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the Tarentine garden, Cicero's garden at Tusculum, Formia, Cuma; the Laurentine garden of Pliny junior, Cato, at Sabinus, Ælius Spartianus's garden, the elder Gordian's, Horti Cassipedis, Drusi, Dolabella's garden, Galienus's, Seneca's, Nero's, the Horti Lamiani, Agrippina's, the Esquiline, Pompey's, Luculla's most costly gardens, &c.

More moderne and at present.-Clement the 8th's garden; the Medicean, Mathæos garden, Cardinal Pio's ; Farnesian, Lodovisian, Burghesean, Aldobrandino's, Barberini's, the Belvedere, Montalta's, Bossius's, Jus tiniane's, the Quirinal gardens, Cornelius's, Mazarini's, &c.

In other parts of Italy.-Ulmarini's at Vacenza, Count Giusti's at Verona, Mondragone, Frescati, D'Este's at Tivoli. The gardens of the Palazzo de Pitti in Florence; Poggio, Imperiale, Pratoline, Hieronymo del Negro's pensile garden in Genoa, principe d'Oria's garden, the Marquesi Devico's at Naples, the old gardens at Baiæ, Fred. Duke of Urbine's garden, the gardens at Pisa, at Padoa, at Capraroula, at St. Michael in Bosco, in Bolognia; the gardens about Lago di Como, Signior Sfondrati's, &c.

In Spaine. The incomparable garden of Aranxues, Garicius's garden at Toledo, &c.

In France.-Duke of Orleans at Paris, Luxemburg, Thuilleries, Palais Cardinal, Bellevue, Morines, Jard. Royal, &c.

In other parts of France.-The gardens of Froment, of Fontaine Beleau, of the Chasteau de Fresnes, Ruel, Richelieu, Couranat, Cauigny, Hubert, Depont in Champagne, the most sumptuous Rincy, Nanteuile, Maisons, Medon, Dampien, St. Germain en Lay, Rosny, St. Cloe, Liancourt in Picardy, Isslings at Essonne, Pidaux in Poitiers. At Anet, Valeri, Folembourg, Villiers, Gaillon, Montpellier, Beugensor, of Mons. Piereskius. In Loraine, at Nancy, the Jesuites at Liege, and many others.

In Flanders.—The gardens of the Hofft in Bruxelles, Oroenendael's neere it, Risewick in Holland. The court at the Hague, the garden at Leyden, Pretor Hundius's garden at Amsterdam.

In Germany.--The Emperor's garden at Vienna, at Salisburgh; the medicinall at Heidelburg, Caterus's at Basil, Camerarius's garden of Horimburg, Scholtzius's at Vratislauia, at Bonne neere Collen, the elector's there: Christina's garden in Sweden made lately by Mollet; the garden at Cracovia, Warsovia, Grogning. The elector's garden at Heidelburg, Tico Brache's rare gardens at Vraneburge, the garden at Copenhagen. Tho. Duke of Holstein's garden, &c.

In Turkey, the East, and other parts.-The grand Signor's in the Serraglio, the garden at Tunis, and old Carthage; the garden at Cairo, at Fez, the pensal garden at Pequin in China, also at Timplan and Porassen; St. Thomas's garden in the island neere M. Hecla, perpetually verdant. In Persia, the garden at Ispahan; the garden of Tzurbugh; the Chan's garden in Schamachie neere the Caspian sea, of Ardebil, and the citty of Cassuin or Arsacia; the garden lately made at Suratt in the East Indias by the great Mogoll's daughter, &c.

In America--Montezuma's floating garden, and others in Mexico. The King of Azcapuzulco's, the garden of Cusco; the garden in Nova Hispania. Count Maurice's rare garden at Boavesta in Brasile.

In England.-Wilton, Dodington, Spensherst, Sion, Hatfield, Lord Brook's, Oxford, Kirby, Howard's, Durden's, my elder brother George Evelyn's in Surry, far surpassing any else in England, it may be my owne poore garden may for its kind, perpetually greene, not be vnworthy mentioning.

The gardens mentioned in Scripture, &c.

Miraculous and extraordinary gardens found upon huge fishes' backs men over growne with flowers, &c.

Romantique and poeticall gardens out of Sydney, Spencer, Achilles Statius, Homer, Poliphele, &c. All these I have already described, some briefly, some at large according to their dignity and merite.

But this paper, and my reverence to your great patience, mindes me of a conclusion.-Worthy sir, I am your most humble and most obliged servant, J. EUELYN.

Sir, I beg the fauour of you when you see Mr. Paston to make my seruice acceptable, and to let him knowe how greately I thinke my selfe obliged to him for this civillity.

I make bold to send you another paper of the chapters, because I have there added another chapter concerning Hortulan entertainments; and I intend another for wonderfull plants, &c. If you thinke me worthy of the continuance of these fauours to your servant, your letters will infallibly find me by this addresse:- For Mr. Iohn Euelyn, at the Hauk and Feasant on Ludgate Hill, London."

Dr. Browne to John Evelyn, Esq.1

WORTHY SIR,-Some weekes past I made bold to send you a letter with an enclosed paper concerning garlands and coronarie plants, which I hope you have received, having directed it unto the Hawke and Pheasant, on Ludgate-hill. If you think fit to make use of such a catalogue as I sent therewith, I could add unto it. However for Moly flore luteo, you may please to put in Moly Hondianum novum. I now present unto you a small paper which should have been attended with a catalogue of plants, wherein experiments might bee attempted by insition. and wayes of propagation; but probably you may be provided in that kind. Yet I have not met with any of that nature and particulars, this extending beyond garden plants unto all wild trees among us. This, if you please, you may command within very few dayes, or any thing in the power of, sir, your honoring friend and servant, THOMAS BRowne.

I pray my humble service unto Sir Robert Paston when you see him, which you may now at pleasure, he being of the House, and an highly deserving and loyall member of it.

4 Indorsed by Evelyn "Dr. Browne from Norwich."

The gardens upon great fishes I would not tearme miraculous gardens, but rather extraordinarie and anomalous gardens, or the like.

Mr. Dugdale to Dr. Browne.-Blyth-hall, near Colhill, in Warwickshire, 4th Oct. 1658.

HONOURED SIR,-By your letter, dated 27th September (which came to my hands about two days since) I see how much I am obliged to you for your readinesse to take into consideration those things which I desired by the note sent to Mr. Watts; so that I could not omitt, but by this first opportunity, to returne you my hearty thanks for the favour. I resolve, God willing, to be in London about the beginning of the next terme, and by Mr. Watts (my kind friend) will send you some of the bones of that fishe which my note mentioneth.

Certainly, sir, the gaining Marshland, in Norfolk, and Holland, in Lincolnshire, was a worke very antient, as by many circumstances may be gathered; and therefore considering the industry and skill of the Romans, I conceive it most like to have been performed by them. Mr. Cambden, in his Britannia, speaking of the Romans in Britaine, hath an observation out of Tacitus in the life of Agricola; which Dr. Holland (who translated Cambden) delivers thus: viz. that the Romans wore out and consumed the bodies and hands of the Britans, in clearing of woods, and paving of fens. But the words of Tacitus are, paludibus emuniendis, of which I desire your opinion; I meane, whether the word emuniendis do not meane walling or banking.

Sir, I account my selfe much happy to be thus far known to you as I am, and that you are pleased to thinke me worthy to converse with you in this manner, which I shall make bold still to do upon any good occasion, till I be more happy by a personall knowledge of you, as I hope in good time I may, resting your very humble servant and honourer, WM. DUGDALE.

Mr. Dugdale to Dr. Browne.-From my chamber, at the Herauld's Office in London, 9th Nov. 1658.

HONOURED SIR,-Yours of October 27th, with that learned discourse inclosed, came safe to my hands the last weeke, for which I return you my most hearty thanks, being highly satisfyed therewith. Since the receipt thereof, I have spoke with Mr. Jonas Moore (the chiefe surveyor of this great worke of drayning in Cambridgeshire and the counties adjacent) who tells me that the causey I formerly mentioned is sixty foote broad in all places where they have cutt through it, and about eighteen inches thickness of gravell, lying upon the moore, and now in many places three foote deepe under a new accession of moore.

It seemes I mistook when I signifyed to you that Mr. Ashmole had some Romane coynes, which were found in the fens; for he now tells me that he hath nothing as yet, but that urne which Jonas Moore gave him; but my Lord St. John had divers, as he tells me, which are lost, or mislayed.

Jonas Moore now tells me, that very lately, in digging a piece of ground which lyes within the precincts of Soham (about three or four miles from Ely), the diggers found seven or eight urnes, which by carelessnesse were broken in pieces, but no coyne in or near them. The ground is about six acres, and in the nature of an island in the fenne, but no raysed heap of earth to cover them, as he tells me. I resolve to intreat Mr. Chichley (my very good friend), who is owner thereof, to cause some further digging there; for they are of opinion that there are many more of that kind; and then I shall be able to satisfy you better, and what is found in them. Sir Thomas Cotton is not as yet come up to London, otherwise I would have sent you some of those bones of the fishe, which I will be sure to do so soon as he comes.

Mr. Ashmole presents his service to you, with great thanks for your kinde offer, desiring a note of what manuscripts you have that may be for his purpose, whereupon he will let you know whether he wants them or not; for he hath others than what he hath formerly made use of. I hope I shall obtain so much favour of the adventurers, as to procure one of those large heaps of earth to be cut through, to the end that we may see whether any urnes or other things of note are covered therewith.

Sir, this favour which you are pleased to afford me, thus to trouble you with these things, I highly value, and shall rest at your commands wherein I may serve you,

WILLIAM Dugdale.

Dr. Brown to Mr. Dugdale.-Norwich, Nov. 10th, 1658. SIR,-Your observation is singular, and querie very ingenious, concerning the expression of Tacitus in the life of Agricola, upon the complaint of the Britans, that the Romans consumed and wore out their bodyes and hands, sylvis et paludibus emuniendis, that is, whether thereby walling or bancking the fennes is not to bee understood according to the signification of the word emunire.

This, indeed, is the common and received signification, as probably derived from the old word manire, that is, manibus cingere, to wall, fence, or fortifie by enclosure, according to the same acception in warlike munitions and entrenchments.

But in this expression strictly to make out the language of the

author, a sense is to be found agreeable unto woods as well as fennes and marshes; the word emuniendis relating unto both, which will butt harshly be expressed by any one word in our language, and might cause such different and subexpositive translations.

And this may be made out from the large signification of the word munire, which is sometimes taken not only to wall, fence, or enclose, butt also to laye open, and render fitt for passage. Soe is that of Livie expounded by learned men, when, in the passage of Hannibal over the Alpes, he sayth, rupem muniendam curavit, that is, he opened a passage through the rock; and least the word should bee thought rather to be read minuendam, a fewe lines after, the word is used agayne; et quies muniendo fessis hominibus triduo data.

And upon the same subject the like expressions are to bee founde in the Latin translation of Polybius, sett forth by Casaubon, labore improbo in ipso principitio viam munivit. And for the gettinge downe of his caryages and elephants from the hills covered with ice and snowe, it is afterwards sayd, Numidus ad viam muniendam per vices admovet vixque tertio demum die elephantos trajecit, which cannot well be understood by raysing any banks and walls, butt by removing the snowe, planing the wayes, and making it passable for them.


Which exposition is received by Godelevæus upon Livie, and also the learned Turnebus, Adversariorum, lib. xiii. pretor autem munire, per rupem viam aperire eamque in ea munire et tanquam struere, eam cædere et opere laboreque militari complanare, et æquare iter aut deorsum deprimere et declive reddere quodam anfractu molli. Itaque qui aggerem jaciunt, fossas aperiunt, vias muniunt, militiæ munitores vocantur."

And therefore when Dr. Holland translated this passage in Cambden out of Tacitus, by cleering of woods and paving the fennes, hee may be made out by this acception of munire, extending unto fennes and woods, and comprehending all pyoners work about them. As likewise Sir Henry Savile, when hee rendreth it by paving of bogges and woods; and as viam munire is also taken in Livie, that is, lapidibus sternere.

And your owne acception may also bee admitted, of walling and banking the fennes, which the word will also well beare in relation to paludibus, beside the other signification of causies, wayes, and passages, common unto woods and fennes; nor only the clearing of woods and making of passages, butt all kind of pyoning and slavish labour might bee understood in this speech of Galgacus which with stripes and indignities was imposed upon the Britans in workes about woods, bogges, and fennes; and soe comprehend the laborious aggers, banks, and workes of secure

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