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ly marked style of their own. They have nothing of the flavor of eclecticism. Nor can we admit that any hypothesis of the 'Two Treatises' is so precisely accordant with that of the 'Principia' that it is necessary to attribute them to one author. Digby, by the way, is a better psychologist than physicist. He treats of the association of ideas, and even proposes a physical hypothesis to account for it. We find it very difficult to let this interesting work go without saying anything more about it. An excellent present for a scientifically minded young person would be Motte. lay's translation of Gilbert on the Magnet (Wiley) and Benjamin's 'Intellectual Rise' (Appleton).

The Herschels and Modern Astronomy. By Agnes M. Clerke. [The Century Science Series.] Macmillan. 1895. LITTLE could Dr. (afterwards Sir William) Watson, as he strolled through Walcot Turnpike, Bath, late in an evening about Christmas time, 1779, have thought that his stopping in the street to look through the telescope of a "moon-struck musician " was to lead the way to the immediate inception of one of the most remarkable careers in the history of astronomy. Such, however, was the fact. Frederick William Herschel, born at Hanover, November 15, 1738, into a family possessed of an irresistible instinct and aptitude for music, having landed as a lad at Dover with but a French crown-piece in his pocket, drifted through a series of ably filled engagements as a professional musician until, in 1776, he had become Director of the public concerts at Bath. But while all this time a musician in body, he was an astronomer in spirit, at no time losing sight of the vision of the skies; and it was in the latter capacity that he had the good fortune to attract an able and willing patron, whose friendship provided precisely that opportunity which was needed for full development of his powers. All the while that, in his official capacity, he had "to engage performers, to appease discontents, to supply casual failures, to write glees and catches expressly adapted to the voices of his executants, and frequently to come forward himself as a soloist on the hautboy or the harpsichord," he was absorbingly occupied with a self-imposed task of minutely reviewing all the heavenly bodies and every spot of the celestial vault. During the progress of this unprecedented task it was that the above incident happened; for young Herschel, then engaged in a series of observations on the lunar mountains, had brought his seven-foot reflector into the street in front of his house, and was gazing diligent ly when Dr. Watson chanced to pass by. Fortunately he did not rest with merely expressing great satisfaction at the view of the moon courteously afforded by the young German; he called the next morning to make his further acquaintance. Instantly this led to an introduction to a local philosophical society, then to the Royal Society of London, and in little more than two years to an audience with his Majesty George III. Thenceforward the great Herschel's life and work are the common knowledge of every astronomerand it is a little singular that a century should have elapsed with no thoroughly competent history of that life and work, and no republication of Herschel's unsurpassed volume of technical papers, which have still to be sought in the original editions of the Philosophical Transactions.'

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No less astonishing is it that his equally fa

mous son, Sir John Herschel, now dead near. ly a quarter of a century, has thus far experienced a like fate. Miss Clerke's 'The Herschels and Modern Astronomy' is almost the sole attempt to acquaint the lay reader with these great names. Sir William's sister, Caroline, hes been more fortunate, and her accurate 'Journals and Recollections' form the chief authority for her brother's eminent life. Indeed, he often referred to her for the dates of events in his earlier years. Collateral infor. mation about him is meagre; but in the case of Sir John Herschel there is this important difference, that his long and intimate friendship with Sir William Rowan Hamilton led his conscientious biographer, the late Dean Graves, to make ample inclusions of Herschel's letters. Still, his life, as Miss Clerke modestly says, has yet to be written; and, as we are at liberty to judge from her excellent success with the little volume now before us, no one could tell the fascinating story of that life more entertainingly than Miss Clerke herself. Her evident sympathy with the breadth of his aims in physical investigation, her accurate knowledge of methods, and her singular felicity of expression all fit her worthily for this noble task.

But to return to Sir William. Miss Clerke has admirably told the authentic anecdote of the odd old German organ-builder, Schnetzler, who, exasperated at the staccato performance of Herschel's rival, became wild with delight when, on ascending to the loft, Herschel took from his pocket two leaden weights with which he held down an octave, all the while improvising a majestic counterpoint. "I vil luf dis man," cried Schnetzler, "because he gif my pipes time for to shpeak." And here is her crisp description of the very beginnings of Herschel's building of his own telescopes (page 15):

"In June, 1773, when fine folk had mostly deserted Bath for summer resorts, work was begun in earnest. The house was turned topsy-turvy; the two brothers attacked the novel enterprise with boyish glee. Alexander, a born mechanician, set up a huge lathe in one of the bed rooms; a cabinet-maker was installed in the drawing-room; Caroline, in spite of secret dismay at such unruly proceed. ings, lent a hand, and kept meals going; William directed, inspired, toiled, with the ardor of a man who had staked his life on the issue. Meanwhile, music could not be neglected. Practising and choir-training went on; novelties for the ensuing season were prepared, compositions written and parts copied. Then the winter brought the usual round of tuitions and performances, while all the time mirrors were being ground and polished, tried and rejected, without intermission. At last, after two hundred failures, a tolerable reflecting telescope was produced, about five inches in aperture;

but those two hundred failures made the Octagon Chapel organist an expert, unapproached and unapproachable, in the construction of specula."

It was with this new instrument that, in the following March, Herschel began his astronomical work by an observation of the great nebula in Orion, the record of which is still preserved by the Royal Society.

Herschel married at fifty Mary Baldwin, only daughter of a London merchant, and widow of Mr. John Pitt. Her jointure, we are told, relieved him from pecuniary care, and her sweetness of disposition secured his domestic happi

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time by Miss Clerke with some approach to suitable fulness. The wider sympathies of the son make his life of greater general interest than his father's, and not a single phase of his beautiful character escapes that careful touch which marks the perfect biographer.

Astronomy, before the Herschels, had been mostly dry formulæ and drier figures, and the irresistible momentum imparted to modern physical astronomy by the elder Herschel received a marked accession of impulse from the life and work of his brilliant son. Before their day, astronomers had mainly been content with inquiry as to precisely where the heavenly bodies had been and would be; anything beyond the crudest speculation as to what these orbs might themselves be, rarely occurred. Not only has the older astronomy not been neglected, but the new astronomy of the nineteenth century has made uninterrupted progress with every decade; and this broad movement, begun by the Herschels in England, was ably promoted by Arago in France, nor has America failed to lend a hand. Not only was a "knowledge of the construction of the heavens" the ultimate object of the elder Herschel's observations, but his conception of the sun, as ruler, fire, light, and life of our planetary system, was more than a half century in advance of his time, and no less prophetic. As early as 1801 he wrote: "The influence of this eminent body on the globe we inhabit is so great, and so widely diffused, that it becomes almost a duty to study the operations which are carried on upon the solar surface." In our day many great observatories are charg. ed with almost the sole duty of that study. Neither to the younger Herschel was astronomy merely a matter of right ascension and declination; of poising, clamping, and reading off; of cataloguing and correcting—a mere "inventory of God's property," as Thoreau has aptly said. "It was his peculiar privilege," remarked Dean Stanley in his funeral sermon, "to combine with those more special studies such a width of view and such a power of expression as to make him an interpreter, a poet of science, even beyond his immediate sphere."

Unintentionally we have left little space for Miss Clerke's chapter on Caroline Herschelprobably the best of all the brief treatments of her life extant. Traits of modest simplicity and singular self-effacement were preeminently hers, and the story of her self denial for her brother's sake will never grow old. Miss Clerke's welcome book is one which no philosophic student of modern astronomy can pass over, and its importance as pure biography places it in the first rank among the lives of famous pioneers in science.

The Oxford Church Movement: Sketches and Recollections. By the late G. Wakeling. With an Introduction by Earl Nelson. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.; New York: Macmillan. 1895.

IN the great variety of books that have grown up about the Oxford Movement there have been many degrees of interest. Mr. Wakeling's place is near the bottom of the scale. It comes very near to being a lucus a non lucendo, there is so little in it about the Oxford Movement, speaking carefully. Dean Church, in his admirable history of the Movement, dates its conclusion from the condemnation of Ward in 1845. Certainly its influence upon the church for good or ill went on for a long time after that, but, though nearly related to the Ritualististic Movement, it was quite a differ

ent thing. To read Pusey's 'Life and Correspondence' is to learn that he did not know the alphabet of that language of ceremonial -observance which has too frequently been called "Puseyism." The spirit of Newman and Kehle and Pusey in the early days of the Movement bad its best representative after 1845 in Dean Church, and his indifference to the Ritualistic Movement is a striking feature of his beautiful biography. But it is of the Ritualistic Movement that Mr. Wakeling writes almost exclusively.

One of his earliest recollections as a bov was of some mention of the Tractarians in 1840. It follows that he was still a boy when the Movement collapsed five years later, and conse-quently all we have here concerning the Tractarians proper must be a matter of reading or mere hearsay. This fact is much disguised, we trust not wilfully, by the manner in which the matter of the book is presented. Everything in the arrangement is helter-skelter, and we pass back and forth across the line which -divides the writer's personal knowledge from his second hand material without a hint of the transition. Matters which occurred before his birth are produced as if he bad sketched them on the spot. There is very little, how-ever, about the Tractarians that we have not had before in better shape. The real interest and value of the book, so far as it has any, lies in its exhibition of the development of Ritualism. Even here, so wide is the field from which the facts are grubbed, only a small part can go to justify the "Recollections" of the titlepage, and the whole is like the primitive chaos, without form and void. Only occasionally does a date emerge for us to cling to in the wide inundation of incidents and names.

The names are generally so unfamiliar that they go far to justify the complaint which has been made of the lack of conspicuous personality in the Ritualistic Movement. The incidents are trivial only to the unritualized mind, and there is something very entertaining in the naïve enthusiasm with which, page after page, such things are set down as these: "The choir were not in surplices till Advent, 1846." "The altar was the only part that there was a hope of making decent, and this, with the aid of dorsel and flowers at festivals, cross and candlesticks, was all that for some years was attempted." Many are the congratulations on the splendor of the later vestments, decorations, and observances, in comparison with the weak beginnings. Every change in this direction is recorded with the enthusiasm of one reporting moral victories. Here and there the triviality verges upon silliness, and, to make it more conspicuous, it is frequently injected into the body of a paragraph with which it has little or no connection, as if tco good to lose. How incidents of such slight im. portance could have been remembered by any body of good sound intelligence, it is difficult to conceive.

There is abundant evidence of improvement in the taste and decency of religious services. The parish clerk does not inform the rector nowadays between the prayers that the bear for the bear-baiting has arrived and that he is a fine animal. Daily service and weekly communion are the rule, and we should seek in vain for "the old country rector who, without the least conscious profanity, at the monthly celebration would consecrate nearly half a loaf, giving it at the end of the service to the poorer communicants who flocked to the altar rails." The heinousness of this, of course, de pends somewhat upon the point of view. One habit, not distinctly moral, seemed rather to

first venture in early manhood, after gradua tion from Union College, was as a school. teacher in Georgia. After a year of pedagogy he decided to enter the ministry, and went to study in Princeton Seminary. He married Miss Helen S. Coan (who survives him as biographer), and, after a six months' voyage, reached Ningpo in 1854, where Dr. D. Bethune McCartee had come as pioneer. In Ningpo, as a well-equipped speaker and writer of Chinese, he was finely prepared for his main life work in the province of Confucius. He died at his post and in his own home, in presence of his wife and among his books, after only a few hours of illness. His grave is at Chefoo. He visited Korea once and Japan several times. One is not surprised to have Mrs. Nevius write:

increase than to diminish under the new dispensation. "Mr. Keble mentions a saying of Justice Coleridge, ‘If you want to propagate your opinions you should lend your sermons; the clergy would then preach them and adopt your opinions,' and this has really been the effect of the Plain and other Sermons. It seems a pity that the price of the volumes was so high." "What a boon these sermons must have been to hard-working parish priests who certainly could not secure the leisure to write more than one good sermon a week!" This sermon-stealing sometimes led to painful situa tions, and a sickly gleam of humor plays for a moment across Mr. Wakeling's solemn page when he tells of a few sermons, printed with a memoir, which the subject of the memoir had not written. Mr. Wakeling has not exaggerated the triumph of ritualism in the English church. Ward was condemned and disgraced because, in his 'Ideal Church,' he insisted on the right of the Anglican to the free use of the entire Roman ritual and doctrine. That was just fifty years ago. Now there are hundreds of Anglicans making good his claim, with no one to molest or make them afraid. The Church of England has given the Church of Rome an effectual check in England by the encouragement of home manufactures as nearly as may be resembling those of the Eternally combined the ideal and the practical, deCity.

The Life of John Livingston Nerius. By Helen S. Coan Nevius. Fleming H. Revell Co.

IT sometimes happens that the best works accomplished by a man during his life are left out of his posthumous biography. We are not sure but that something like this has happened in the present instance. Dr. Nevius was for nearly forty years a missionary in China, and the story of his life as told by his wife is one of great moral and spiritual beauty. He entered Shan Tung, the holy land of the Chinese, the birthplace and tomb of Confucius, when the people handed back the tracts and books of the missionaries, saying, "We neither approve nor desire them." He died after having, with his colleagues, planted Christian churches throughout the peninsula. This biography pictures him as husband, friend, teacher, author, and preacher. Yet, unless the reviewer mistake the impression left on his own mind by the Chinese themselves and by nonclerical and non-professional English-speaking people in China, Dr. Nevius was equally powerful and influential in other ways. His practical common sense, his knowledge of manual expedients, his power and willingness to aid the Chinese in applying the arts and sciences of the West, his willingness to meet them on their own ground and to respect their traditions and their sensibilities, were not least among the secrets of his power. These made him everybody's friend, and kept his influence ever potent. Without belittling "the power of the Gospel" or the ordinary means used to spread it, it is none the less true that the quality of manhood in the messenger is, at first, even more potent than the message. Among the hundreds sent out as missionaries to China there is still much room where Dr. Nevius dwelt when on earth-at the top.

John Nevius was born in the beautiful region of the "finger lakes" in central New York, spending his boyhood between those named Seneca and Cayuga. The name Nevius, from the French Neve but Latinized, proves, along with well-supported traditional and documentary evidence, that the ancestral stock was Huguenot and Netherlandish. His

"As to the people of Japan, the opinion we formed of them so long ago [1860] has never changed. There is a certain shrewdness and vivacity and readiness to learn of others, in which they undoubtedly are superior to the Chinese; but in most respects I think the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom' are fully their equals."

Rather above the average of missionary bio. graphy in piquancy of style, liveliness of narrative, and quality of details, this literary picture of an American gentleman who so grand

serves the study of young men as it will command the delighted attention of Dr. Nevius's old friends. There are illustrations, a map, and a good portrait, but no index.

Side Talks with Girls. By Ruth Ashmore. Charles Scribner's Sons.

MISS ASHMORE speaks to girls with the wisdom of experience. This is just the sort of wisdom which, unless displayed with much discretion, girls are little disposed to profit by. The book is very discreet, the author putting herself easily on terms of equality with her audience, imparting advice tactfully, and, in every way, doing her best not to excite that rebellicus spirit which prompts the daughters of each generation to think themselves wiser than their mothers. The most valuable chapters (for they discuss matters beyond the ex. perience of many mothers) are those addressed to girls who leave comfortable homes in order to seek fortune in large cities. The descriptions of the life of the average actress, artist, and shop-girl are unexaggerated statement of fact. Any error is in understatement of the hardship and discouragement which the homeless working-girl must face, and of the demoralization which frequently ensues. For the girl whom actual necessity drives to scramble for a living as best she may, there are useful hints and suggestions of employment not leading to glory or fortune, but fairly remunerative and quite compatible with preservation of bodily health and personal decency.

In her comments the author emphasizes the joy of being a good girl at home, rather ignoring the sometimes besetting temptations to be a bad one. Fathers, mothers, and occasionally brothers, are not always compact of good temper, justice, and love; if they were, Miss Ashmore's talks would be largely superfluous, and the "Advanced Woman" whom she scourges might possibly never have come into existence.


Almanach de Gotha, 1896. Gotha: Justus Perthes; New York: Westermann

Chambers, R. W. The Red Republic: A Romance of the Commune. Futnams. $1.25.

Channing, Grace E. The Sister of a Saint, and Other Stories. Chicago: Stone & Kimball.

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BRONSON'S EASY GERMAN PROSE AND POETRY. Vocab, and portraits......
EDUCATIONAL REVIEW Vols. IX and X. (Per No 35c).....
FORD'S THE BROKEN HEART. Tragedy. English Readings..

(For Beginners).....

(From Bronson's Easy German.) Vocab
A South American Tale. Buckram Series.
SPORT ROYAL. A Novelette and Short Stories. Buckram Series.
JOHNSON'S RASSELAS (EMERSON). English Readings....
KLENZE'S DEUTSCHE GEDICHTE. From Fifty Poets. 8 Portraits.
Entirely New Ed.





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The Week.

ONE effect of the Venezuelan business has been to open the way for a short session of Congress. Before the end of the first month the House had passed both a revenue bill and a bond bill, each of which measures, in the natural course of things, would have taken some weeks. The Senate, of course, may use up a great deal of time over the two bills, but at any rate the upper branch has them in hand months before anybody expected it would when Congress met. The House can now devote itself to the appropriation bills, and should easily be able to dispose of all the routine business before the end of spring. It seems to be taken for granted that no other tariff bill will be brought

forward in the House, even if the one recently passed should go through the Senate and be vetoed by the President. This alone would mean a great saving of time, and Speaker Reed can be trusted to do all in his power to get Congress off his hands before the Republican national convention meets. He understands that

he could not do a more popular thing than to secure adjournment before the opening of summer. But he cannot "run" the Senate, and the old rules, un

der which time can be wasted by wholesale, still govern the upper branch.

It was undoubtedly an apprehension in the President's mind that the Elkins resolution would pass Congress that led to a change in the plan of the new $100,000,000 gold loan. That resolution provides that no bonds of the United States shall be sold by private contract, but that all shall be advertised and sold to the highest bidder. A Senate resolution does not possess the force of law, yet if it should alarm capitalists and break up the bond syndicate, it would have all the effect of a law. Undoubtedly it would drive all foreign participants out of the field and scare away all but the most intrepid of our financiers. Hence the change of plan announced in Mr. Carlisle's circular is forced upon the Administration. They could not take a step which might be interrupted at any time by a joint resolution of Congress. The new gold loan has now been advertised, and we shall see the result. If the public come forward and take the bonds and furnish the gold without first withdrawing it from the Treasury, so much the better. But how will the public get the gold to pay for them? There is no law to prevent subscribers for the new bonds from drawing the gold to pay for them out of the Treasury itself. The syndicate could prevent that operation by agreement among themselves: it was only necessary to send notice to all concerned that no subscriptions would be received which were to be paid with gold drawn from the Treasury. "The public cannot be controlled.

The House bond bill for the relief of the Treasury was a very inadequate mea- Senator Sherman, by his speech on Frisure. It was not at all adapted to the day, added as much confusion to the na situation, since it provided only for the|tional finances as it was possible for one issue of bonds at a lower rate of interest than could be sold under present conditions-that is, with a threat of war hanging over the country-and provided that these should be sold only by what is

termed a "popular loan"-a method that

has no existence in this country. Worse than this, the House bill provided that no future bond sales, under any law or laws, should be made except on the "popular" plan. This bad bill was not nearly bad enough for the Senate. Yet the imagination of man could hardly have conceived the kind of substitute that body is about to offer, namely, the free coinage of silver. To call this a substitute for a bond bill is clownish in the extreme. It would be dangerous but for the fact that it will not be accepted by the House and cannot possibly become a law. The majority there, though not composed of sound financiers, is at least anti-silver. Whatever happens in the Senate, and whether the Speaker interferes or not, the chances are all against a free-coinage bill going to the President by a vote of the House. To that extent the public mind may feel more composed now than six years ago.

man to do. Most of his old misrepresen-
tations were repeated. These it is not
necessary to notice again. He has fur-
nished some new ones, however, that pos-
sess a curious kind of interest. For ex-

associated bankers, and that gold has been offered to it by a friendly power (which is officially denied), as though it were tottering on the verge of bankruptcy. To avoid this humiliation it is only necessary to increase the taxes, and meanwhile to borrow what you need from the people of the United States; Mr. Morgan and the associated bankers being, in Mr. Sherman's view, foreigners.

There are indeed many humiliating things nowadays. Among them must be counted a speech from an ex-Secretary of the Treasury abounding in such nonsense as this. But we have not come to the end of it, or anywhere near it; for Mr. Sherman makes a new suggestion for protecting the Treasury gold, and that is to require the national banks to keep their reserves in legal-tender notes exclusively. In other words, they should not be allowed to count their gold as a part of their legal reserve. These banks, he says, are the creation and instruments of the Government, and they should not be allowed to discredit the greenbacks by showing a preference for gold. Nor should the Government itself pay out gold for current expenses, because that tends to weaken the confidence of the people in the greenbacks. Immediate action should be taken by Congress to prevent this, he exclaims. A bill to embody these ideas would provide that no national bank shall be allowed to hold gold or to draw gold from the Treasury, and that the Treasury shall not be allowed to pay gold to anybody but exporters. A more efficient and intelligible measure, we submit, would be an act to fix the gold reserve at $100,000,000, and then prohibit all public officers from paying any out, and all private persons from drawing or attempting to draw any, under pain of instant death. In this way the reserve reported to have said lately that the root would be kept intact. Mr. Sherman is of the political and financial trouble is in those eight far Western States whose entire population and wealth does not equal that of New York, because in the Senate they cast sixteen votes to New York's two. What a vast improvement would follow if these sixteen Senators were all like Mr. Sherman!

ample, he chides the Administration for
not withholding all appropriations not
made mandatory by Congress. "All ap-
propriations which are not provided to
carry into effect existing laws," he says,
"are permissive, but not mandatory."
Mr. Sherman holds that if the Secretary
of the Treasury had refused to pay any
appropriations that were not mandatory
in form, "there would have been no diffi-
culty about the gold reserve." This will
be an invaluable guide for future Secreta- Nobody at Washington expects the
ries, until Congress impeaches one of them wool tax to become law, and the general
for following it. Mr. Sherman's next dis-opinion of the trade seems to be that it will
covery is that although there is an actual
surplus in the Treasury of $178,000,000,
the deficiency of revenue is the cause of
the decline of the gold reserve, and that all
that is needed to bring it up to its normal
figure is to increase the revenues by a
tariff on wool and some other things. It
is humiliating, he says, to read that the
Government is negotiating for money with

fail either in the Senate or in the White House. To get it through the Senate unamended is sure to be a hard job, if for no other reason, on account of the desire of so many Senators to make friends of the mammon of protection in their own States by at least offering amendments and discoursing loudly upon the needs of their constituents. The most serious

difficulty of all is reported by the Wash- States. As an index to a good deal of
ington correspondent of the Dry Goods public feeling, this letter is worth sum-
Economist. He says that Senator Bur-marizing. The correspondent urges that
rows is fully persuaded that the bill as it
passed the House is absolutely unworka-
ble, as it leaves rates conflicting in va-
rious schedules. So firmly convinced is
he "that it would be impossible to
administer the Dingley bill" that he
says its form must surely be changed,
even if its aim and substance are left un-
touched. As all depends, in tariff bills,
upon their being susceptible of "adminis-
tering," Senator Burrows's objection is
certainly fatal. But it does show what a
genius and superior capacity for legisla-
tion the Republicans possess, as they
themselves admit.

Naval authorities-especially naval contractors and naval Congressmen-agree that more ships are likely to be voted by this Congress than have been authorized in some years. The Venezuelan war is good for large appropriations, they think, if for nothing else. The Chilian war scare was thought to have frightened two extra ships out of a reluctant Congress, and the Venezuelan business ought to mean at least half-a-dozen. Very likely it may. But it must be remembered that building a modern navy is one of the slowest jobs known to man. It is considered little short of a marvel that the two latest battleships to be added to the British fleet were turned out in two years' time. This means a vast change since the day when Pitt could demand the creation of a fleet in three months' time, and threaten to impeach the First Lord of the Admiralty if he did not produce it on the day fixed. But the two years necessary to build a new ship is often enough to antiquate two already in commission, and thus leave the fleet where it was before. Often, in fact, as in the case of our own Texas, just through with her trial trip, it is found that a ship is no sooner off the ways than her turrets "work badly," it takes her two hours to discharge a gua, her bottom is "shaky," and she must at once go out of commission for "extensive repairs."

The further one goes west from the Atlantic seaboard, the greater is the readiness for war with England over the Venezuelan boundary. An excellent authority in Indiana informs us that public sentiment in that State is substantially unanimous in support of President Cleveland's position. Still further towards the Pacific the feeling appears to be even stronger in favor of a fight. The Portland Oregonian, which recently pointed out that any backwardness in supporting extreme measures on the Atlantic Coast should count for nothing because this section was equally unpatriotic in the last war with England, gives prominence to a letter from "American," who argues at length that a war with England would be a good thing and would benefit the United

such a war "would unite all Americans
and do away with all party feeling," and
"would unite all South and North Ameri-
ca, and make of them one of the greatest
nations on the earth "; that the American
people want a war, because "they all
know that the wealth of the world has
got into the hands of a few and that there
is no relief for the masses," because "busi-
ness is at a standstill and will remain so
until something happens," and because
"war is our only salvation," since "we
are at the mercy of England as far as our
finances go, and that is our only way out";
and, finally, because

"War would be a good thing in many ways.
It would set every idle man to work, either in
the army or helping to supply the army. It
would give men a chance to become famous
who are unknown to-day. Too much peace
brings strikes, idleness, and all kinds of crimes.
Give the American people a chance, and they
will drive the British flag into the sea, capture
Canada and all England's possessions, and
make America the greatest nation on earth.
Then for another generation business will boom
and confidence will be restored."

There could be no surer indication of

the scatter-brained condition of the Jin-
goes as regards the Venezuelan contro-
versy than the vast amount of comfort
they extract out of the London Chroni-
cle's Washington despatches. That pa-
per's correspondent is engaged in reading
the published documents, apparently for
the first time, and his discoveries are so
novel and startling to himself that he at
once cables them as momentous to the
civilized world. Then they are cabled
back as evidence that England is at last
"getting at the facts." Mr. Norman has
now pushed his studies up to the time of
the removal of the posts set up by Schom-
burgk, and wags his head gravely at find-
ing no evidence for Salisbury's assertion
that, when the posts were removed, "the
concession was made on the distinct un-
derstanding that Great Britain did not
thereby in any way abandon her claim."
This may comfort the Jingoes and fool the
Chronicle, but it will not deceive the
Venezuelans. They know that what Salis-
bury said is strictly true, for in their own
statement of their case they summarize
the letter of Lord Aberdeen, dated March
30, 1844, as follows:

"He says, in the first place, that the Govern-
ment of her Majesty, in consenting to the re-
moval of the marks, did not cede any of the
rights which it might consider itself authorized
to claim in the future, and that it had been
moved solely by friendly deference to the re-
quests of the Government of Venezuela.”
Moreover, in Senate Document No. 226,
dated July 26, 1888, containing "the cor-
respondence relating to the pending dis-
pute between the Government of Vene-
zuela and the Government of Great
Britain concerning the boundaries between
British Guiana and Venezuela" (this cor-
respondence begins in 1876 and runs on to
1888), there are no fewer than twenty-two
references to the matter.

The Evening Post of Thursday printed two despatches which appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle of April last, and which throw a flood of light on the use which Venezuela expects to make of the territory over which she is disputing with Great Britain. It explains, too, in part, the prodigious Jingo racket about Venezuela which began early last year, and to which we unceasingly called the attention of the American public, as well as the "hollering" for a more "vigorous foreign policy" which the Tribune's old pensioner in Washington emitted three or four times a week. The speculators, as we see, expected a more vigorous foreign policy about this time. We have reason to believe that some of them, including United States Senators who are to sit on these questions of peace or war, waited on Secretary Gresham, not long before his death, to urge this policy on him; but, being a clear-headed man of peace, he not only declined their proposals, but took the liberty of pointing out to them the impropriety of their having anything to do with an affair which was likely to become a matter of international controversy. We are far from insinuating that they ever made any similar application to Mr. Olney, but he certainly did just what they wanted. The Jingo poison prepares a man's

system for the speculative bacillus. It

weakens his sense of propriety. It clouds his understanding and destroys his foresight, as we see in the havoc which Mr. Cleveland played with his own financial plans.

In short, it often makes Americans fifty years old as thoughtless and rash and unreflecting as lads of twelve. could not be made to take the place of Mr. Cleveland's discovery that patriotism a sound currency shows the awful effects, even on strong characters, of this painful malady.

Even stranger "developments" of the Monroe Doctrine than those with which Mr. Olney has astonished us may yet be brought out. As far back as 1826 and the Panama Congress, the Southern Senators were invoking the Doctrine as a bulwark for slavery. Senator Berrien of Georgia said that it was all very well to brave the wrath of European Powers, but that "we must hold a language equally decisive to the South American states. We cannot allow their principle of universal emancipation to be called into activity in a situation where its contagion, 'from our neighborhood, would be dangerous to our quiet and safety'. . . Will he [the President] quail before the new republics of the south when a dearer interest is at stake?" This shows how easy it is to get queer things out of the Monroe Doctrine when you let your logical faculty run riot without regard to the facts. We may yet see the Doctrine called into play to prevent the incursions of the gold standard in South America, or to demand the abandonment of the Catholic religion, the adoption of an eight-hours'

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