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God pronounce Does he tell me Does he tell me

ments. It is taking God at his word. Christian man can say, "Does me a sinner? I believe it. I deserve hell? I believe it. Jesus came to save sinners? I believe it. Does he assure me that no one who comes shall be cast out? I believe it. Does he promise eternal life to every one who believes? I believe that all such shall be saved. I believe what God says, because he says it; and in this confidence embrace his promise, by yielding myself up to him, by his grace, to do his will. I know that he cannot deceive me, and since he has promised salvation to as many as believe on Jesus, and walk according to his precepts, I believe that so walking he will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom and glory. "He is not a man, that he should lie ; nor the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good ?" I rely on his faithful word, look to his omnipotent power, and expect what he has promised; because he is in one mind and none can turn him."

This is faith; even the mind giving credit to God's word, leading the heart to rely on his veracity, producing in the life obedience to his commands. Ör the combination of credit and confidence, which always leads to prayer and obedience. Faith in Christ, is believing what he has promised, and committing the soul into his hand to be saved.


You believe on the Son of God? If so, the Lord Jesus is precious to your soul. Sin is hateful and burdensome. Holiness is the desire and element of your immortal spirit. True faith always admires Christ, and bids the believer strive to be like him. It worketh in the heart a dislike to all that is impure; and it produces in the life, joy, peace, and good works. The more faith we have, the more zealous we shall be of good works. Strong faith undertakes great things for Christ, suffers great things in the cause of Christ, and expects great things from the hand of Christ.

Reader, have you faith? Are you sure of it, for all men have not faith; and it is to be feared, that many fancy they have, who have not. The Apostle exhorts, "Examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith." The most tremendous consequences hang on this point, for he that believeth, hath everlasting life;" but "he that believeth not shall be damned," Here is no mincing the matter. This is plain speaking, yet it is spoken in love, in tender love. Search then thy heart, examine thy soul, press home the question, "Have I the faith of God's elect?" If thou hast, happy art thou. If thou hast not, terrible, most terrible, is thy condition, for “HE



Ir will not take more to read this piece, and yet you may have to bless God that you ever read it. We seek to do you good, to do you good for time and eternity. You have a soul, a soul that can never die; that soul has sinned against God; and having sinned, it is exposed to everlasting punishment.



It may be lost; and if once lost, it is lost for ever. it cannot be lost without your consent. any man's soul is lost, he loses it himself. Did you ever seriously reflect upon the Savi our's question, "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?"


You see the man is said to lose his own soul. God did not do it, for he says, hast destroyed thyself.” Satan could not do it. Thy companions could not. If therefore thy soul is lost, the blame lies with thyself. Hell is only the place where God pays the sinner his wages, and eternal punishment is no more than the just wages of sin. If you live in sin and die impenitent, God must punish you, or be unjust; but that is impossible. If you prefer sin to holiness, Satan to Jesus Christ, earth to heaven, the world to God; your preference will ruin you. If you continue in sin, you are a lost man; for it is

written in God's book, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." God is solemnly pledged to punish sin. For those who believe in Jesus, and obey the will of God, sin has been punished already, in Christ the sinner's substitute: but those who reject the Saviour, who despise the mercy of God, and turn away from his holy ordinances, must bear every one his own punishment.

There is a way of salvation open for sinners; it is planly revealed in the gospel; you are welcome to enter it, you are invited to do so; and if you do, it will land you in heaven. Jesus is the way; by believing in him you enter it; and living, walking, and working by faith in Christ, your end will be everlasting life. Can you spare two minutes more? If so go down upon your knees at once, and pray God to have mercy on your soul. He is seated upon a throne of grace; he is waiting to be gracious unto sinners? he will hear your cry? he will attend to your prayer; and, if from your heart, you seek the salvation of your soul, he will grant your request. Go in the name of Jesus; plead nothing but his precious blood and finished work; and in answer to such prayer, in honour of this plea, he will confer upon you the greatest blessing which a God can give, Let not Satan persuade you to delay, listen not to unbelief, but this moment seek the salvation of your soul, and seek it with all your heart.


My young friend, allow me to ask, "What is the state of your mind?" You have been taught to read and reverence God's holy word; you have heard the gospel preached many, many times; your parents have prayed for you both in private, and in the family circle; you have often been impressed with a sense of the importance of divine things: you have sometimes resolved to change your course; but perhaps up to this moment you are undecided. Now why is this? Does not Jesus say, “My son, give me thine heart ?”


not Jehovah asked, "Wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, My Father, thou art the guide of my youth ?”

You have been warned, invited, and exhorted, both by God and man; why then delay? What occasions your delay ? Is it the world? It is a cheat. Is it sin? It is the greatest folly and the most fearful evil. Is it shame? What! can you be ashamed of Jesus, who was not ashamed to die an accursed death for sinners? Is it fear? Fear not, for God invites you to his bosom; Jesus calls you to his open arms: angels watch to rejoice at your decision; and saints will hail you with delight to their fellowship. Is it the incon337


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