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The Nation




FROM JANUARY 1, 1896, TO JUNE 30, 1896





Leland Stanford, Jr.





(Nos. 1592-1617.)

The Week.


Arizona, movement for admission to Union, 129, 297-
Arbitration, movement for, 149, New York and
Philadelphia meetings, N. Y. Assembly resolves,
169, call for a conference, 246, Congress at Wash-
ington, 333, arbitration for Italy and Abyssinia.
247, Sallsbury's proposals to U. S, 264.
Boutwell, Geo. S., denounces the Venezuela business,
110-Wharton Barker's address to manufacturers,
130-Benjamin H. Bristow deceased, 488-Business
depression and its cause, 298-Bond investigation
in New York by Senate Committee, 483.
Connecticut, heresy case at Madison, 265-California
Republican convention for free coinage, 370-Colo-
rado Republican convention for silver and Teller,
387-Cuban recognition by Congress, 187, 188, 207,
deprecated by Admiral Meade, 207, motive exposed
by Senator Hoar, 228, Congressional resolutions a
football, 264, effect on European alliances exhibited
by London Spectator, 264-Chicago chosen for De-
mocratic pational convention, 69, editorial revolt
against chromes, 111, gold Democrats hoist their
flag, 427-Cincinnati Commercial Gazette cannot
draw out Presidential candidates on money ques-
tion, 20-President Cleveland judged by Burke, 1,
paralyzes England's action for Armenia, 23, threat-
ened with impeachment for not recognizing Cuba,
207, home-missionary speech censured, 208, brings
under civil-service rules the remaining Presiden-
tial appointees, 227, 369, will not recognize Cu-
ban belligerency, 297, vetoes river-and-harbor bill,
425, 463, forces Republican convention to gold
standard, 463, spurs the Democratic convention the
same way, 482-Secretary Carlisle offers a popular
loan, 21, speech to Chicago workingmen, 315-W.
E. Chandler makes Speaker Reed a compromise
money candidate, 69, reproaches McKinley with
corrupt promotion of his candidacy, 227, confesses
to cowardice in New Hampshire convention, 279–
Señor Canovas's alleged dispatch to the World, 208
-Cobden Club lie nailed, 315-Columbia College
dedication, 352-Copyright law's effect on literary
output for 1895, 189-Congregational heresy case,
Madison, Conn., 265-Church convention politics,
CONGRESS-LIVth., first session: Tariff and bond bills
passed (House), 2-Free-coinage bill, Elkins resolu
tion as to popular loan, Sherman's financial censure
of Administration, Burrows's objections to wool
tax (Senate), 21-Jones "holding up" the House
tariff bill, Teller's fight for free coinage (Senate),
43-Morgan's Transvaal sympathy resolution (Se-
nate), 44—Hale's Hawaiian cable bill (Senate), 68-
Grow on Executive encroachments, Bartlett defeats
pension-sharks (House), 69-Chaplain prays for pro-
tection, new rule of quorum counting, Bayard's
English speeches spread on Record House), 87-
Utah Senators admitted, Sewell's speech against
Cleveland-Olney Doctrine, Frye's uproar over Ar-
menia (Senate), 88-Armenian resolutions (both
Houses), Cuban resolutions, Free-coinage bill passed
(Senate), 109-Tillman's abuse of Cleveland, Thurs-
ton's readiness for war (Senate), 110-Movement to
divide up appropriation bills defeated, and Lodge's
coast-defence bill (Senate), Hall of Missouri speaks
for sound money, Johnson of California attacks
Reed's inaction policy (House), 130-Davis defends
his resolution (Senate), Free-coinage defeated, At-
tack on Secretary Morton by seed spoilsmen
(House), 149-Morgan's tirade against Spain, tariff
bill buried (Senate), Seed clause in agricultural bill
made mandatory, Indian inspectors' pay issue
(House), 170-Cuban belligerency resolutions (both
houses), Teller on the Republican bunco silver
game (Senate), 187, 188-Hale's exposure of Sher-
man's Cuban falsifying (Senate), 207-Savings in
salaries of U. S. marshals and district attorneys
(House), 208-Hoar's exposure of Sherman's falsi-
fication regarding Cuba (Senate), 228-Cuban reso-
lutions referred back to conference committee,
Sherman's ignorance, Gray's preference (Senate),
245, Senate set adopted by conference committee,
264, and by House, Hitt's somersault on them, 279
-Call's Maybrick resolution squelched (Senate),

297-Metric system defeated (House), 298-Postal
consolidations forbidden (House). 299-Bering Sea
commission treaty confirmed (Senate), 316-Gene-
ral pension bill passed (House), 333-Teller exposes
Harrison's approval of silver-purchase act, Battle-
ships reduced to two (enate), 352-Sherman op-
poses certificates of indebtedness (Senate), 407-
Butler bill to prevent Administration borrowing
passed (Senate), 425, 445–Sherman opposes extra
tax on beer (Senate), 425, and President's right to
veto river-and-harbor bill, 446-Morgan's move to
interfere in Cuba (Senate), 446-Art experts rebuff-
ed (Senate), 464-Cannon's proof of economic ses-
sion (House), adjournment (both houses), 463.
Delaware's Senator Du Pont opposed by Populists, 280
-Detroit convention for tariff tinkering. 407—Se-
nator Davis of Minnesota dropped from Presiden-
tial race, 264-Lord Dunraven's charges confuted,
111-Democratic National Convention to meet at
Chicago, 69, question of two-thirds rule, 427.
Florida Democratic convention for gold standard, 482—
Field, Chief Justice, of Massachusetts, on non-pro-
gressive legal profession, 22-J. B. Foraker on the
coming Republican bimetallic plank, 351-C.N.Fow-
ler on credit banking, 388-Free-coinage votes in
Senate in 1896 and 1890, 109.

Georgia bankers addressed on silver by ex-Senator
Walsh, 426-Henry George at Cooper Union anti-
war meeting, 1-Gov. John W. Griggs's inaugural
address, 89-C. H. Grosvenor on gold-standard in-
sanity,463-Government bond syndicate suspended,
43, 68, popular loan, 43, progress of, 87, effect of
gold payments on markets, 171-Gold premium, 68,
gold-reserve shrinkage nothing to do with revenue,


Hawaii neglected in Republican platforms, 316-Benja
min Harrison withdraws from Presidential candi
dacy, 110, unless needed, 298-Senator G. F. Hoar
on the inwardness of the Cuban resolutions, 228-
T. W. Higginson on the disappearance of grace at
table, 151-Garret A. Hobart nominated for Vice-
President, 481, inept speechmaker, 482-House
of Representatives sound on money question need-
ed under McKinley, 463.

Illinois Republican convention for McKinley, 351-In-
diana Republican convention against free coinage,
369-Iowa Democratic convention for free coinage,
Kentucky, Governor pardons carrying concealed wea-
pons, 2, income-tax amendment to Constitution pro
posed, 189, Democratic convention for free silver,

Louisiana, anti-negro-suffrage amendment defeated,
334, Democratic party's loss of hold on white vote,
370-Secretary Lamont on lieutenant-generalship
for Gen. Miles, 265-Henry Cabot Lodge for annex-
ing the Danish West Indies, 67, 69, on cause of anti-
British feeling (England's snubbing of silverites),
171, leads Massachusetts Republican convention on
a gold platform, 263, on President Cleveland's final
extension of civil-service law, 369-Lincoln's birth-
day holiday, 131.

Maine, long service of Its Congressmen, 2, Republican
convention's gold platform, 315, for Reed for F
dent, 445, Democratic convention for free-coin-
age, 482-Massachusetts, A. P. A. turns out the
clerk of the House, 23, Republican convention
adopts gold platform, 263, Democratic ditto, 333,
Veterans' Preference act unconstitutional, 334-
Michigan Republican convention votes down gold
plank, 369, Democratic convention votes silver
down, 369, Bar Association for arbitration, 388-
Maryland, Gov. Lowndes's reform inaugural, 45,
Bankers' Association for gold standard, 297-Min-
nesota declines Senator Davis for President, 264,
Democratic convention for gold standard, 464–
Montana Republicans for free coinage but not for
bolting, 370-Mississippi law against concealed wea
pons strengthened, 209, defeated measures against
colored schools, 281-Missouri Democrats for free
coinage, 298, 315, 852-Wm. McKinley, boom un-
dermined in Ohio, 89, stronger than his rivals, 150,
variously figured, 263, 833, dictates currency strad-
dle to Ohio Republican convention, Presidential
propaganda captures Pennsylvania, little mind, 227,
his boodle boom, 248, position likened to Blaine's

by Joe Manley, 284, accidental tariff prominence,
351, mischievous silver speech in 1891, 351, repudia-
tion vote in 1878, 446, for silver in 1890, 446,against
retiring greenbacks in 1878, 464, others' certificates
to his sound-money views, 369, his own silence,387,
426, Advance Agent of Prosperity, 387, supported
by silver Republicans of West, 426, judged by
Leroy-Beaulieu, 464, civil-service reform record
good, 481, nominated for President at St. Louis,
481, speeches after nomination dodging the cur
rency issue, 482-Senator Morgan's weakness ex-
cused by Boston Herald, 88-Gov. L. P. Morton signs
Raines bill, 246, and Greater New York bill, 370,
manful stand against A. P. A., 464-Wm. R. Morri-
son's Presidential bid, 315-Gen. Nelson A. Miles
against war, 1, proposed lieutenant-generalship,
265-Admiral Meade not a Cuban Jingo, 207-MINI-
tary training in public schools, bill to foster, 170-
Monroe Doctrined stasteful to Senator Berrien in
1826, 22, defined by Profs. Burgess and Moore, 228—
Manoa Company's history, 149.

New York State: Gov. Morton appoints Geɔ. P. Lord
civil-service commissioner. 44, signs Raines bill,
246, Judge Barrett's special jury bill, 44, Extinction
of constitutional popular government, 816, Repub-
lican rising against Platt, 111, Commissioner Aldrich
submits his clerks to competitive examinations,
334, bills for their illegal payment, 388, Platt's
designs on Greater New York, 150, bill forced
to a passage, 265, 316, signed by Governor, 370,
commission appointed, 465, Platt's legislative ses
sion at 5th Ave. Hotel, 816, Assembly resolves
for arbitration, 169, Sanger's corrupt practices
law, 189, Raines liquor bill passed and signed,
246, disastrous effect on Republican party, 370,
special agents put on non-competitive list, 299, un.
able to pass pass-examinations, 408, 409, put on
competitive list, 427, appointment of inspectors
suspended by Gov. Morton, 280, obscure and shady
appointees, 334, Platt and Raines surety company
for excise bonds 280, 352, Republican convention
adopts gold platform, 263, Supreme Court finds Al-
bany police bill unconstitutional, 447; City: Anti-
war meeting at Cooper Union, 1, Dr. J. S. Billings
to be librarian of Tilden foundation, 45, Central
Labor Union protests against militarism. 188,
Chamber of Commerce memorial for sound money
platforms, 208, hearings before Mayor Strong on
Greater New York. 281, park advertising signs for-
bidden, 834. Columbia College dedication, 352,
Deputy-Comptroller Storrs deceased, 388, Mayor
Strong extends civil-service rules, 447- New Jersey
Senate squelches Jingo Doctrine resolutions, 110,
Democratic currency plank sound, 369-New Hamp
shire Democratic convention against free coinage,
407-New Mexico, movement for admission to
Union, 129, 297-New Orleans grand jury favors
carrying concealed weapons, 209-Nicaragua Canal
criticised by Joseph Nimmo, jr, 208, 209, in report
of Board of Engineers, 229, but subsidy recommend.
ed by House Committee, 425-Niagara Falls Reser
vation Commission menaced, 229.


Ohio convicts doomed to idleness, 3, Republican con-
vention's currency platform, 227, objectionable to
Republican press at large, 245, corrupt-practices
act, 246, Republican currency planks 1876 and
1896, 280 Oregon Democratic convention for free
coinage, 298, Republicans and Populists likewise,
427, Populist-Democratic majority in election, ef-
fect on McKinleyites, 445-Secretary Olney sends
ships and not a flat to Corinto, 188, his Monroe
and his law decried by Profs. Moore and Burgess,
228-Ocean steamships and the anti-Jingo exodus,
Pennsylvania, high-license saloons closed during trol-
ley-strike in Philadelphia, 3, Philadelphia conven-
tions favor Quay and Reed for President, 69, Phla-
delphia Manufacturers' Club repudiates silver, 263,
State Republican convention nominates Quay, 333,
Philadelphia Ledger for gold standard issue, 352-
E. J. Phelps's address on Monroe Doctrine, 264-
Presidential candidates silent as to money question,
208, septuagenarians, 388-Prohibitionists split on
silver question, 425-Presbyterians at Saratoga on
union with Episcopacy, 427-Protection and free-
coinage conspiracy, 245, 203.

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