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The fame. A Room of State in Timon's House.

Hautboys playing loud musick. A great banquet ferved in; FLAVIUS and others attending; then enter TIMON, ALCIBIADES, LUCIUS, LUCULLUS, SEMPRONIUS, and other Athenian Senators, with VENTIDIUS and Attendants. Then comes, dropping after all, APEMANTUS, discontentedly.


VEN. Most honour'd Timon, 't hath pleas'd the gods remember 9

My father's age, and call him to long peace.
He is gone happy, and has left me rich:
Then, as in grateful virtue I am bound

To your free heart, I do return those talents,

Doubled, with thanks, and service, from whofe

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O, by no means,

Honest Ventidius: you mistake my love;
I gave it freely ever; and there's none
Can truly say, he gives, if he receives :

8-discontentedly.] The ancient stage-direction adds-like

himself. STEEVENS.

9 Most honour'd Timon, 't hath pleas'd the gods remember] The old copy reads to remember. But I have omitted, for the fake of metre, and in conformity to our author's practice on other occafions, the adverb-to. Thus, in King Henry VIII. At IV. fc. ii. Vol. XI. p. 158:

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Patience, is that letter

"I caus'd you write, yet fent away?"

Every one must be aware that the particle-to was purposely left out, before the verb-write. STEEVENS.

If our betters play at that game, we must not dare To imitate them; Faults that are rich, are fair.


* If our betters play at that game, we must not dare To imitate them; Faults that are rich, are fair.] These two lines are absurdly given to Timon. They should be read thus: Tim. If our betters play at that game, we must not.

Apem. Dare to imitate them. Faults that are rich are fair. This is faid fatirically, and in character. It was a sober reflection in Timon; who by our betters meant the gods, which require to be repaid for benefits received; but it would be impiety in men to expect the same observance for the trifling good they do. Apemantus, agreeably to his character, perverts this sentiment; if Timon had spoke of earthly grandeur and potentates, who expect largest returns for their favours; and therefore, ironically replies as above. WARBURTON.

t; as

I cannot fee that these lines are more proper in any other mouth than Timon's, to whose character of generosity and condescension they are very fuitable. To suppose that by our betters are meant the gods, is very harsh, because to imitate the gods has been hitherto reckoned the highest pitch of human virtue. The whole is - a trite and obvious thought, uttered by Timon with a kind of affected modesty. If I would make any alteration, it should be only to reform the numbers thus:

Our betters play that game; we must not dare

'Timitate them: faults that are rich are fair. JOHNSON. The faults of rich perfons, and which contribute to the increase of riches, wear a plausible appearance, and as the world goes are thought fair; but they are faults notwithstanding. HEATH.

Dr. Warburton with his usual love of innovation, transfers the laft word of the first of these lines, and the whole of the fecond to Apemantus. Mr. Heath has justly observed that this cannot have been Shakspeare's intention, for thus Apemantus would be made to address Timon personally, who must therefore have feen and heard him; whereas it appears from a subsequent speech that Timon had not yet taken notice of him, as he falutes him with fome furprize

"O, Apemantus! - you are welcome."

The term-our betters, being used by the inferior classes of men when they speak of their fuperiors in the state, Shakspeare uses these words, with his ufual laxity, to express perfons of high rank and fortune. MALONE.

So, in King Lear, Act III. fc. vi. Edgar says, (referring to the distracted king):

"When we our betters see bearing our woes,

"We scarcely think our miseries our foes." STEEVENS.

VEN. A noble spirit.

[They all stand ceremoniously looking on TIMON.

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Nay, my lords, ceremony

Was but devis'd at first, to fet a glofs

On faint deeds, hollow welcomes,

Recanting goodness, forry ere 'tis shown;

But where there is true friendship, there needs none. Pray, fit; more welcome are ye to my fortunes, Than my fortunes to me.

[They fit.

1. LORD. My lord, we always have confefs'd it. APEM. Ho, ho, confefs'd it? hang'd it, have you

not? 3

Тім. О, Ареmantus!-you are welcome.

You shall not make me welcome:
I come to have thee thrust me out of doors.


TIM. Fie, thou art a churl; you have got a hu-
mour there

Does not become a man, 'tis much to blame :-
They fay, my lords, that ira furor brevis eft,
But yond' man's ever angry.4
Go, let him have a table by himself;
For he does neither affect company,
Nor is he fit for it, indeed.

APEM. Let me stay at thine own peril, Timon;

3 confess'd it? hang'd it, have you not?] There feems to be fome allufion here to a common proverbial faying of Shakspeare's time: "Confefs and be hang'd." See Othello, Act IV. fc. i.

They say, my lords, that-] Hanmer, for the fake of metre.

MALONE. That was inferted by Sir Thomas STEEVENS.

4 But yond' man's ever angry.] The old copy has very angry; which can hardly be right. The emendation now adopted was made by Mr. Rowe. MALONE.

Perhaps we should read-But yon man's very anger; i. e. anger itself, which always maintains its violence. STEEVENS.

----- at thine own peril,] The old copy reads at thine apperil. I come to observe; I give thee warning on't. TIM. I take no heed of thee; thou art an Athenian; therefore welcome: I myself would have no power: 'pr'ythee, let my meat make thee filent.



APEM. I scorn thy meat; 'twould choke me, for I should Ne'er flatter thee. -O you gods! what a number Of men eat Timon, and he fees them not! It grieves me, to see so many dip their meat In one man's blood; and all the madness is,


I have not been able to find such a word in any Dictionary, nor is it reconcileable to etymology. I have therefore adopted an emendation made by Mr. Steevens. MALONE.

Apperil, the reading of the old editions, may be right, though no other instance of it has been, or possibly can be produced. It is, however, in actual use in the metropolis, at this day.


6 I myself would have no power:] If this be the true reading, the sense is, -all Athenians are welcome to share my fortune: I would myself have no exclusive right or power in this house. Perhaps we might read, -I myself would have no poor. I would have every Athenian confider himself as joint poffeffor of my fortune. JOHNSON.

I understand Timon's meaning to be: I myself would have no power to make thee filent, but I wish thou would'st let my meat make thee filent. Timon, like a polite landlord, difclaims all power over the meaneft or moft troublesome of his guests." TYRWHITT.

These words refer to what follows, not to that which precedes. 1 claim no extraordinary power in right of my being master of the house: I wish not by my commands to impose filence on any one: but though I myself do not enjoin you to filence, let my meat stop your mouth. MALONE.

1 I fcorn thy meat; 'twould choke me, for I should

Ne'er flatter thee.] The meaning is, I could not fwallow thy meat, for I could not pay for it with flattery; and what was given me with an ill will would stick in my throat. JOHNSON.

For has here perhaps the fignification of because. So, in Othello:


"Haply, for I am black," MALONE.

- so many dip their meat

In one man's blood;) The allusion is to a pack of hounds

He cheers them up too.

I wonder, men dare trust themselves with men:
Methinks, they should invite them without knives;*
Good for their meat, and safer for their lives.
There's much example for't; the fellow, that
Sits next him now, parts bread with him, and pledges
The breath of him in a divided draught,

Is the readiest man to kill him: it has been prov'd.

If I

Were a huge man, I should fear to drink at meals; Left they should spy my windpipe's dangerous notes: Great men should drink with harness on their



TIM. My lord, in heart; and let the health go round.

trained to pursuit by being gratified with the blood of an animal which they kill, and the wonder is that the animal on which they are feeding cheers them to the chase. JOHNSON.

8 Methinks, they should invite them without knives;] It was the custom in our author's time for every guest to bring his own knife, which he occasionally whetted on a stone that hung behind the door. One of these whetstones may be seen in Parkinson's Museum. They were strangers, at that period, to the use of forks.



windpipe's dangerous notes:) The notes of the windpipe seem to be only the indications which show where the windpipe is. JOHNSON.

Shakspeare is very fond of making use of musical terms, when he is fpeaking of the human body, and windpipe and notes favour strongly of a quibble. STEEVENS.

2 with harness-] i. e. armour.


See Vol. VII. p. 573.

3 My lord, in heart;) That is, my lord's health with fincerity. An emendation has been proposed thus:

My love in heart;

but it is not necessary. JOHNSON.

So, in The Queen of Corinth, by Beaumont and Fletcher: " I will be never more in heart to you." Again, in King Henry IV. Part I. Act IV. sc. i:

-- in heart defiring still

"You may behold," &c.

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