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Indian Missions.-On Sunday, the 12th of March, a collection was taken in the different Catholic churches of Baltimore, for the benefit of the missions among the Indians of the Rocky Mountains. The collection, with the private donations obtained by Father De Smet, amounted to nearly eight hundred dollars.

Washington's Birth-day.-The twenty-second of February was celebrated with appropriate ceremonies at St. Mary's College, Baltimore, and at Georgetown College, D. C. Addresses were delivered in both institutions, and were a bright evidence of the vigorous growth of true patriotism among the students assembled within their walls. At Georgetown, the Declaration of Independence was read by William D. Wynn, of Georgia, after some felicitous remarks, and an oration delivered before the Philodemic Society, by George C. Morgan, of Maryland. We have been politely favored with a copy of the oration, a rapid glance at which has convinced us that it is an ardent and beautiful tribute to the memory of our illustrious Washington. After the oration the large audience, consisting of the élite lately assembled in the District of Columbia, proceeded to the spacious dining hall of the students, where a sumptuous and plentiful repast, had been prepared by the Faculty and Philodemic Society. During the entertainment, the presi dent of the college having paid a high and merited compliment to the Hon. C. G. Ferris, of New York, this gentleman arose and alluded in terms of the highest encomium to the oration of Mr. Morgan. He concluded by expressing a wish "that his country might ever continue to look with a favorable and fostering eye upon institutions which, like the university of Georgetown, were the nurseries of virtue and learning-schools in which the young American was qualified, in every respect, to fill the high and responsible places of himself and colleagues, when they should have passed from the scene of action to the silence of the tomb."

DIOCESS OF CHARLESTON.-We have learned from good authority that no appointment will be made to the vacant see of Charleston, before the convention of the fifth provincial council in May.

DIOCESS OF NATCHEZ.-The exercises for a spiritual retreat of four days will begin at the Catholic Church, on this evening, at early cand'e light, when the introductory sermon explaining its object, regulations, &c., will be delivered by the Rev. John Timon, C. M.-Vicksburg Sentinel, March 7.

DIOCESS OF BOSTON.-The bill introduced into the legislature of Massachusetts, relative to

the indemnification of the sufferers by the burning of the Charlestown convent, has been rejected by that body.

DIOCESS OF NEW ORLEANS.-Decision of the Superior Court, in Louisiana.-As it has been currently reported through the papers in this section of the country, on the strength of erroneous statements in a New Orleans print, that a decision had emanated from the supreme tribunal of that state, declaring that neither the Pope nor any bishop has the power of appointing a priest to a parish against the consent of the people, we deem it a duty to contradict this false assertion, and to inform our readers that the decision by the supreme court in Louisiana, does not contain one word relative to the papal or episcopal power in the appointment of clergymen. In fact, it could scarcely be conceived that a body of intelligent men, such as judges ought to be, would commit themselves so far as to undertake the decision of a question, that is no more within their competency than the consecration of a bishop belongs to the president of the United States. When a church is incorporated, the trustees are evidently the legal administrators of its temporalities, and they discharge their duty so long as they act in conformity to the conditions of the trust confided to them. But the right to exercise the sacred ministry in any particular place is conferred by ecclesiastical power only, and no acts of jurisdiction on the part of any Catholic clergymen would be valid, without this sanction, all the decisions of the civil courts in the land notwithstanding.

Retreat.-A retreat for the clergy of the diocess was opened at New Orleans on the 7th of March, and terminated on the 14th.

PUSEYISM-The following extract from the correspondence of an Episcopalian paper, is a consoling evidence that, however boldly some writers may protest against the influence of the Oxford movement, in exhibiting the truth of Catholicity, its religious investigations are attended, even in this country, with a near approximation to the ancient Church, and sometimes with an open avowal of her truth and divine origin.

"Messrs. Editors: What can be the meaning of this great outcry against Puseyism? Are not the intelligent portion of the religious world aware of the fact, that many things which they denounce as Puseyism, are chargeable on the Episcopal Church itself?

"First, then, the apostolical succession. It is the doctrine of the Episcopal Church, that no religious society is a Church of CHRIST, that has not in it a ministry derived from the apostles in regular succession. The question then is, does

such succession constitute a Christian Church? If not, where is the evidence that the Episcopal is such a Church? But if it does, the Roman Catholic Church, having in it that succession, is a Church of the kind; in which event it would follow, that, as the majority of a body is the body itself, that Church being the majority, it is the Church, and Episcopalians are schismatics in their separation from her, and ought therefore to return to the bosom of their mother, as the Puseyites are inclined to do, and as all consistent Episcopalians must do."-N. York Evangelist. In quoting this article, the New York Churchman remarks:

"There is a straightforwardness in the article from the N. York Evangelist, which we should be happy to find on all subjects discussed in the same quarter. The argument in the second paragraph is grounded on the Roman fallacy that the truth, which is the essence of the Church, and is presupposed to its existence, is dependent on its authority; an error of the same nature with the common Protestant notion that the truth depends on private judgment. The Catholic doctrine is, that the Church is the pillar' to display the truth, the ground' to uphold it; and not a certain arbitrary power, which can create or change the truth at its will, and make truth falsehood, and falsehood truth; virtue vice, and vice virtue. With this caveat we commend the article to our readers, our Low Church brethren in particular."

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Where did the editor of the Churchman discover the Roman fallacy to which he here alludes ? What Catholic theologian, what council, what authorized book of instruction contains the doctrine that "truth is dependent on the authority of the Church?" We admit this to be a fallacy, and until the Churchman adduce the grounds on which he imputes it to the Catholic Church, his readers have a right to consider it, as we now pronounce it, a sheer misrepresentation. The Church is the mere witness of the truth revealed by Christ, and contained in the word of God written and unwritten, or scripture and tradition. Far from believing herself invested with "a certain arbitrary power, which can create or change the truth at its will, and make truth falsehood and falsehood truth," she has done every thing in her power, as Bossuet observes, "to tie up her own hands, and deprive herself of the only means of innovation; declaring by all her councils and by all her professions of faith, that she receives no dogma whatever that is not conformable to the tradition of all preceding ages." CHALLENGE OF BISHOP HOPKINS.-Some time since Bishop Hopkins of Vermont chal

lenged Bishop Kenrick to an oral debate on a useless topic; for which and other reasons the latter declined to accept, but offered as an exchange, to meet the bishop of Vermont in a written discussion of the points controverted between Protestants and Catholics, and promised that the articles in defence of the former should appear in the Herald, provided those in defence of the latter should find a place in the Churchman. Bishop Hopkins has declined this invitatian for the following reasons, which we extract from the Catholic Advocate with its remarks upon the subject.

1. "The Churchman is published in another diocess. Its columns are devoted to a select variety, suited to the views of its numerous subscribers; and if I had-what I have not-either authority or influence in the matter, I should doubt the propriety of asking its able editor to pledge himself to the insertion of what might become a long and wearisome discussion."

This reason must seem to the candid reader a mere evasion. It does not appear that the bishop has tried to procure the Churchman for the publication of this controversy. Has he asked and been denied its columns? There is no proof that he has, and consequently we regard this reason as having no weight whatever. If Bishop Hopkins can do what he boasts, nothing could be more valuable to the Churchman, and its numerous subscribers, than his communications.

2. He objects because an interruption of several weeks must necessarily intervene between the letters of the respective parties."

This objection is of no weight: First, because "several weeks need not necessarily intervene," for the mails are so rapidly transported from point to point, as to bring distant places into close proximity. And secondly, this interruption in the continuity of the argument could easily be prevented by an agreement between the disputants, to interchange a manuscript copy of their letters, and not commence the publication of them, until they had some numbers prepared, when their correspondence should have such advance of the publication, as to avoid all reason for interrupting "the continuity of the argument," as far as the public is concerned.

The third reason of the bishop has some more show of foundation, which is, "that the distance from New York, would prevent his being able to correct his proofs, and expose him to the accidents of frequent misrepresentatɔn." could he not in New York find some literary friend to protect him from such mischances? We think he could.


We consider, therefore, that Bishop Hopkins has, upon reflection, thought it safe to exhibit that better part of valor, termed discretion, and prudently avoided a discussion in which he would have been foiled.

THE PROTESTANT LEAGUE.-Our readers will be pleased with the following remarks from the Banner of the Cross (an Episcopalian journal), in commendation of the moderate and charitable views of a Rev. Mr. Brainerd, a Presbyterian clergyman of Philadelphia, who scouts the fanaticism of his deluded brethren. The sentiments of Mr. Brainerd have been published just in time for the rebuke of the unchristian and anti-social spirit that is beginning to manifest itself in Baltimore.

"Our Country safe from Romanism,' is the title of a sermon delivered at the opening of the Third Presbytery of Philadelphia, April, 1841, by the Rev. Thomas Brainerd, pastor of the Third Presbyterian church of Philadelphia; with a copy of which we have been politely favored by the author. We have read it with much pleasure, not the least of which was derived from the truly Christian spirit that pervades it. Would that the spiritual Quixotes who in these 'latter days' are so fond of tilting against Romanism, knew as well what it really is, and the right means of opposing it! . . . It may be inferred from the title of the discourse that the preacher has no sympathy with the fears of ultra-Protestant alarmists: its argument is, 'to show that existing causes furnish no ground to fear that Romanism can ever become the prevailing religion of this land.' No; there is far more danger of its falling a prey to Rationalism or Infidelity, which many of the sincere opponents of Popery are unwittingly encouraging in its stead. Which of the two evils is most to be dreaded, an enlightened Christian cannot doubt:-from either, we devoutly pray that our country may be delivered! But if we must choose, give us rather Popery, with all its corruptions. 'Is the necessity so urgent,' says Mr. Brainerd, that the peace of the city need be put in jeopardy? ... Is the danger so imminent, that pastors are called upon to intermit their high and heaven-enjoined efforts for the promotion of practical godliness and the salvation of souls, that they may engage in assaults upon Romanism?' These questions will not be much relished by the Protestant Association. By the way, has that celebrated fraternity already descended to the tomb of the Capulets,' that we hear of it no more?"

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If it has descended to the tomb of the Capulets we sincerely congratulate the city of brotherly love upon its riddance of so anti-republican a

nuisance, and we have reason to believe that the slim patronage with which the League has com menced its operations in Baltimore promises it a very short-lived and disreputable existence.

A GOOD CONFESSION.-Under this head the Presbyterian takes occasion to reproach us with inconsistency:" The U. States Catholic Maga zine, published in Baltimore, in an able article entitled Anecdotes of the Life and Writings of Fenelon,' admits the following remarkable passage: The family of Fenelon was no less distinguished by its antiquity than for the figure it has made in history. One of his ancestors was Bertrand de Salignac, Marquis de Fenelon, known as the author of Negotiations in Eng. land,' when he was ambassador at the court of Elizabeth, and correspondent of poor Mary of Scots. His reply to Charles IX, who wished him to represent to the queen of England the motives for the massacre of St. Bartholomew, will show the independence of his character: 'Sire, were I to attempt to color over this terrible execution, I should consider myself an accomplice in its guilt. Your majesty had better confide the task to those who advised it." The writer of the article then remarks, ⚫ We shall have occasion to see that our Fenelon inherited the spirit of his ancestor.' Is it possible that a magazine published with the approbation of the 'Most Reverend Archbishop,' commends this language of the Marquis de Fenelon? Does it venture to style it a massacre, in the execution of which there was a guilt from which the marquis shrunk? Are Roman Catholics willing now to say that Pope Gregory XIII was guilty of an impiety, in having a medal struck commemorative of the event, in which an angel is represented as the great murderer? However this may be, we are glad that there are some Roman Catholics who condemn the wholesale butchery of the unoffending Protestants."

The difficulty of the Presbyterian will soon vanish, by attention to the following facts, which we quote from Fredet's Modern History, vol. ii, p. 335.

"It is objected that Pope Gregory XIII publicly returned thanks to God on that occasion; but what was the real object of this rejoicing? Charles IX, in order to palliate the shame of his murderous edict against the Parisian Huguenots, wrote to every court in Europe, that, having just detected their horrid plots against his authority and person, he had been fortunate enough to escape from the imminent danger, by putting the conspirators to death without delay. The Pope then, under that impression, rejoiced, not for the death of the supposed traitors, whose

rigorous punishment he on the contrary deplored, but for the preservation of the French monarch and of his kingdom from utter ruin : exactly, as in a case of war and of a signal victory against invaders, public rejoicings would take place, and every sensible person would willingly share in them, not indeed at the blood shed in battle, but at the advantages gained by his country; and who could dare to find a fault in such conduct?"


DEATH OF REV. J. M. HORSTMAN.-The diocess of Cincinnati has sustained a severe loss in the the death of Rev. Mr. Horstman, who departed this life on the 21st of February, in his sixty-fifth year.

At the convent of the Visitation, Georgetown, D. C. on the 9th of March, Sister Mary Xavier (Duke), aged ninety years, thirty-three of which she had lived in that community.


A Treatise on Baptism; with an exhortation to receive it, to which is added a Treatise on Confirmation. By Francis Patrick Kenrick, bishop of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: M. Fithian. 12mo. pp. 261.

We have been honored with a copy of this valuable work from the distinguished author himself, and we hail its appearance as supplying a desideratum that has long been wanted in our popular theology. The treatises on the subject of baptism in our English books of instruction, are far from imparting that adequate knowledge which our circumstances seem to demand. Most other topics in dispute between Catholics and the Protestant sects are extensively discussed in the writings of controversialists, while the important questions connected with the baptismal rite, are but cursorily considered. Surrounded as we are by dissenters who impugn the divine institution of water-baptism, by others who deny its necessity for salvation, and others again who reject the lawfulness of its administration to infants, we have need of a work like that of Dr. Kenrick, to place in the hands of our dissenting brethren, as well as for the thorough information of Catholics themselves. The principal points on which the author dwells, are the necessity of baptism, the lawfulness of baptizing infants and the validity of the various modes of performing the ceremony; and as he treats these questions particularly in connection with the religious systems that prevail in this country, a vast amount of information is elicited, peculiarly interesting to the American reader. The treatise on confirmation, though brief, will be found more satisfactory than those which have been hitherto in circulation. The work may be procured at John Murphy's, 146 Market street, Baltimore. Manual of Catholic Devotions, throughout the ecclesiastial year, by the Rev. E Damphoux, D. D. Baltimore: John Murphy, 32mo. pp. 512.

The learned author of this little book of devo

tions has long been favorably known as a contributor to the stock of devotional works; but of all the prayer books that he has given to the public, we consider the Manual just published as the best adapted to general use. Besides the ordinary devotions performed by the pious Christian, it contains copious instructions on the subject of indulgences,-the devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at length, and a great variety of prayers for particular seasons of the year. As the devotion of the living rosary is becoming very popular, the explanation of it, with a notice of the indulgences which it imparts, might have been appropriately and usefully mentioned after the common rosary. This Manual of Devotions will, we think, have a wide circulation. The matter, and its arrangement, both promise this result, which will be aided, in no small degree, by the beautiful character of its mechanical execution. The copy which we have received from the publisher is illustrated with seven handsome engravings, and we venture to say, is unsurpassed in point of typographical excellence.

Letter from the Earl of Shrewsbury, descriptive of the Estatica of Caldara, and the Addolorata of Capriana. First American, from the last revised London edition. New York: Casserly & Sons, 12mo. pp. 92.

This publication, with which we have been furnished through the politeness of Messrs. Casserly & Sons, is a re-print of the Earl of Shrewsbury's account of the miraculous virgins in the Tyrol, with additional documents, bringing the narrative down to the year 1842. It has been lately most mendaciously asserted in some Protestant papers, that the case of the Addolorata had turned out to be a mere imposture: but by reference to our columns of intelligence, the reader will perceive that an official letter from the bishop of Trent, who was consulted upon the subject of this rumor, proves it to be a malicious fabrication. The contents of the Earl's

Letter will be found most interesting, as well as most consoling to the Catholic reader.

A System of Natural Philosophy, designed for the use of schools and Academies, based on the book of science of Mr. J. M. Moffat. By Walter R. Johnson, A. M. Illustrated by more than two hundred engravings. Eighth edition. Philadelphia: E. C. Biddle. 12mo. pp. 473.

This compilation by Professor Johnson is one of the most useful works as a text book, that have come under our notice. It comprises treatises on mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, acoustics, pyronomics, optics, electricity, galvanism and magnetism, with a synoptical list of questions on each page for the examination of the pupil, and an enumeration of such works as may be consulted by the student for a fuller investigation of the various subjects. An Elementary Treatise on Chemistry, with other treatises, designed for the use of schools and academies; based on the book of science of Mr. J. M. Moffat. By W. R. Johnson, A. M. Illustrated by more than one hundred engravings. Eighth edition. Philadelphia: E. C. Biddle. 12mo. pp. 478.

The volume with this title, as will be perceived, is arranged on the same plan, and by the same learned compiler, as that which we have just noticed.

A Review of the Controversy between Bishop Whittingham and Mr. Johns, on the claims of Episcopacy. Boston: Thurston & Torry, 8vo. pp. 31.

This pamphlet, for which we are indebted to the kindness of the author, shows conclusively that the Protestant Episcopal Church is guilty, upon her own principles, of schismatical separa

tion from the ancient church. A few pages of it are devoted to a consideration of the doctrine which teaches a trinity of persons in the Godhead, and assuming as a legitimate test of divine truth, the private interpretation of the Bible, (a false assumption), they cannot but exhibit erroneous inferences drawn from inadmissible premises. Linear Drawing Book designed for the use of schools and practical purposes. By Samuel Smith, professor of drawing in St. Mary's College, Baltimore. Philadelphia: E. C. Biddle. 12mo. pp. 48.

The object of the author in this work, has been to furnish the scholar with a large number of examples for exercise, and in such order as to lead him gradually through all the departments of linear drawing. The skill of Mr. Smith as an artist, and his long and successful experience in the profession which engages his attention, are an ample guarantee that the book which he has published will be found a most valuable work. Letters and Sketches, with a narrative of a year's residence among the Indian tribes of the Rocky Mountains. By P. J. De Smet, S. J. Philadelphia: M. Fithian. 12mo. pp. 252.

We have only space to mention the reception of this intensely interesting work, which was kindly sent to us by the publisher, and consists of letters from the pen of Father De Smet, missionary among the Indian tribes of the Rocky Mountains. The book is embellished with twelve engravings taken from real life, and illustrative of Indian scenery and manners, and with the symbolic catechism used by the missionaries in the instruction of the savages. is for sale at John Murphy's, 146 Market street, Baltimore.



OUR readers will find a rich entertainment in the able essay which commences the present number of the Magazine, and although extended beyond the usual length of the articles that we have published undivided, it will amply repay an attentive perusal.

In introducing the review of Dr. Hook's sermon by the Rev. Mr. Mason, we observed that we commended the article only for the solid reasoning which it contains, hoping that the occasional fondness of the writer for the burlesque would not be misconceived. We trust that a similar view will be taken of such expressions as may appear too harsh.

"The Church," a poetical composition, we must decline publishing.

Since our last issue we have received several

valuable papers, for which we present our acknowledgments, and which we promise to lay before our readers in due season. Among them we will mention a review of " Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella," Nos. II and III of "Sketches from British History," consisting of biographi cal notices of Father Southwell, S. J. and Lady Margaret, mother of Henry VII, "Edict of Nantes,' ""Discourse on Bishop Dubois," by Rev. John McCaffrey, and an article on the rise and progress of Gothic architecture.

Our leading article in the May number will be a review of the "Zincali," or Gypsies in Spain, from the pen of an accomplished writer, which, with other interesting matter will present a most agreeable melange to our readers.

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