THE LINK is a Monthly Magazine designed for the entertainment and old. Each number will contain :- Fiction, in the shape of short stories or longer serials by Articles by Eminent Writers on the current topics of the day, Studies in History and Biography and records of Travel. Every endeavour will be made, in the choice and arrangement of the contents of the Magazine, to satisfy the tastes of all those who are interested in Literature, and the following is a list of Contributors whose stories and papers will appear in the first and forthcoming THE LINK. A Poem. By Miss DORA CHADWICK. THE PRIEST'S ATONEMENT. By Hon. LEWIS WINGFIELD. Chapters I., II., THE HOMES OF THE POOR. By Mrs. FENWICK MILLER, F.R.S. GHOSTS, DREAMS, APPARITIONS, AND PREMONITIONS. Explanation. By Miss FANNY E. Albert. Their Possible IS PHRENOLOGY BASED ON FACT OR ON FANCY? By NICHOLAS MORGAN. THE SAUCY SAL. An old Salt's Yarn. By R. F. Cantwell. THE SEAMEN OF TO-DAY AND THIRTY YEARS AGO. By Lieut. CHAS. R. WITHIN THE RING. By HERBERT H. ADAMS. Chapter I.-The First Sorrow. JOHN MORLEY, M.P. By Rev. F. ARNOLD. MADAME CLARA SCHUMANN. By Mrs. OSCAR BERRINGER. (With Etching by THE TREE OF TEN THOUSAND IMAGES. PIET VAN RHYN. By G. CLOUGH. CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE. A New Novel, by W. Outram Tristram, author of "Julian Trevor," Communications to the Editor should be addressed 156, STRAND, W.C. The Link Advertiser. FEBRUARY, 1884. MESSRS. MACMILLAN & CO.'S LIST. THE AUTHOR OF "JOHN HALIFAX, GENTLEMAN."-The first of a Series of Papers by this popular writer, entitled, "AN UNSENTIMENTAL JOURNEY THROUGH Cornwall," appears in The English Illustrated Magazine for February. WALTER BESANT, Author of "All in a Garden Fair," &c.-The first part of a New Story, entitled, "JULIA," by this favourite Novelist, appears in The English Illustrated Magazine for February. THE POETICAL WORKS OF LORD TENNYSON, HESTER: A Story of Contemporary Life. By Mrs. OLIPHANT, Author of "The Curate in Charge," &c., Three Vols., Crown Svo, 31s. 6d. **This book has not previously appeared in a serial form. "At her best, she is. I think, with one or two exceptions, the best of living English novelists. She is at her best in Hester.""-Academy. MACMILLAN'S 4s. 6d. SERIES.-NEW VOLUMES. MRS. LORIMER: A Sketch in Black and White. By LUCAS MALET. New Edition. Crown 8vo, 4s. 6d. THE MIZ MAZE; or, The Winkworth Puzzle. A Story in Letters by Nine Authors. Crown Svo, 4s. 6d. "No pleasanter little volume has appeared in Macmillan's Four and Sixpenny Series. . . . . The book throughout is clever and amusing."-John Bull. £500 IN PRIZES Are offered for EXTRACTS from the FAMILY RECORDS of Competitors, to be sent before MAY 15. Full particulars of the conditions are published in the "Record of Family Faculties " (Macmillan & Co., 2s. 6d.), which consists of Tabular Forms and Directions for entering Data, with an Explanatory Preface by FRANCIS GALTON, F.R.S., Author of “Hereditary Genius,” &c. "A new and instructive recreation is offered by an eminent man of science to the families of England. It may be called the game of Family Records.' It is at least as attractive as most of the games, puzzles, and strings of questions with which many families now beguile their leisure and weary their acquaintances, and it is likely to be far more useful in its results."-The Times. THE COLLECTED WORKS OF RALPH WALDO EMERSON. Globe 8vo, price 5s. each Volume. 1. MISCELLANIES. With an Introductory Essay by JOHN MORLEY. 2. ESSAYS. 4. 3. POEMS. ISH TRAITS; and REPRESENTATIVE MEN. OF LIFE; and SOCIETY and SOLITUDE. and SOCIAL AIMS; &c. this edition we more we like it."-The Academy. MILLAN & CO., LONDON. 2 THE LINK ADVERTISER. SYLVANUS URBAN REDIVIVUS. THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE LIBRARY, Being a Classified Collection of the Chief Contents of the " GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE," from 1731 to 1868. Edited by G. LAURENCE GOMME, F.S.A. THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE is so well known as a vast repertory of valuable contributions to Antiquarian and other studies, that the proposal to publish classified collections of the more important articles contained therein does not need many words of introduction. One attempt has been made to publish a series of miscellaneous selections. At the suggestion of Gibbon, the historian, Dr. Walker, in 1809, issued four volumes 8vo; and as evidence of the value attached to such an enterprise, we find that these selected articles reached a third edition in 1814. But the principle upon which these volumes of selected articles are founded does not enable the student to work without having to consult the 224 volumes of the original, because the "selections" do not contain all that the Gentleman's Magazine has to say upon any one given subject, nor do they bring the several extracts together in the best classification. In the series now proposed this disadvantage will be remedied, and at the same time the inconveniences and objections to a reprint of so large a mass of information will be met by the issue of separate volumes, each devoted to a special department of study; all the articles in the magazine, from 1731 to 1868, on each subject, being incorporated in these volumes. Thus, to those who wish to possess the collections solely on account of their production from The Gentleman's Magazine, we offer all the volumes of the series; and to those who wish merely to acquire special volumes, we afford the means of doing so. The following are subjects into which the work will be divided, and to which the volumes will be devoted : THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE LIBRARY will be issued in handsome demy Svo volumes, of from 300 to 350 pages each, tastefully printed in old-faced type, on antique paper with ancient adornments, and handsomely bound. The volumes of the series will be issued at frequent intervals, in the following manner:1. THE ORDINARY EDITION (number unrestricted) will be published at 78. 6d. but will be issued to subscribers at 6s. per volume. 2. An Edition of 250 copies only, price 10s. 6d. for Subscribers, will be printed on HAND-MADE PAPER, and bound in Roxburgh, at 8s. 3d. per volume. 8. Fifty LARGE PAPER copies on hand-made paper, and bound in Roxburgh, will be printed and sold to Subscribers at 21s. per volume, and should any copies remain unsubscribed at the close of the list, the price will be raised to £1 11s. 6d. In the cases of Nos. 2 and 3, the purchasers of the first volume will be entitled to claim the succeeding ones, so that Subscribers may secure a uniform and unbroken set of all the volumes that are issued subsequently; as the numbers of these two forms are restricted, prompt application for them is strongly advised. THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE LIBRARY can be obtained of ANY BOOKSELLER, or of the Publisher. THE FIRST VOLUME ON MANNERS AND CUSTOMS IS NOW READY FOR DELIVERY. ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON, E.C. |