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The Board of Examiners.

1. Translate into French

You or I have written.

You or your sister will go.

Give the rule for the person in which the verb must be employed in such cases.

2. What are the rules for the employment of the negative after such verbs as craindre, trembler, avoir peur?


"Craignez, Seigneur, craignez que le ciel

Ne vous haïsse assez pour exaucer vos vœux."
RACINE, Phèdre, Acte 5, Sc. 3.

3. Distinguish between avant and devant; durant and pendant; en and dans; près de and prêt à.

4. Translate into French

Take this orange, it is very fine."

It is useful to study modern languages.
Study French, it is very useful.

Ask him the reason.

You indulge that child too much.

He felt hurt at that supposition.

I did not tell you to go there presently, but immediately.

I read your letter over and over again.

5. Translate into English

"Elevé sous le règne de l'impératrice Anne sur une éminence qui dominait la Windau, le manoir des Olsdorf se ressentait de l'éclectisme qui présidait au 18me siècle à l'architecture russe. Après avoir été tantôt grecque, tantôt italienne, elle ne reprit un caractère vraiment national que sous le Czar Nicolas. Mais si, comme construction, le château, un peu lourd et massif, n'offrait rien de remarquable que ses dimensions colossales, le domaine de Pampeln n'en était pas moins le plus important du pays, par son étendue, la richesse de son sol et l'immensité de ses forêts."

6. Translate into English

"Tout cela, dit-il au bout d'un instant, est fort bien; mais voici le principal, c'est de là que je fais dépendre notre marché. Ces élections vont coûter cher. Le prince aura de grandes dépenses à faire dans tous les départements; un grand nombre de ses agents ne pourront pas marcher sans avances. Moi, je ne suis pas dans le même cas, j'avancerai ce qu'il faudra. Presque tous les cabaretiers du pays me doivent de l'argent; je pourrais les mettre sur la paille en leur demandant mon remboursement du jour au lendemain, ou en leur refusant de la bière; ces gens-là me sont dévoués et je puis compter sur eux; mais je n'en serai pas moins forcé d'aposter dans chaque cabaret deux ou trois vieux de la vieille, pour raconter les victoires de Napoléon, et de leur donner non-seulement l'autorisation de boire à mon compte tout le temps de la période électorale, mais encore celle de verser à boire aux paysans tout ce qu'ils voudront, du vin, de

la bière, de l'eau-de-vie, afin d'éclaircir leurs idées et de fixer leur opinion."

7. Translate into French

"Again, it is with intense pleasure as with intense pain-both are dumb. A tender-hearted and sensitive man sees again a friend whom he has missed during a long absence; the friend makes an unexpected re-appearance, and the other's heart is touched; he rushes to him, he embraces him; he would speak, but cannot; he stammers and trips over his words; he says he knows not what, he does not hear the answer: if he could see that the delight is not mutual, how hurt he would be."

8. Translate into French

"On emerging from this dark and deadly plain, and beginning to ascend the lower mountain-stages, the visitor enjoys a much more pleasing scene. He passes now. through smiling and fruitful valleys, overhung by the most romantic steeps, and covered to a great extent with the noblest forests. Amid trees similar to those which spread their majestic foliage on the banks of the Ganges, various species of the more hardy oak and the pine begin to appear. The prospects obtained from commanding points in these regions-consisting in a foreground of smiling and cultured vales, hills behind crowned with natural plantations, steeper and loftier ranges beyond, and in the distance the snowclad tops of the highest mountain-chain-form a combination of the most sublime and enchanting scenery."

9. What is the etymology of the following words :traître, paître, autrui, jouer, cruel, ainsi, semaine, orge, on, soleil.

10. French is not derived from Classical, but from Low Latin. Illustrate this.

11. Give the rules for the agreement of the past participle, conjugated with or without an auxiliary, with the noun or pronoun to which it refers.

12. Translate into English

"Quelle est la fin de tout? la vie, ou bien la tombe? Est-ce l'onde où l'on flotte? Est-ce l'ombre où l'on tombe ?

De tant de pas croisés quel est le but lointain?
Le berceau contient-il l'homme ou bien le destin?
Sommes-nous ici-bas, dans nos maux, dans nos joies,
Des rois prédestinés, ou de fatales proies?

O Seigneur, dites-nous, dites-nous ô Dieu fort,
Si vous n'avez créé l'homme que pour le sort?
Si déja le calvaire est caché dans la crèche ?
Et si les nids soyeux, dorés par l'aube fraîche,
Où la plume naissante éclôt parmi des fleurs,
Sont faits pour les oiseaux ou pour les oiseleurs."
13. Translate into French-

"The first result of Buckingham's folly was the fall of Rochelle and the ruin of the Huguenot cause in France. Indirectly, as we have seen, it helped on the ruin of the cause of Protestantism in Germany. But in England it forced on Charles, overwhelmed as he was with debt and shame, the summoning of a new Parliament; a Parliament which met in a mood even more resolute than the last."

"The flight of Shaftesbury proclaimed the triumph of the King. His wonderful sagacity had told him when the struggle was over and further resistance useless. But the Whig leaders who had delayed to answer the Earl's call, still nursed projects of rising in arms; and the more desperate spirits who had clustered round him as he lay hidden in the city, took refuge in plots of assassination."


The Board of Examiners.

1. (a) Explain the difference between separable and inseparable verbs.

(b) In what tenses does a separable prefix remain with the verb ?

(c) Form five short sentences exemplifying the use of separable and inseparable verbs.

2. Give examples of differences in the order of words in a German as compared with an English



(a) What are the terminations of diminutives in German, and what is their gender?

Form diminutives from the following:

Der Baum; die Blume; das Kind; das Haus; der Vater.

(b) Give feminines of the following nouns :—
Der Nachbar, der Graf, der Hund, der Löwe,
der Wittwer.

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