination

We would like to send you the famous Book of Etiquette free for 5 days, so that you can examine it at leisure in your own home. There is no obligation, no cost to you. Simply fill in the coupon and mail it to us at once. The complete, two-volume set of the Book of Etiquette will be promptly sent to you, and you have the privilege of examining and reading it at our expense for 5 days.

The Book of Etiquette is published in two handsome library volumes, bound in cloth and richly decorated in gold. Each volume contains interesting and valuable information that will be of permanent use to you-whenever you come into contact with men and women. Don't overlook this opportunity to examine this remarkable set without costmail the coupon NOW.

Within the 5-day examination period, decide whether or not you want to keep the Book of Etiquette. You have the privilege of returning the set to us within the 5 days, or keeping it and sending us only $3.50 in full payment. Nelson Doubleday, Inc., Dept. 41, Oyster Bay, L. I., N. Y.

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Without money in advance, or obligation on my part. send me the two-volume set of the Book of Etiquette. Within 5 days I will either return the books or send you only $3.50 in full payment. It is understood that I am not obligated to keep the books if I am not delighted with them.



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Preserve the Forests.....

British " Propaganda" and French "Im


Editorial Correspondence from Washington
By Ernest Hamlin Abbott

A Fighting Ship that Will Not Be






Winter Sport and Winter Work....... 55
Shelter (Poem)..

By Marguerite Wilkinson
"Old Man Warner"
By Dorothy Canfield
Snow Photography....

By Elon Jessup

Capital Ships and Aircraft....

A Letter from Three Army Aviators The Rector of All Outdoors....

By Emily Taplin Royle

Peace in the Near East....

By Pierre de Lanux




.... 60




By Ex-Governor James P. Goodrich, of Indiana

The Russia of To-Morrow....


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The Plight of Russia..

The New Books

[blocks in formation]

It Is This Way


F the people and the Administration believe that the great Harding vote was to "scrap" the League and likewise any effective association of nations, then scrapped they will be, and behind the splendid achievement of disarmament there will be no enforcing power. But if President Harding and our national leaders come to know or to believe the truth that the vote was to go in one or the other Americanized, then we will go in. It is the American way to yield to the will of the majority. But if the mandate is misunderstood, all goes wrong. That is why "The Great Deception," by Samuel Colcord, "Bringing into the Light the Real Meaning and Mandate of the Harding Vote as to Peace," is not a post mortem. It deals with the most practical and vital question of the houra question upon the right decision of which may hang peace or war, the future of civilization and the immeasurable interests of mankind. By a masterful marshalling of irresistible facts it establishes the truth, as Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall says, "beyond the peradventure of a doubt." William Allen White says, "It tells the truth which American statesmen must accept." Buy it to-day. $1.50 Everywhere or of the Publishers BL BONI & LIVERIGHT

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tween John Haynes

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and What He Stood For. 20 Let's Laugh. Nasby. 21 Carmen. Merimee. 24 The Kiss and Other Stories. A. Chekhov. 25 Rhyming Dictionary. 26 On Going to Church. Bernard Shaw.

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46 Salome. Oscar Wilde.

47 He Renounced the Faith.

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Conan Doyle and Joseph

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