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whole school, drawn up in a circle for that purpose; when the nature and consequence of every omiffion or commiffion is explained in the language of the fchool; and the fact tried and sentence pronounced on the culprit by,

10th. "A A jury of their peers," which fentence is inflicted, mitigated, or remitted, at the discretion of the fuperintendant, visitor, or fchool-master.

Mark the advantage of this process. An offence is committed, the punishment of which, if the fuperior officer does his duty, cannot reach beyond the culprit; but, if he fail, he becomes himself involved, not for the

Abstract lectures, which my fchoolmaster tried for a while, are litt'e attended to, and ftill lefs understood, by children. To reach their minds and touch their hearts, you must give a vifible fhape and tangible form to your doctrine. doctrine. When a meritorious conduct is displayed, or a crime perpetrated, and you can thus give a body to your lecture, it is listened to, understood, and felt. My lectures were all of this fort, with the fubject under my hands, and before the eyes of all his schoolfellows, affembled on the occafion. "Jefus called a little child unto him, and fet him in the midft of them, and faid," &c. Mat. xviii. 1-6; See alfo Mat. xii. 48-50; xxii. 15-22; xxiv. 1, 2; Mark, xii. 41-44; Luke, x. 40—42; John, iv. 9-26; and gofpels paffim. How much might we learn, if we read our Bibles as we ought to do?

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offence of another, but for his own omiffion of the task affigned to him. The facility, which this process affords to the detection of every crime, and confequent prevention, must be obvious at first fight. Mark, also, that no one in this link is called upon to do more than to report what he fees and knows to be done, contrary to the rules of the school, in the department committed to his charge, and for which he stands refponsible.

But what are all these advantages compared with the next I have to mention? It is the grand boaft of this fyftem, not that it thus detects, convicts, and corrects the offender, but that, by the perpetual presence and intervention, as well at play as in school, of our teachers and affiftants (not to say tutors) who are tried and approved boys, aided by their (emeriti) predeceffors, who acquitted themfelves, while in office, with credit and applaufe, it prevents the offence, and establishes fuch habits of industry, morality, and religion, as have a tendency to form good scholars, good men, good fubjects, and good Christians.

In a word, it gives, as it were, to the master the hundred hands of Briareus, the hundred

eyes of Argus, and the wings of Mercury.

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But this scheme lays claim to still higher praife. It is the fuperlative glory of the fyftem, that, when duly administered, it applies itself to every principle of humanity. It engages the attention, interefts the mind, and wins the affection of youth. Their natural love of activity is gratified by the occupation which it furnishes them. They are delighted with being, to every wife and good purpose, their own masters. They are charmed that they see the reason, feel the justice, and perceive the utility of all that is done to them, for them, and by them.

And, still further, this fyftem is to be eftimated by the civility, the decorum, the fubordination, the regard to good order and good government, which it inculcates and exemplifies; while, by the various offices performed in the different departments of the school, it prepares the disciples for business, and instructs them to act their part and perform their duty in future life with punctuality, diligence, impartiality, and juftice; and alfo cultivates the beft difpofitions of the heart, by teaching the children to take an early and well-directed intereft in the welfare of one another.

Every boy, not totally corrupted and de


praved, fees in this fyftem a friend, to whom he is fure to attach himself in the closest bands of amity, and will himself, whenever it is conducted with no interested view, but with imvartiality and ability, for the general good,. come forward and exert himself in every emergency, for its due fupport and administration. The policy of your scholars is on your fide as well as their heart. Not to forfeit fuch high privileges, as the fyftem confers on them, they take a deep interest in its fupport, prefervation, and advancement. For fhould they, by falfehood, perverfenefs, or ill conduct, dif- ́ turb its order and harmony, they must expect. to revert to other jurifdiction, than that of themselves and their peers; an immunity of which they are no lefs jealous than every Englishman is of his invaluable privilege, the trial by jury.

By these means, a few good boys felected for the purpose (and changed as often as occasion requires) who have not begun their career of pleasure, ambition, or intereft; who have no other occupation, no other pursuit, nothing to call forth their attention, but this fingle object; and whofe minds you can lead and command at pleasure, form the whole fchool; teach the.

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fcholars to think rightly, and, mixing in all their little amufements and diverfions, fecure them against the contagion of ill example, and, by feeing that they treat one another 'kindly, render them contented and happy in their condition.

These advantages are fummed up by the Trustees of the Parochial Charity Schools of St. Mary's, Whitechapel, in their printed Report of 7th April, 1807, in these words:


“The chief advantages of Dr. Bell's plan

I. "It completely fixes and fecures the attention of every scholar: the indolent are stimulated; the vicious reclaimed; and it nearly annihilates bad behaviour of every fort.

II." The children make a regular progress in their learning, which is daily noted and registered; no leffon being paffed over till it be correctly studied.

III. “It faves the expense of additional inftructors; the eye of fome intelligent master or mistress alone, being required to fee that their agents, the fenior good boys and girls, do their duty in teaching their juniors.

IV. "It not only poffeffes excellent mechanical advantages in communicating in

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