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as learnedly of light and shade, figure, proportion, drapery, &c. as of the rife and fall of stocks. I have, however, been very much embarraffed in getting together a collection, fuitable to the religion I profefs. The famous painters were most of them fuch bigots to their own way of thinking, that they have scarce left any thing behind them but Holy Families, Dead Chrifts, and Madonas; fubjects, which to me and my tribe are odious and abominable. A picture, fince it has the property of being the language of all mankind, fhould never be particular in it's fubject; but we fhould paint, as the English are taught to pray, for all Jews, Turks, Infi

dels, and Heretics.' When I have made the tour of Italy, I will fend you a compleat lift of all my purchases: in the mean time the following fhort fpecimen will enable you to judge of my precautions, in felecting pieces fuitable to my character, and not offenfive to my principles.

The first that I bought was • The Elevation of the Golden Calf.' This I fhall fet up in the Royal Exchange, as a typical reprefentation of myself, to be worshipped by all brokers, infurers, fcriveners, and the whole fraternity of ftock-jobbers.

The fecond is The Triumph of Gideon.' This I intended, if a late project in favour of our brethren had not mifcarried, fhould have been hung up in St. Stephen's Chapel, as a memorial of our victory over the Uncircumcifed. The third and fourth are Peter denying his Mafter,' and Judas be- · ⚫traying him for thirty pieces of filver; both which I defign as prefents to our two worthy friends, the Bs of and

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The next which I fhall mention to you, deferves particular notice; and this is The Prophet of Nazareth himfelf, conjuring the devil into an herd of fwine.' From this piece, when I return to England, I intend to have a print engraved; being very proper to be had in all Jewish families, as a neceffary prefervative against Pork and Chrif tianity.

Ruins of the Temple-A Publican at the Receipt of Custom-and-a Samfon in miniature.

Besides these, I have employed an ingenious artist here to execute a design of my own. It is a picture of Fortune; not standing (as in the common stile) upon a kind of cart-wheel, but on the two wheels of the lottery, with a reprefentation of a net caft over the leffer engroffers of tickets, while a Chief Manager is breaking his way through the meshes.

I must not forget to tell you, that I have picked up an infamous portrait, by an English hand, called Shylock; with the following infcription under it, taken, I fuppofe, from the London Evening Poft, or that impudent Fool the Gazetteer: They have difgraced me, and hindered me half a million, laught at my loffes, mockt at my gains, fcorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies;and what's the reafon ?—I am a Jew.'


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As foon as the parliament is diffolv ed, you may expect to fee me in England; till when, I am, dear Sir, yours, &c,

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I Suppofe Connoiffeur is only another word for a Knowing One. So write me a few papers in defence of cards. dice, races, and gaming in general; and I will admit you upon the fquare, introduce you at White's, fet you upon the turf, the next meeting at Newmarket, and make your fortune at once. you are the man I take you for, you will be wife, and do this directly; and then the odds are for you. If not, I'll hold you an hundred pounds to a China orange, that your paper is neglected as low and vulgar, and yourself condemned as an unfashionable blockhead.

I fhall not tire you with a particular detail of some other leffer pieces; fuch as, The Deluge, in water colours-The New Jerufalem, in perfpective-Some T

Yours, as you behave,









E writers of effays, or (as they are termed) periodical papers, justly claim to ourselves a place among the modern improvers of literature. Neither Bently nor Burnam, nor any other equally fagacious commentator, has been able to difcover the leaft traces of any fimilar productions among the ancients: except we can fuppofe, that the history of Thucidydes was retailed weekly in fixpenny numbers; that Seneca dealt out his morality every Saturday; or that Tully wrote fpeeches and philofophical difquifitions, whilst Virgil and Horace clubbed together to furnish the poetry for a Roman Magazine.

There is a word, indeed, by which we are fond of distinguishing our works, and for which we must confefs ourselves indebted to the Latin. Myfelf, and every petty journalist, affect to dignify our hafty performances by ftiling them Lucubrations; by which we mean, if we mean any thing, that as the day is too fhort for our labours, we are obliged to call in the affiftance of the night: not to mention the modeft infinuation, that our compofitions are fo correct, that (like the orations of Demofthenes) they may be faid to fmell of the lamp.' We would be understood to follow the directions of the Roman fatirift' to grow pale by the midnight candle;' though perhaps, as our own fatirift expreffes it, we may be thought

Sleepless ourselves to give our readers fleep.

But, as a relief from the fatigue of fo many restless hours, we have frequently gone to fleep for the benefit of the public: and furely we, whofe labours are confined to a sheet and half, may be indulged in taking a nap now and then, as well as thofe engaged in longer works; who (according to Horace) are to be excufed, if a little drowzinefs fometimes creeps in upon them,

After this preface, the reader will not be surprised, if I take the liberty to relate a dream of my own. It is ufual on these occafions to be lulled to ileep by fome book; and most of my brethren pay that compliment to Virgil or Shakefpeare: but as I could never difcover any opiate qualities in thofe authors, I chofe rather to doze over fome modern performance. I muft beg to be excused from mentioning particulars, as I would not provoke the refentment of my cotemporaries: nobody will imagine, that I dipt into any of our modern novels, or took up any of our late tragedies.Let it fuffice, that I presently fell fast asleep.

I found myself transported in an inftant to the fhore of an immenfe fea, covered with innumerable veffels; and though many of them fuddenly disappeared every minute, I faw others continually launching forth, and pursuing the fame courfe. The feers of vifions, and dreamers of dreams, have their organs of fight fo confiderably improved, that they can take in any object, however diftant or minute. It is not therefore to be wondered at, that I could difcern every thing diftinctly, though the waters before me were of the deepest


While I ftood contemplating this amazing fcene, one of thofe good-natured Genii, who never fail making their appearance to extricate dreamers from their difficulties, rofe from the fable stream, and planted himself at my elbow. His complexion was of the darkeft hue, not unlike that of the Damons of a printing-houfe; his jetty beard fhone like the briftles of a blacking-brush; on his head he wore a turban of imperial paper; and

There hung a calf-kin on his reverend limbs, which was gilt on the back, and faced

with robings of Morocco, lettered (like a rubric-poft) with the names of the moft eminent authors. In his left-hand he bore a printed scroll, which from the marginal corrections I imagined to be a proof-fheet; and in his right he waved the quill of a goofe.

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He immediately accofted me.'Town,' faid he, I am the Genius, who is destined to conduct you through these turbulent waves. The fea that you now behold is the Ocean of Ink. Those towers, at a great distance, 'whose bases are founded upon rocks, and whofe tops feem loft in the clouds,

are fituated in the Ifle of Fame. Contiguous to thefe, you may difcern by the glittering of it's golden fands, is the Coaft of Gain, which leads to a ⚫ fertile and rich country. All the veffels, which are yonder failing with a ✦ fair wind on the main fea, are making towards one or other of thefe: but you will observe, that on their first fetting out they were irrefiftibly drawn into the Eddies of Criticifm, where they were obliged to encounter the moft dreadful tempefts and hurricanes. In thefe dangerous ftreights, you fee with what violence every bark is toft up and down: fome go to the bottom at once; others, after a faint struggle, are beat to pieces; many are much damaged; while a few by found planks and tight rigging are enabled to weather the ftorm.'

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At this fight I started back with horror: and the remembrance till dwells fo ftrong upon my fancy, that I even now imagine the torrent of Criticism burfting in upon me, and ready to overwhelm me in an inftant.

'Caft a look,' refumed my inftructor, on that vaft lake divided into two parts, which lead to yonder magnificent 'Atructures, erected by the Tragic and 'Comic Mufe. There you may obferve many trying to force a paffage without chart or compafs. Some have 'been overfet by crouding too much fail, and others have foun lered by 'carrying too much ballaft. An Ar⚫cadian veffel (the master an Irishman) was, through contrary fqualls, fcarce able to live nine days: but you fee that light Italian gondola, † Gli Amanti Gelofi, fkims along pleafant

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ly before the wind, and out-ftrips the painted frigates of her country, Didone and Artaferfe. Obferve that triumphant fquadron, to whofe flag all the others pay homage. Most of them are fhips of the first rate, and were fitted out many years ago. Though fomewhat irregular in their make, and but little conformable to the exact rules of art, they will ever continue the pride and glory of these feas: for, as it is remarked by the fent Laureat in his prologue to Papal • Tyranny


Shakespeare, whofe art no play-wright can


Has launch'd us fleets of plays, and built them well.

The Genius then bade me turn my eye, where the water feemed to foam with perpetual agitation. That,' faid he, is the ftrong Current of Politics, ⚫often fatal to thofe who venture on it." I could not but take notice of a poor wretch on the oppofite fhore, faftened by the ears to a terrible machine. This, the Genius informed me, was the memorable Defoe, fet up there as a landmark, to prevent future mariners from fplitting on the fame rock.

In a

To this turbulent profpect fucceeded objects of a more placid nature. little creek, winding through flowery meads and fhady groves, I defcried several gilded yachts and pleafure-boats, all of them keeping due time with their filver oars, and gliding along the smooth, even, calm, regularly flowing Rivulets of Rhyme. Shepherds and fhepherdeffes playing on the banks; the fails were gently fwelled with the foft breezes of amorous fighs; and little Loves fported in the filken cordage.

My attention was now called off from thefe pacific fcenes to an obftinate engagement between feveral fhips, diftinguifhed from all others by bearing the Holy Crofs for their colours. Thefe, the Genius told me, were employed in the Holy War of Religious Controverfy; and he pointed out to me a few Corfairs in the fervice of the Infidels, fometimes aiding one party, fometimes fiding with the other, as might best contribute to the general confufion.

I obferved in different parts of the

Philoclea, a tragedy; founded on Sir Philip Sydney's Arcadia. An admired Burletta,




ocean feveral gallies, which were rowed
by flaves.
Thofe, faid the Genius,
are fitted out by very oppreffive own-
and are all of them bound to the
Coat of Gain. The miferable
wretches, whom you fee chained to
the oars, are obliged to tug without
the leaft refpite; and though the voyage
fhould turn out fuccefsful, they have
little or no fhare in the profits. Some
few you may obferve, who rather
• chufe to make a venture on their own
bottoms. Thefe work as hard as the
galley-flaves, and are frequently caft
away: but though they are ever fo of-
ten wrecked, neceffity ftill constrains
⚫ them to put out to fea again."
-Reficit rates

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Quaffas, indocilis pauperiem pati.

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of these were endeavouring to make the Coaft of Gain by hanging out falfe colours, or by forging their paffports, and pretending to be freighted out by the moft reputable traders.

My eyes were at last fixed, I know not how, on a fpacious channel, running through the midst of a great city. I felt fuch a fecret impulfe at this fight, that I could not help enquiring particuThe difcovery of that larly about it.

paffage,' faid the Genius, was first made by one Bickerstaff, in the good 'fhip called The Tatler, and who after'wards embarked in The Spectator and

Guardian. These have been followed fince by a number of little floops, fkiffs, hoys, and cock-boats, which have been most of them wrecked in the attempt. Thither alfo muft your course be directed.At this inftant

Still muft the wretch his fhatter'd bark refit; the Genius fuddenly fnatched me up in For who to starve can patiently submit?

It were needlefs to enumerate many other particulars, that engaged my notice. Among the reft was a large fleet of Annotators, Dutch-built, which failed very heavy, were often a-ground, and continually ran foul on each other. The whole ocean, I also found, was infefted by pirates, who ranfacked every rich veffel that came in their way. Moft


his arms, and plunged me headlong into the inky flood. While I lay gasping and ftruggling beneath the waves, methought I heard a familiar voice calling me by my name; which awaking me, I with pleafure recollected the features of the Genius in those of my publisher, who was standing by my bed-side, and had called upon me for copy.




T is with the utmost concern I have heard myself within this week paft accused at several tea-tables, of not being a man of my word. The female part of my readers exclaim against me for not having as yet paid my particuWho is this lar addreffes to the fair. • Where can Mr. Town?" fays one: the creature live? He has faid nothing yet of the dear Burletta girl.' Another wonders that I have not recommended to the ladies Mr. Hoyle's New Calculation of Chances; for understanding which nothing more is required, we are told, than the First Principles of Arithmetic; that is, to know how to tell the pips, and fet up one's game. But I find the whole fex in general have expected



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towns, where he will exhibit publicly, without lofs of time, any hour of the day or night. He will perform to no lefs than two perfons, and will wait on any gentleman and lady privately at their own houses.

We have no connection with the Fleet parfons, or other pretenders. Beware of counterfeits. Ego fum folus.

I may perhaps take a future opportunity of enlarging on this very important fubject, the Marriage-Bill; but fhall at prefent oblige the ladies by celebrating an order of females lately fprung up among them, ufually diftinguished by the denomination of Demi-Reps - a word not to be found in any of our dictionaries.

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This order, which feems daily encreafing upon us, was first inftituted by fome ladies eminent for their public fpirit, with a view of raising their half of the fpecies to a level with the other in the unbounded licence of their enjoyments. By this artifice the most open violation of modefty takes the name of innocent freedom and gaiety; and as long as the laft failing remains a fecret, the lady's honour is fpotlefs and untainted. In a word, a Demi-Rep is a jady, whom every body thinks, what nobody chufes to call her.


It is abfolutely neceffary, that every lady of this order fhould be married. Custom has given a certain charm to wedlock, which changes the colour of our actions, and renders that behaviour not improper, which in a state of celibacy would be accounted indecent and fcandalous. As to the promifes made in marriage, to love, honour, and * obey,' cuftom has made them alfo merely ceremonial, and in fact as little binding as the wedding-ring, which may be put on or pulled off at pleasure. Religious and political writers have both for different reafons endeavoured to encourage frequent marriages: but this order if it maintains it's ground, will mare certainly promote them. How inviting muft fuch a tate appear to a woman of fpirit! An English wife, with all the indifcretions of a girl, may affume more than the privileges of a woman; may trifle publicly with the beaus and finarts, introduce them to her toilette, and fix it as a certain rule in all her converfation and behaviour, that when once marriage

neft woman of her,' fhe is entitled to all the licence of a courtefan.

I have lately feen, with a good deal of compaffion, a few forward maiden ladies invefting themfelves with the dignities, and encroaching on the privileges of this tion them to recede in time. As their order. It may not be improper to cauclaim to thefe liberties is unwarranted by cuftom, they will not retain that ambi guous reputation enjoyed by the DemiReps, whofe whole fyftem of conduct is founded on the bafis of matrimony. Every lady, therefore, inclined to indulge herfelf in all thofe little innocent freedoms, fhould confine herfelf within the pale of matrimony, to elude cenfure; as infolvent debtors avoid a jail by lodg ing within the verge of the court.

A Demi-Rep then muft neceffarily be married: nor is it eafy for a lady to maintain fo critical a character, unless the is a woman of fashion. Titles and eftates bear down all weak cenfures, and filence fcandal and detraction. That good-breeding too, fo inviolably preferved among perfons of condition, is of infinite fervice. This produces that delightful infipidity fo remarkable in perfons of quality, whofe converfation flows with an even tenor, undisturbed by fentiment, and unruffled by paffion: infomuch that hufbands and wives, brothers, fifters, cousins, and in short the whole circle of kindred and acquaintance, can entertain the most thorough contempt and even hatred for each other, without tranfgreffing the minuteft article of good-breeding and civility. But thofe females, who want the advantages of birth and fortune, must be content to wrap themfelves up in their integrity; for the lower fort are fo notoriously deficient in the requifites of politeness, that they would not fail to throw out the most cruel and bitter invectives against the pretty delinquents.

The great world will, I doubt not, return me thanks for thus keeping the Canaille at a diftance, and fecuring to them a quiet poffeffion of their enjoyments. And here I cannot but obferve, how refpectable an order the Demi-Reps compofe, of which the lovely fifterhood must all be married, and almost all Right Honourable.

we are

For this order, among many other embellishinents of modern life, indebted to the French. Such flippant has (in Lucy's phrase) made an họ- gaiety is more agreeable to the genius



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