Now fleeping flocks on their soft fleeces lie, 5 Whilst filent birds forget their tuneful lays, THYRSIS. Behold the groves that shine with filver frost, Their beauty wither'd, and their verdure lost. 10 Here shall I try, the sweet Alexis' strain, That call'd the lift'ning Dryads to the plain? Thames heard the numbers as he flow'd along, And bade his willows learn the moving fong. REMARKS. defired his friend to do the same, as appears from one of his Letters, dated Sept. 9, 1706. "Your last Eclogue being on "the same subject with mine an Mrs. Tempest's death, I should take it very kindly in you to give it a little turn, as "if it were to the memory of the fame lady." Her death having happened on the night of the great storm in 1703, gave a propriety to this eclogue, which in its general turn alludes to it. The scene of the Paftoral lies in a grove, the time at midnight. P. VER. 9. fhine with filver freft,) The image is a fine one, but improperly placed. The idea he would raise is the deformity of Winter, as appears by the following line: but this imagery contradicts it. It should have been-glare with haary froft, or some fuch expreffion: the fame inaccuracy in ver. 31. where he uses pearls, when he should have faid tears. IMITATIONS. VER, 13. Thames heard, etc.] Audijt Eurotas, jussitque ediscere lauros. Virg. P. LYCIDAS. So may kind rains their vital moisture yield, 15 And swell the future harvest of the field. Begin; this charge the dying Daphne gave, THYRSIS. Ye gentle Muses, leave your crystal spring, Let Nymphs and Sylvans cypress garlands bring; Ye weeping Loves, the stream with myrtles hide, And break your bows, as when Adonis dy'd; And with your golden darts, now useless grown, 25 Inscribe a verse on this relenting stone: " Let nature change, let heav'n and earth deplore, "Fair Daphne's dead, and love is now no more!" 'Tis done, and nature's various charms decay, Seegloomy clouds obscure the chearful day! 30 ARIATIONS. VER. 29. Originally thus in the MS. 'Tis done, and nature's chang'd since you are gone; MITATIONS. VER. 23, 24, 25. Inducite fontibus umbras- Now hung with pearls the dropping trees appear, See, where on earth the flow'ry glories lie, 35 The thirsty heifers shun the gliding flood, 50 No more the mounting larks, while Daphne fings, Shall lift'ning in mid-air suspend their wings; I 55 No more the birds shall imitate her lays, 60 65 The filver flood, so lately calm, appears But fee! where Daphne wond'ring mounts on high Above the clouds, above the starry sky! 70 Fields ever fresh, and groves for ever green ! There while you rest in Amaranthine bow'rs, IMITATIONS. VER. 69, 70. miratur limen Olympi, Sub pedibusque videt nubes et sydera Daphnis. Virg. P. Behold us kindly, who your name implore, 75 Daphne, our Goddess, and our grief no more! LYCIDAS. How all things listen, while thy Musecomplains! Such filence waits on Philomela's strains, In somestillev'ning, when thewhisp'ring breeze Pants on the leaves, and dies upon the trees. 80 To thee, bright goddess, oft a lamb shall bleed, If teeming ewes encrease my fleecy breed. While plants their shade, or flow'rs their odours give, Thy name, thy honour, and thy praiseshall live! THYRSIS. But fee, Orion fheds unwholsome dews; 85 Arife, the pines a noxious shade diffuse; Sharp Boreas blows, and Nature feels decay, Time conquers all, and we must Time obey. VARIATIONS. VER.83. Originally thus in the MS. While vapours rise, and driving snows defcend, IMITATIONS. illius aram Sæpe tener nostris ab ovilibus imbuet agnus. Virg. P. VER. 81. VER. 86. Juniperi gravis umbra. folet effe gravis cantantibus umbra, VER. 88. Time conquers all, etc.] Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori. Virg. P. Vid. etiam Sannazarii Ecl, et Spencer's Calendar. |