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ascendency of, 116; incurs hostility
of nobility and clergy, 129; has no
competitor for influence with king,
129; downfall of, 130; supplanted
by Peter de Rupibus as king's adviser,
131; said to have procured death of
abp. of Cant. by poison, 131; pointed
at as instigator of riots against Romans,
134; pardoned by Henry, 155.
Bury St. Edmund, abbot of: commis-
sioned to excommunicate rioters, 134;
complains to king about taxes, 185;
obtains mitigation of observance, 333.

Camezana, John de, nephew of pope,
English living demanded for, 325;
provided to English benefice, 362.
Cantelupe, Roger de: agent in Rome,
in favour of Hubert de Burgh, 130.
Cantelupe, Walter de: brings pallium
to abp. of Cant., 125; bp. of Wor-
cester, defends pluralities, 171; op-
position of, to Ottoboni, 410; death
of, 410.

Canterbury: prelates summoned to meet
at, 373; reception of Ottoboni at,
408; Walter de Eynsham elected
abp. of, 122; king refused assent,
appeal to Rome, 122.
Canterbury: Christ Church, privileges

of, upheld against Henry, 118; credit
of pledged, 332; monks of, claim
metropolitical powers during vacancy
of See, 205-206.
Canterbury, abp. of: at Council of
Lyons, 229; ordered to collect money
for crusades, 285-286; excommuni-
cates those who held to Provisions of
Oxford, 388.

Canterbury, St. Augustine's: privileges

bestowed on, 209.

Canterbury, See of: impoverished, 258;
pope confirms election by monks to,

Carlisle, bp. of: has custody of kingdom
in king's absence, 229; waits on king
to obtain freedom of elections, 314.

[blocks in formation]

Chapels, royal, Henry protects privi-
leges of, 289.

Chapters, monastic, 64.

Charles, duke of Anjou, brother of St.
Louis IX, 256; thought of, as king
of Sicily, 347; pressed to accept
crown of Sicily, 350.

Charta, Magna: royal assent to, I, 12;
John seeks its nullification at Rome,
I; appealed against by John, 15;
some stipulations of, 15; annulled by
pope, 17, 19.

Charter, Great: some stipulations of,
15; annulled by pope, 17, 19; burnt,

Charter of Liberties of St. Thomas, 147;

monks of Cant. punished for showing
copy of, instead of original, 151.
Chester, bp. of: Henry's agent in Rome
to oppose Canterbury election, 122;
assures earl marshal of royal favour,

Chester, earl of, 36; resists papal order
about royal castles, 77.
Chichester, bp. of: Rob. Passelew
elected as, 222; consecrated at Lyons,
227; appeals to Rome against Otto-
boni, 410; cited to Rome, 411.
Chichester dean of, commissioned by
pope to raise money for abp. Boni-
face, 298; prebendaries of, and first
fruits, 281.

Christ Church, Canterbury: monks of,
claim privileges about consecration of
suffragans, 146; dispute with St. Ed-
mund about revenues, 148, 152; de-
clared free of interdict, 191; dispute
with Grosseteste, 205.

Churches, regulations about care of, 60.
Cincio, a Roman, canon of St. Paul's,
maltreated, 132; those who laid
hands on, excommunicated, 133.
Cinque Ports: barons of, kept in prison
by Louis, 40; wardens of, instructed
by pope, 32; citizens of, excommuni-
cated, 398, 400, 403; placed under
interdict, 400.
Cistercian abbots receive papal com-
mands to furnish embroidery, 250.
Cistercians: refuse procurations, 188;
refuse war subsidy, 203; refuse Rus-
tand's demands, 364.

Citeaux, abbot of, ordered by pope to
act as mediator between England and
France, 129.

Clare, earl of, minority of, 130.
Clement III, and William k. of Scot-

land, 168 note.

Clement IV: grants Henry tenth for

three years to aid against barons, 399;
determines to send legate to England,
401; orders legate not to delay
journey, 403; condemns tithe im-
posed by barons, 405; and battle of
Evesham, 406; orders legate to warn
all to leave Simon de Montfort, 406;
congratulates Henry on his liberation
from captivity, 407; counsels modera-
tion in victory on Henry and Prince
Edward, 408; offers See of York to
St. Bonaventure, 409; confidence of,
in Ottoboni, 411; reminds Henry of
overdue tribute, 412; gives Henry
tax on Scotch Church, 412; recalls
Ottoboni, 415; death of, 416.
Clergy: regulations for, 60; refuse to
'pay subsidy, 88; consider legate's
plan for raising subsidy, 95; appeal
in vain to pope against taxation, 109;
resist papal demands for money, 187,
264-265; joint appeal of, to pope
against exactions, 266; appeal to
cardinals against pope's demands, 267;
grant tenth towards crusade, 418.
Clerics position of married, 56; sons

of, allowed to succeed to father's
benefice-abuse of, 56-57.
Collectors, papal; pope condemns
methods of, 208; new, arrive in Eng-
land, 269.

Colonna, Cardinal John de, examines
candidates for See of Canterbury, 138.
Complaints from England at Council of
Lyons, 231.

Conclave on death of Gregory IX, 199.
Confession, instructions about, 59.
Confirmation: instructions about, 59;

regulations about, 61; of elections, 70.
Conrad IV: endeavours to recover king-
dom of Sicily, 347; death of, 351.
Constantinople, aid for, sought for in
England, 390.

Constitutions: issued by synod of Ox-
ford, 59; of bp. of Chichester, 343;
of Abp. Walter Gray, 345; of Walter
de Kirkham, bp. of Durham, 346; of
Cardinal Otho, 170; of Cardinal Otto-
boni, 415.

Council: at Bristol, presided over by

Gualo, 30; at Merton Abbey, 159; at
St. Paul's, summoned by Cardinal
Langton, 96.

Coventry: bp. of, meets Henry with
terms of peace, 393; dispute between
monks of, and canons of Lichfield,

Coventry, Walter de, 34; on Gualo's
exactions, 38.

Crakehall, John de, receives prebend in
St. Paul's, 385.

Credit of religious houses pledged, 332.
Cross, archiepiscopal: dispute about,
53; settlement of dispute about, 54.
Croyland abbey, tax on, 366.
Crusades: preached, 142; discussions
about, in Council of Lyons, 241; pope
urges on, in England, 262; clergy
grant tenth towards, 418.
Cumhyre, abbot of, 222.

Curia, Roman: mass of business at, 68,
69; stigma of avarice resting on, 94.
Cursor, papal, 62.

David, prince of Wales: offers to sur-
render his country to the pope, 221;
forced by pope to swear allegiance to
Henry, 224.

Dereham, living of, refused by bp. of
Norwich at king's demand, 306.
Discipline, ecclesiastical, attended to,

Dispensations, 70.

Dominic, St., Bull of canonisation of,

Dominicans: commissioned to take

message of English bishops to em-
peror, 201; to promulgate decree
about intestate clerks, 250; commis-
sioned to collect for empire of Con-
stantinople, 263; urged by pope to
help forward crusade, 285; prior of,
gains case against Abp. Boniface, on
appeal to pope, 295.

Dorchester, translation of relics of St.
Birinus at, 70.

Dover: meeting of K. John and Pan-
dulph at, 42; arrival of Otho at, 92;
prelates passing through, ordered to
swear not to meddle in affair of Sicily,
361; papal document thrown into sea
at, 398.

Dover Castle, Henry denied admittance
to, 394.

Dublin, Holy Trinity, prior of, receives

papal letters from Henry, 299.
Dunstable: meeting at, 7; de Breauté
summoned to, 79; meeting of bishops
at, to concert measures against Abp.
Boniface, 297; Ottoboni stays at, 409.
Durham, bp. of: ordered by pope to
check St. Edmund, 141; ordered to
collect tithe for crusade, 285-286.
Durham Monastery: tax on, 366; ob-

tains dispensation from severity of ob-
servance, 333; grants living of Wear-
mouth, at king's demand, 306; refuses
king's nominee to See, 305; asks king
for leave to elect a bishop, 106; dis-
pute of, with bishop, 65; dispute of,
with king, 190.

Durham See: synodical decrees of, 57;
election to, 106; election of William de
Stechil to, quashed as uncanonical,
108; Nicholas de Farnham elected to,

Edmund, prince, Henry III's son:
offered crown of Sicily, 351; conditions
attached to crown of Sicily, 353; acts
as already king of Sicily, 360;
negotiates about Sicily, 372; cited to
prove his rights to Sicily, 375; re-
nounces crown of Sicily, 375; Sicily
obtained for, without knowledge of
parliament, 377.

Edmundsbury; see Bury St. Edmunds.
Edward, Prince: promises pope to fulfil

conditions for Crown of Sicily, 362;
negotiates about Sicily, 372; takes oath
to govern by help of Council, 377;
absolved from oath to barons, but re-
news it, 387; goes to Amiens to meet
arbitrator, 395; alienated from barons
after award of Amiens, 396; prisoner
after battle of Lewes, 397; escapes
from rebels, 403; writes to Cardinal
Ottoboni, 405; goes to Holy Land in
place of Henry, 414; gains ascendency
in Henry's councils, 416; helped in
Crusade by aid from clergy, 418.
Edward, St.: observance of feast day
of, 170; feast day kept by Henry, 279.
Eleanor of Provence, married to Henry,
158, 256.

Elections, and confirmation of, 70.
Elections episcopal, disputes about,
277; papal, bishops urge emperor not
to interfere with, 200.
Ely, bp.-elect of, 47.

Ely, bp. of: to inquire into Tewkes-
bury documents, 64; Durham dis-
pute, 65; excuses himself from
Council of Lyons, 229; ordered to
collect tithe for Crusade, 285-286;
to be absolved by Ottoboni, 407; not
to be absolved, as unworthy of it,

England: a fief of the Holy See, 1, 3, 31,
35, 42; part of patrimony of St. Peter,
3; surrender of to Holy See, I, 2;
view of Matth. Paris about, 4; what
it meant to K. John, 5; to barons,
clergy, and people, 5; loyalty of,
to Holy See, Adam Marsh on, 239;
finds Roman exactions intolerable,
268; put under interdict, 400.
Enzio, son of Emperor Frederick, cap-

tures prelates, 195.

Eustace, bp. of London, dispute of with

Westminster Abbey, 66.
Evesham abbey: credit of, pledged,
332; battle of, 403.

Exactions of Roman officials in Eng-
land, objected to at Council of Lyons,

Excommunication of barons, 20-21;
confirmed by pope, 23; what it was
meant to effect; regulations about,
241; renewal of sentence of, at West-
minster, against infringers of Church
liberties, 316; complaints as to trivial

causes for, 327-328.

Eynsham, Walter de: elected abp. of
Canterbury; refused royal assent;
appeal to Rome; after examination
declared unfit, 124.

Fair of Lincoln, battle of the, 36.
Falkenburg, Eustace, bp. of London,
Falsarii, 68.

Farnham, Nicholas de, elected bp. of
Durham, 190.

Faversham, visitation of, by Abp. Boni-
face, 290.

Fealty, sworn to Henry III, 30.
Ferentino, John de, archdeacon of
Norwich, maltreated, 133.
First Fruits: of S. Province granted to
Abp. Boniface for seven years, 259;
difficulties at Chichester about, 281.
Florence, money-lenders of, 354.
Foreigners: national feeling against,
132; barns of, pillaged, 133.

Forest, Charters of Liberties of the,
repudiated by Henry, 110.
Forgeries of papal letters, 62; explana-
tion of, 67.

Foulquois, Guy: afterwards Clement
IV, sent as legate to England, 395;
refused admission to England, 397-
398; returns to Rome, explains fail-
ure of mission; elected pope, 399;
disappointed at failure of mission,


France: truce renewed between, and

England, 44; peace made with Eng-
land, 37; war with England, 202-
203; impoverished by Roman exac-
tions, 268; heartburnings in, about
papal provisions, 326; envoys of king
of, at Council of Lyons, 230.
Francis, St., Bull of canonisation of,

Franciscans commissioned to take mes-

sage of English bishops to emperor,
201; to promulgate decree about
intestate clerks, 250; to collect for
empire of Constantinople, 263; urged
by pope to help forward Crusade,
285; refuse Henry's gift, as having
been taken from the poor, 329.
Frederick, Emperor: to lead Crusade,

110; quarrel of with pope, 125, 178;
match with Henry's sister arranged,
158; warned by Henry against Peter
de Rupibus, 160; sends messengers
to England, 182; asks that Otho
should be made to leave, 182; Henry
writes to pope on behalf of, 183;
English clergy refuse to condemn,
187; tries to get bishops to travel to
Council under his protection, 194;
denies interfering with papal election,
201; releases cardinals for papal
election, 205; addresses letter to pre-
lates in Council, 218; and Council of
Lyons, 228; opposed to pope, 268;
revolt of against papal authority, 283;
tithe for war against, 286; deposition
of, 347.

Fulk, bp. of London, gives prebend to
Rustand, 384.
Furness abbey, and bishop of Isle of
Man, 71.

Gascony: Rustand sent to, as nuncio,
368; return of Henry from, 355.
Geoffrey of Milan elected pope as
Celestine IV, 199.

Germany torn with civil war, 268.
Gervase, the historian, continuator of,

Giffard, Walter, abp. of York: receives

legate's orders about payment of
tenth, 414; congratulates Gregory X,

Gilbertines, recipients of papal docu-
ments, 70.

Gisburn, Augustinian house of, tax on,

Glasgow, bp. of, letter to, from Gregory
IX, 187.

Gloucester: Henry crowned at, 29;
Gilbert, earl of, excommunicated,
400; absolved from excommunication,

Grant of a thirtieth made to the king,

Graund, Ric. le: abp. of Canterbury,

129-131; complains to pope about
Hubert de Burgh, 130; death of,

Gray, Walter: abp. of York, attends
parliament, 274; constitutions of,

Graystones, Robt., historian of Durham,

Gregory IX: accession of, III; settles
case of Durham election, 108; orders
Stephen Langton to uphold the king,
111; informs Henry of his accession
to papacy, 111; allows Simon Lang.
ton to return to England, 112; watches
over Henry's interests; rebukes ag-
gressiveness of French king, 113;
presents to English benefices, 114;
his energy and capacity for business,

114; quarrels with emperor, 115, 178;
forbids tournaments in England, 116;
upholds Henry's determination to rule
alone, 117; tries to secure support in
quarrel with emperor, 117; confirms
election of Robt. de Bingeham to
Salisbury, 121; sends pallium to St.
Edmund by Walter de Cantelupe,
125; orders bishops to excommunicate
justiciars and sheriffs, 129; sanctions
employment of bishops as counsellors
of crown, 129; exhorts Henry not to
go to war with France, 129; orders
Henry to put a stop to outrages on
Romans, 134; appeals to Hubert de
Burgh to put down riots, 135; con-
firms rights of English lay patrons,
136; advised on English affairs by
Simon Langton, 137; rejects John
de Sittingbourne for see of Canter-
bury, 138; confirms election of St.
Edmund to Canterbury, 139; urges
prudence and tact on St. Edmund,
141; tries to raise money for Holy
Land, 142; confirms privileges of
Canterbury monks, 148; upholds
privileges of Christ Church, Canter-
bury, 149; writes about St. Edmund's
dispute with monks of Canterbury,
150; declares Canterbury community
innocent of complicity in forgery of a
charter, 151; orders St. Edmund to
safeguard rights of St. Augustine's,
Canterbury, 153; confirms privileges
of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 154;
appoints commission of inquiry into
dispute between St. Edmund and
Rochester, 154; congratulates Henry
for pardoning de Burgh, 156; dispute
with the Romans, 156; tries to effect
understanding between England and
Scotland, 157; asked by Henry to
send legate to England, 160; pro-
mises to send Otho as legate, 161;
writes to Henry about his oaths, 163;
orders Henry to recall grants and
charters, 164; tells Henry his oaths

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