WINDSOR-FOREST. To the RIGHT HONOURABLE GEORGE Lord LANSDOWN. Non injussa cano: Te nostræ, Vare, myricæ, VIRG. WINDSOR-FOREST. To the RIGHT HONOURABLE GEORGE Lord LANSDOWN. T HY foreft, Windfor! and thy green retreats, Invite my lays. Be present, sylvan maids! bring! What Muse for GRANVILLE can refuse to fing? 6 VARIATIONS. VER. 3, etc. originally thus, Chaste Goddess of the woods Nymphs of the vales, and Naïads of the floods, NOTES. This Poem was written at two different times: the first part of it, which relates to the country, in the year 1704, at the same time with the Paftorals; the latter part was not added till the year 1713, in which it was published. P. IMITATIONS. VER. 6, neget quis carmina Gallo? Virg. The Groves of Eden, vanish'd now so long, Live in description, and look green in song : These, were my breast inspir'd with equal flame, Like them in beauty, should be like in fame. 10 Here hills and vales, the woodland and the plain, Here earth and water seem to strive again; Where order in variety we fee, 15 20 Here waving groves a chequer'd scene display, Ev'n the wild heath displays her purple dyes, 25 And 'midst the defert fruitful fields arise, 4 VARIATIONS. VER. 25. Originally thus; Why should I fing our better funs or air, |