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occafion arofe, which gave them birth, there muft need be frequent repetitions of the fame thoughts and as utility and effect are his aim, he has feldom ftudied to clothe these thoughts, which are meant to strike different readers, in different places, in new language. In regard alfo to the manner, style, and tone which he has thought himself at times conftrained to affume (fee p. 128-136) he requefts it to be remembered, that it is the cause of the present race of children within the reach of his labours, and of future generations of men over the world, in their moft momentous concerns, of which he is the willing advocate.

Even in the mere point of the health of the body, and the prefervation of the animal life of man, Vaccination, the most valuable discovery in the phyfical art, of which this country, or the world, can boaft, falls fhort of this invention; which provides the means of supplying a remedy for the disorders of filth, idleness, ignorance, and vice, more fatal to children than the ravages of the Small-Pox.

But this is its leaft recommendation. It is the fanity of the mind, which is its glory

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its moral, religious, and political tendency. Of these let its Indian pupils (212–218) speak, for here all comparison fails and the greatest discoveries, heretofore made for the improvement of human life, fink into comparative infignificance.

Let modern philofophers difpute about the perfectibility of the human race, the Author recommends only what is practicable, what has been practised, and what is in daily practice. He fhrinks not from the imputation of enthusiasm. If his enthusiasm be grounded on juft principles of humanity, which challenge the strictest investigation, and on an uniform series of corresponding facts, which can admit of no dispute―he despairs not of adding daily to the numerous lift of his fellow-enthufiafts, of which he is juftly proud. He appeals to the events of the laft nineteen years. He looks forward to the event of every fucceeding year; and he fixes his eyes with the most entire fatisfaction on the judgment of pofterity-the fure touchstone of Truth or Falfehood.

With fuch convictions on his mind, with fuch impreffions on his heart, and with fuch

an engine in his hands, he fears not now to tell aloud, what eleven years ago he only whifpered--when he put the original reports of the Male Asylum into the hands of his bookfeller, and what he has never ceafed to repeat to his friends," You will mark me for an enthusiast; but if you and 1 live a thousand years, we shall fee this Syftem of Tuition spread over the world." But it was from his afhes he then expected it to fpring up. He did not expect to live, as he has done, to fee it patronised, where he was most defirous of its being patronised; and established, where he was most defirous of its being established. And yet, he cannot diffemble, that this uncalculated fuccefs has not the effect which might be supposed. He still thinks nothing done by him, while any thing remains to be done. He is apprehensive that, like Vaccination, it will be fooner carried to its juft length in foreign countries than at home. He is fearful of being wanting to his own difcovery, and of failing in that pitch of exertion, requifite to bring it forward in due time.

The Gofpel has, in former times, been

promulgated by means of miracles, and of the fword. The one mean has ceased-the other mean will not now be recommended. There remains only the filent, gradual, and fure mean of Religious Education.



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II. Writing alphabet on fand, and its advantages. Preface
to Parents. Perfect teaching. Foundation
III. Of monofyllables and previous fpelling. Ground-work.
The word fpell, how used. Usual mode exploded

IV. Of fyllabic and other reading. Defcribed and exem-

plified. Simplification and reducing to firft elements.

Reading word by word, and in the ufual mode


V. Unreiterated spelling-described-affords a general rule
for hearing claffes fay their leffon.

VI. Of writing. Sand, flate, and pen


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