Britons, attend: be worth like this approv'd, And show, you have the virtue to be mov'd. With honest scorn the first fam'd Cato view'd Rome learning arts from Greece, whom she fub du'd; 40 Your scene precariously subsists too long NOTES. VER. 46. As Cato's self, etc.] This alludes to that famous story of his coming into the Theatre, and going out again. EPILOGUE TO Mr. ROWE'S JANE SHORE. Designed for Mrs. OLDFIELD. Prodigious this! Play the Frail-one of our From her own Sex should mercy find to-day! You might have held the pretty head aside, Peep'd in your fans, been serious, thus, and cry'd, The Play may pass----but that strange creature, Shore, 5 I can't---indeed now---I so hate a whore--- II There are, 'tis true, who tell another tale, 15 That virtuous ladies envy while they rail; Such rage without betrays the fire within; In fome close corner of the foul, they fin; Still hoarding up, most scandaloufly nice, Amidst their virtues a referve of vice. The godly dame, who fleshly failings damns, Scolds with her maid, or with her chaplain crams. Would you enjoy soft nights and folid dinners ? Faith, gallants, board with faints, and bed with finners. 20 • Well, if our Author in the Wife offends, 25 He has a Husband that will make amends : He draws him gentle, tender, and forgiving, And fure such kind good creatures may be living. In days of old, they pardon'd breach of vows, Stern Cato's self was no relentless spouse : 30 Plu---Plutarch, what's his name, that writes his life? Tells us, that Cato dearly lov'd his Wife : 1 The man had courage, was a sage, 'tis true, 39 45 49 Come here in crouds, and stare the strumpet down. END of the FIRST VOLUME. 552310 |