Obrázky na stránke

3. Tell the story of the overthrow of Athens by Sparta.

4. Narrate the circumstances of the battle of Leuctra, and explain its importance in Grecian history.

5. Narrate the circumstances of the battle of Chaeroneia, and explain its importance in Grecian history.

6. Sketch a map of Sicily, marking the places of importance in Grecian history, and trace briefly the history of the Sicilian Greeks to the death of Timoleon.

IV-1. Trace the rise of the kingdom of Sicily.

2. Mention the date, the locality, and the results of the chief wars between Christians and Mahometans during your period.

3. Trace the history of the order of the Teutonic Knights.

4. Over what countries did Charles the Fifth rule, and by what right in each case?

5. Give the causes of the Thirty Years' War, and the names of the chief persons engaged in it.

6. Give some account of the war of the Austrian Succession.


The Board of Examiners.

1. Give the plurals of the following words :-arbre, neveu, laquais, lieu, soldat, noix, château, trou, filou, chou.

2. As a general rule adjectives in French form their feminine by adding "e" mute to the masculine; mention the principal exceptions.

3. What are the principal rules for the position of the adjective in French before or after the noun which it qualifies or determines ?

4. Which of the numerals in French admit of a plural form? Give an example of each.

5. Give the present and past participles and the first person singular of the present and future tenses indicative of the following verbs:-tenir, falloir, voir, connaître, jeter, dire, bouillir, craindre, croire, croître.

6. Translate into French

What do you mean?

That depends upon circumstances.
Have you heard of your brother?

I am surprised at it.

You have a great deal of courage.

(Translate the last sentence in two ways, using "beaucoup" in one, and "bien" in the other.)

7. Translate into English

"Mon Cousin,

Je suis vraiment confus de ce que je vais vous dire et ne sais comment m'excuser. Il faut que je connaisse votre bonté pour en avoir le courage. Je ne puis me rendre près de vous, et vous envoie un exprès. Tout s'est expliqué, tout s'est arrangé; il n'y avait dans tout cela qu'un malentendu et un peu d'enfantillage de ma part. Il n'en reste rien, si ce n'est le très-vif regret de vous avoir donné ce souci, et causé cette peine. Que votre cœur me le pardonne, et si vous avez associé quelqu'un à ma confidence, veuillez le comprendre dans les excuses que je vous fais et les remerciements que je vous adresse. Sitôt que je serai libre, j'irai vous raconter les choses avec plus de détail.

8. Translate into English


"Il est dimanche 26 Avril, 1671; cette lettre ne partira que mercredi: mais ceci n'est pas une lettre, c'est une relation que vient de faire Moreuil, à votre intention, de ce qui s'est passé à Chantilly touchant Vatel. Je vous écrivis vendredi qu'il s'était poignardé; voici l'affaire en détail. Le Roi arriva jeudi au soir; la chasse, les lanternes, le clair de la lune, la promenade, la collation dans un lieu tapissé de jonquilles, tout cela fut à souhait. On soupa: il y eut quelques tables où le rôti manqua, à cause de plusieurs dîners où l'on ne s'était point attendu. Cela saisit Vatel; il dit plusieurs fois, 'Je suis perdu d'honneur; voici un affront que je ne supporterai pas."

9. Translate into French

Malec, vizier of the Caliph Mostadi, had just gained a victory over the Greeks, and taken their Emperor prisoner in a battle. Having caused this prince to be brought to his tent, he asked him what treatment he expected to receive . from his conqueror. "If you make war as a king," said the Emperor, "release me; if you make it as a trader, sell me; if you make it as a butcher, kill me." The Turkish general released him without ransom.

10. Translate into French

When Cortez returned to Spain he was received coldly by the Emperor Charles V. One day he presented himself suddenly to the monarch. "Who are you?" asked the Emperor haughtily. "I am the man," replied Cortez equally haughtily, "who has given you more provinces than your ancestors have bequeathed to you cities."

11. Translate into French

They will warm the soup.

He will have finished his studies in three months. Your watch is twenty minutes too fast, and mine is a quarter of an hour slow.

It will soon strike noon.

It is of no use to him.

12. Translate into English

Vous êtes le seul sur qui je puisse compter.
Je ne connais aucune des personnes qui sont
venues chez vous ce matin.

Aimez qu'on vous conseille, et non pas qu'on vous loue.

Jouer un tour.

Une table de quatre couverts.


The Board of Examiners.

1. Decline together throughout

mein treuer Hund; die schöne Frau; jenes arme Kind.

2. Give the German for

The two sons of the good father. My friend's beautiful houses. The flowers in that garden are red. We give money to this very old man. The learned professor gives a book to the diligent students. Those who are good are happy. There is the man of whom we speak. All men must die. The good red wine is in my friend's large house. Every one should love his country's friends.

[blocks in formation]
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