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emolument, though they are perfuaded that your labours will prove as importantly beneficial as your proposal has been difinterested.

Fort St. George,

7th Sept., 1789.

I am, Sir,

Your most obedient fervant,


for the Committee.

At a General Meeting of the Directors of the Male Afylum, 25th Nov. 1789.

THIS meeting express their great fatisfaction at finding the Rev. Dr. Bell has been pleased to accept the truft of fuperintending the charity, and direct their fecretary to return him their thanks, and to exprefs their high sense of the fervices already rendered the institution, and their reliance of much future benefit and advantage from his abilities and zeal.

General Meeting, 5th Jan. 1792.

THE Rev. Dr. Bell examines the feveral claffes in prefence of the meeting, and exhibits fpecimens of the progrefs they have made in writing and arithmetic.

The meeting cannot fufficiently exprefs the

fense they entertain of the unremitting care and attention which it is evident the Doctor has paid to the fuperintendence of the children; for which they beg he will accept their best thanks.

They requeft alfo, that Dr. Bell will diftribute fuch rewards to the children as he may think proper, and to thofe he may judge most deferving of such marks of distinction.

Extract of Report of the Directors of the Afylum to the Government of Madras, dated ift Jan. 1793.

The benefits which must refult from this inftitution, not only to thofe who are the objects of its charity, by their prefervation from vice and mifery, but also to the community, by their education for useful and neceffary occupations, are too obvious to require any arguments, and will be strongly felt by all those who have occafion to contrast the discipline of this feminary, and the leffors of morality and religion there inculcated upon the minds of youth, with the corrupt maxims and pernicious habits which are so frequently exhibited by the children of this country, who

enjoy not the advantages derived from fuch an establishment, and which feem to have greatly contributed to mark their character with inferiority.

Impreffed with the fulleft conviction of the utility of the school in this and every point of view, the managers flatter themfelves that the Honourable Court of Directors, who first recommended, and afterwards patronised, this not lefs humane than useful establishment, will not fail to rear it to maturity; and that after the happy prospects which now present of complete fuccefs, they will be more than ever inclined to carry into full extent their well-advised and well-directed charity.

General Meeting, 11th Jan. 1794.

THE Rev. Dr. Bell examines the feveral claffes in prefence of the meeting, who exprefs their cordial fatisfaction at the ftriking improvement which the charity continues. to derive from his able and difinterested labours.

To the Rev. Dr. BELL, Egmore.


mitting to

I HAVE much pleasure in tranfyou the enclosed copy of refolutions paffed at the general meeting of the president, vice-prefidents, and directors, of the Male Orphan Afylum, on Wednesday last the 13th instant; and, in confequence of the latter resolution, request to be favoured with the requifitel information of the ship on which it may be your wish to proceed to Europe.

I have the pleasure to be, Sir,


very obedient fervant,


Madras, 17th Jan. 179.


Acting Sec. M. O. Asylum.

Egmore, 13th January, 1796.

THE prefident, vice-prefidents, and directors, of the Male Orphan Afylum, taking into confideration the intimation received from the Rev. Dr. Bell of his intended departure for Europe, by which the institution will be deprived of the further benefit of his

immediate care and fuperintendence, do come to the following resolutions:

I. That, under the immediate care and fuperintendence of the Rev. Dr. Bell, and the wife and judicious regulations which he has established for the education of the boys, 'this institution has been brought to a degree of perfection and promifing utility far exceeding what the most fanguine hopes could have fuggested at the time of its establishment: and

That, therefore, the Rev. Dr. Bell is entitled to the fullest approbation of this meeting for his zealous and difinterested conduct in the execution of fo difficult a charge fince the commencement of the school; and that he be accordingly requested to accept their best thanks, which the secretary is defired to communicate to the Rev. Dr. Bell.


II. Refolved, That the directors of this charity take it upon themselves to provide a convenient paffage for Dr. Bell to Europe, on any ship he may wifh to go on. By order,



Acting Sec. M. O. Asylum.

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