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Student Volunteer work of the College. On the second floor are the general committeeroom, two society rooms, and a library, while on the top floor is the assembly-hall. An oak-paneled finish and deep window-seats carry out the chaste colonial treatment and give a comfortable look to the interior of Harvard's religious workshop, reared in memory of Harvard's great religious worker, in order that the broad activities of which he was the inspiring leader might be the better carried forward. To this good end, it should be stated, considerable money has already been made available in two memorial bequests, one, a sum of $20,000, being a portion of the John and Belinda Randall legacy, and the other, a fund of $5,000, given in connection with the name of Ralph Hamilton Shepard.

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But the Phillips Brooks House and these funds to carry on its work are not the only memorials at Harvard. In St. John's Chapel of the Episcopal Divinity School is a memorial bust by William Ordway Partridge, bearing this inscriptional tribute: "To the memory of Phillips Brooks, by the Alumni. Did not our hearts burn within us when he talked with us by the way?" Although himself a graduate of the Theological School at Alexandria, Va., Bishop Brooks always took the deepest interest in the School at Cambridge, and so strongly impressed his views on its students and its teaching that both have stood for the broadest churchmanship, and the School's head, Dean Lawrence, became his natural successor as Bishop of Massachusetts.

From St. John's, Cambridge, to St. Margaret's, London, may be as far as the ship sails, but it is not so far as to take one beyond the metes within which the work and life of Phillips Brooks have been given lasting commemoration. Archdeacon Farrar, when a canon at Westminster, in charge of St. Margaret's Church, became acquainted with Phillips Brooks, then rector of Trinity, Boston, and during all the years till the latter's death they were fast friends. When abroad Phillips Brooks often preached in St. Margaret's and in the Abbey, and Archdeacon Farrar, in his recent book, "Some Men I Have Known," tells of these luminous sermons and of his own deep attachment to their author. When his American friend died, the Archdeacon gathered funds, among English admirers of the Bishop, for a memorial window in St. Margaret's, and The Outlook is enabled to reproduce it through a picture kindly loaned by Bishop Brooks's brother, the Rev. John, Cotton Brooks, rector of Christ Church, Springfield, Mass.

The window has three large panels; the central one represents Jesus with a shepherd's crook in the act of speaking to Peter, and below is the inscription, "Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep ;" to the right of our Lord are Paul and Timothy; and to the left is David as a shepherd-boy.

In his book Archdeacon Farrar reproduces the lines Phillips Brooks wrote, while his election as Bishop of Massachusetts was pending, on seeing a caricature of himself in a certain journal. In the light of the fulfillment the promise hidden below their humor has had, they are in themselves a memorial: And is this, then, the way he looks, This tiresome creature, Phillips Brooks?

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PART OF THE MEMORIAL WINDOW IN ST. MARGARET'S CHURCH, LONDON York, and it was very fittingly placed in the church that, through the long rectorship of Arthur Brooks and the oft-repeated visits of Phillips Brooks, had felt, more fully than any other in New York, the uplifting influence of these two great preachers.

As a companion memorial to the one of Phillips Brooks there has recently been unveiled in this same Church of the Incarnation one of Arthur Brooks. It is of interest to mention it in connection with this article, for the sculptor, Daniel Chester French, has the commission for the memorial of Phillips Brooks that is to be placed in Trinity Church, Boston. In speaking of the form this Trinity memorial would take, Mr. French told the writer it would be a bust in marble, of heroic size, to be placed on a pedestal. For some time there was not a little difference of opinion in Trinity, all of it sincere and friendly, as to the most appropriate memorial in which to express the love and devotion of the parish. Some said a pulpit would be best, pointing to Phillips Brooks's known desire

to have a pulpit that would be in harmony with the splendid interior, and to his gathering pictures of famous pulpits, during his travels, from all over the world. But, protested others, that would mean the replacing of the pulpit from which Phillips Brooks had preached for so many years, and which, because of its associations, ought ever to remain a most sacred memorial. So it has happened that, with the money available for it during several years, the Trinity memorial has been waiting on agreement as to its form. While the Trinity porch, recently finished, is not strictly a memorial, save in that large sense in which the whole church will always be associated with its great rector, the money for it-over $80,000-was contributed after his death, and it completed the church in accordance with the design Phillips Brooks had wished to see carried out. The young Scotch sculptor, Hugh Cairns, who executed the figures on the porch, has done a bust in plaster and will show it at the Paris Exposition in 1900. It has been suggested for various memorial uses, but its final disposition has not as yet been determined.

As a memorial of a most devoted friendship, and because the likeness of Phillips






Brooks is satisfying to an unusual degree among many unsatisfying pictures, the accompanying photograph is reproduced of the Bishop and Dr. McVickar, now Bishop Coadjutor of Rhode Island, who succeeded Phillips Brooks in the rectorship of Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, and who embodies to a striking extent the broad spirit of his friend.

There is yet another memorial, the first for which the funds came rolling in, the last to assume definite shape, and, in the hope and expectation of Phillips Brooks's friends, it will be the best, in its impressiveness, its appropriateness, and its artistic beauty. The money to provide it has grown to the large total of nearly a hundred thousand dollars. The commission for its execution has been given to Augustus Saint Gaudens, while the architectural part of the memorial will be designed by Stanford White, of McKim, Mead & White. The site chosen is close to Trinity, in Copley Square. Only in a very general way is Saint Gaudens's conception for the work known, even to the committee having the erection of the memorial in charge, and as his present conception may be modified, there is no intention of handicapping the sculptor's freedom by premature announce

But there is a consensus of belief that, in the execution of this most important of all the memorials of Phillips Brooks, a great sculptor has been given a great subject, and that he will make the most of it. To those who have watched the growth of Saint Gaudens's marvelous power in giving to his figures the very breath of life, the dominating vital spirit to his Farragut the masterful reserve controlling the alertness, to his Deacon Chapin the unbending and militant force of the Puritan, to Logan the dash and swing of martial valor, to the Shaw memorial the high spirit of complete consecration to duty-to those who have followed the unfolding of this many-sided artist-soul the belief is general that Saint Gaudens's memorial of Phillips Brooks will be his chef

"But isn't this memorial long in being completed ?" I asked of Mr. Robert Treat Paine, of the committee in charge of its execution.

"Ah," he replied, "you should remember what President Eliot said of Saint Gaudens in conferring upon him the master's degree at Harvard, He counts not the lapse of mortal years in creating an immortal work.""

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