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"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." You need just sucha Saviouras Jesus is, his word assures you that he is both able and willing to save, but you must look away from every thing else, and seek salvation in him and him alone. Looking to Jesus removes guilt from the troubled conscience; fear from the dejected mind; and the dread of death from the dying sinner. Look therefore to Jesns as the only Saviour, and believe in his precious name; look unto him as your bright example, and tread in his blessed footsteps; look unto him as the conqueror of death, and triumph over the grave. Look unto him for all you need, flee to him from all you fear, trust him when you are cast down, and wait on him until you see him as he is. Live, looking to Jesus, and you will be holy; die, looking to Jesus, and you are safe for ever.

But if you look to any one or any thing else, for your acceptance with God, you are eternally undone : for there is salvation in no other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by him. If therefore you would obtain pardon for your sins, relief from your fears, victory over your spiritual foes, comfort in life, safety at_death, and glory at God's right hand, "LOOK UNTO JESUS."



READER, the great and glorious God who fills heaven and earth with his presence, against whom all your sins have been committed, from whom you can reasonably expect nothing but wrath and indignation, has sent a message to you. It is written in his word, it is sent by his church, it is commonly called the gospel: that is, GOOD News. It ought to have been delivered to you by every real Christian you know; but if you ever read the New Testament, or attend a faithful ministry, it must have met your eye, or have been sounded in your ear.

The message is this, "That as you are a lost sinner, and if left to yourself, must perish, God has provided a Šaviour, even Jesus Christ; that this Saviour is able and willing to save you; that he is always at liberty to attend to you; that he can hear you any where, even when you speak in the softest whisper; that his heart is peculiarly tender and loving; that he rejoices to save sinners ; and was never known to refuse to save any one, though his sins were great, his heart hard, and his fears many. But the Lord not only informs you of a Saviour, but bids you come to him; he invites you to come at once, to

come just as you are, to come because he bids you, to come believing that he will not refuse to save you because God has told you so. To come and lay your soul at his feet ; to plead for pardon through his precious blood; to ask for acceptance with God, and justification in his sight, because he lived and died for sinners. But there is someting more in God's message, it is this, That the Lord Jesus Christ is now in heaven before God, and that he intercedes for every poor sinner who comes to God through him; yes, he pleads for those who feel that they cannot pray, who think that God will not have mercy on them because their hearts are so hard, their unbelief so strong, their minds so confused, and their prayers so weak and sinful.

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Now have you received this message? Do you believe it? Have you attended to it? Have you been found at the feet of Jesus, seeking pardon, peace, and everlasting life? If not, go this moment; lift up your heart to God at once; cry with the poor blind man, 'Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me;" and persevere in seeking until you can say, "BEHOLD, GOD IS MY SALVATION." Go plead the message God has sent you; and he will receive, bless, and save you for evermore. Go and prove how much God can love a sin ner, how kindly Jesus will receive you, and how sweetly the Holy Spirit will enable you to cry Abba, Father, my Lord and my God. You cannot go in vain.


Aged Twelve Weeks.

FAREWELL my babe, thy Saviour calls thee home,
And bids thee to his sacred bosom come;
Thy days below were few and fill'd with pain,
And shall I wish thee back to weep again?
Thy little frame, rack'd with convulsions sore,
Now laid asleep by death feels pain no more;
Thy cries are silenced and thy eyelids closed,
Thou art in Jesu's tender bosom housed.

The work of death is done, and thou are free,
No more thy parents hearts shall ache for thee:
No more for ease thy little hands shall fight,
For thou hast reached the glorious realms of light.
Thy painful pantings and distressing cries,
No more shall make our bosoms heave with sighs;
Thy groans are over, every struggle's past,
And thou hast found a place of rest at last.
Thy features shall no more distorted be,
Thy little frame is from disorder free;
Thy tender heart with anguish throbs no more,
Thy rest is sweet, thy every trouble's o'er.
In solemn silence all thy cries are hush'd,
Thy little cheeks, no more with fever flush'd,
Are pale and deathly, and as cold as clay,
Thy form is placid as the opening day.
We thought it long to see thee suffering lie,
Which made us often to Jehovah cry;
But when he answer'd then we thought it hard,
And would the footsteps of pale death retard.
To part was painful, for we dearly lov'd

Our Mercy, and would fain that love have prov'd;
But all was vain, thy suffering days were o'er,
Thy eyes were closed to look on us no more.
Thy death was easy when the summons came,
As calm and quiet as the expiring flame;

The little soul escap'd to dwell above,

And taste the sweets of everlasting love. Thou now art housed from every bitter blast, The howling tempest thou hast quickly pass'd; The lion's roar cannot thy quiet break, Or rattling thunders cause thee to awake. Thy Mother's bosom could not give thee ease, But Jesu's breast makes all thy pains to cease: Thy Saviour's arms are thy protection now, 'Tis but a clay-cold corpse that's left below. Ah! lovely Mercy, thou hast gain'd the prize, For songs of glory thou has chang'd thy sighs; Thy state is blessed and thy joys unknown, And will be while thy Saviour fills the throne. 'Weep not for me,' methinks I hear thee say, 'But weep for those who still behind me stay; 'For Ann, and William, James, and Joseph too, 'Who still continue in the vale of woe.

'Twas Jesus kind who call'd my spirit home, 'You named me Mercy, and 'twas mercy's doom; 'Can you repine and grieve that I am blest, 'Or wish to tear me from my Saviour's breast. 'My pains and sorrows are for ever o'er, "Twere wrong to wish to see me suffer more; 'I shall for ever sing my Saviour's praise, 'And chant his love in everlasting lays. 'Farewell my parents, cease to mourn for me, 'Be ready, and you soon shall Jesus see; "Your little Mercy then shall hail you home, 'And saints and angels joy to see you come. 'My Mother, dry your tears, my death improve, 'It is a mark of Jesu's special love;

"Tis so unkind in you to wish my stay, 'When Jesus, saints, and angels calls away. My Saviour's bosom's softer far than yours, 'And joy eternal fills my little powers; "I sweetly drink my fill of endless love, And all the heights and depths of mercy prove. What I enjoy no mortal tongue can tell, Compared with this to be on earth is hell;

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