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"I can bear this no longer!" said he, pressing his hands to his forehead. "It will drive me mad! Take your revenge; take your revenge," he continued, wildly addressing Black Kenneth," and rid me of a life that is a burthen. It was I -"

At that moment the door burst open, and the High Sheriff, and Mr. Dankes, followed by four dragoons with drawn swords, preceded by one of the domestics half undressed, entered the room.

"Andrew Mayfield and the Chevalier Gabrielli," said the High Sheriff, addressing them, "here are warrants for your apprehension upon suspicion of murder. Surrender yourselves peaceably to the King's authority.”

"Murder!" exclaimed Mayfield, looking at Mr. Dankes; "what murder ?"

"As to the matter of quietly surrendering ourselves," said Black Kenneth, "it's civil enough of your worship to ask us; but with those red-coats at your back, you might have saved yourself the trouble. At the same time, if it isn't too great a favour, I should like to know when and where I have had anything to do with murder."

"You are charged upon suspicion of having been concerned in the murder of Ephraim Bosley -"

"Never heard of the gentleman in Never knew anybody of that name. mistake, depend upon it."

my life!

It's all a

"With that I have nothing to do; and I hope sincerely it may be all a mistake, as far as you are concerned; but certain it is, the person mentioned was most foully murdered, together with his female servant."

"Perhaps, sir," said Mayfield, addressing the High Sheriff, "you will indulge me with a sight of the warrant."

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Andrew read it. Black Kenneth pretended to do so; after which, the former, returning it, said, "We submit, and hold ourselves at your disposal."

"I have a like warrant," observed the High Sheriff, "for Colonel Jones and Major James. Can you inform me where they are?"

"I think I could find them," replied Black Kenneth, "if you would let me try." "Which you may do, accompanied by two dragoons."

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By two dragoons ?" he repeated. "Would not that attract too much notice?

were to go alone ?"

Suppose I

"You are a wag, Monsieur le Chevalier,” replied the High Sheriff ironically.

Mayfield, who was annoyed at the idea of Kilvert and Three Farthing Nick having escaped the fate which now threatened himself, urged the expediency of despatching scouts in every direction, observing "that they could not have got far, even supposing them to have started at daybreak." This advice was instantly acted upon; six of the soldiers who were best mounted, being despatched to scour the country within a circle of ten miles. About an hour afterwards, Mayfield and Black Kenneth, escorted by the remainder, set forth to join Sir Stephen and Jennet.


Nor will I e'er believe it; 'sdeath! I will not;
That I, that, in all passages I touch'd

Of worldly profit, have not left a print

Where I have trod for the most curious search
To trace my footsteps, should be baffled and foil'd,
And all my hopes and labours made void.


THE reader has not forgotten, we presume, an observation made by Aston, when Mr. Azledine spoke despondingly of the declining state of his health, and foreboded that he should end his days, and that speedily, in prison. On that occasion, Aston strove to cheer his spirits by remarking that rumours of strange matters had reached him from Azledine Hall, which seemed to foreshadow the return of former days.

About a month before this conversation took place Judiah had been ordered, by Sir Stephen,


to clear out a small closet in the library, which appeared to have been used as a repository for loose papers, several bundles of which had been left on one of the upper shelves. untying one of the smallest of these bundles, a knife fell to the ground, at the sight of which he started. But when he saw the state it was in, and read what was written on the outside of the paper in which it had been wrapped, his flesh crept upon his bones. As soon as his agitation had a little subsided, he restored the knife to its place, folded up the papers, and put them into his pocket, for a more minute inspection.

This he had scarcely done when Sir Stephen entered the room, and seeing what he was about, inquired jestingly, whether he had discovered any treasures among the old parchments ?

Had Sir Stephen's thoughts not been intent upon other matters, he must have observed Judiah's agitation; but without waiting for an answer, he passed on to get his fishing-rod, and soon after quitted the room. Judiah, meanwhile, proceeded with his task; and when it was finished, hastened to his own apartment.

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