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sary to point out, for instance, the close resemblance of the passage which we here quote, the King's first sight of Lady Jane, to the passage in The Knightes Tale (see p. 72) where Palamon and Arcite first see Emilye. Not only the general idea but the details are copied; for example, the King, like Palamon, doubts whether the beautiful vision be woman or goddess. The ascent to the Empire of Venus is like an abridgement of The Hous of Fame. Minerva's discussion of Free Will is imitated from Chaucer's rendering of the same theme, after Boethius, in Troylus and Creseyde. The catalogue of beasts near the dwelling of Fortune, is an echo of Chaucer's catalogue of birds in The Parlement of Foules. Isolated instances of imitation abound; thus

'Til Phebus endit had his bemës brycht,

And bad go farewel every lefe and floure,
That is to say, approchen gan the night,'

is a repetition of a well-known passage in The Frankeleynes Tale:

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For the orizont had left the sonne his liht,
(That is as much to sayn as it was nyht).'

A passage in Troylus is recalled by

'O besy goste, ay flikering to and fro';

and another by the King's concluding address to his book-'Go, litel tretis.' Outside The King's Quair, the 'gude and godlie ballate' here given (although it would be difficult to prove that it belongs to King James) is obviously modelled on the 'good counseil of Chaucer' which we have quoted above (p. 80). These examples of the influence of Chaucer upon so rich a mind as that of the young King of Scotland are strong evidence of the greatness of the earlier poet and of the instantaneousness with which his genius made itself felt.



(St. 30 et seqq.)

Bewailling in my chamber thus allone,
Despeired of all joye and remedye,
For-tiret of my thought and wo-begone,
And to the wyndow gan I walk in hye,
To see the warld and folk that went forbye,
As for the tyme though I of mirthis fude
Mycht have no more, to luke it did me gude.

Now was there maid fast by the Touris wall
A gardyn faire, and in the corneris set
Ane herbere grene, with wandis long and small
Railit about, and so with treis set
Was all the place, and hawthorn hegis knet,
That lyf1 was non walkyng there forbye,
That mycht within scarce any wight aspy.

So thick the beuis 2 and the leves grene
Beschadit all the allyes that there were,
And myddis every herbere mycht be sene
The scharpe grenë suetë jenepere,
Growing so fair with branchis here and there,
That, as it semyt to a lyf without,

The bewis spred the herbere all about.

And on the smalë grenë twistis sat


The lytil suetë nyghtingale, and song So loud and clere, the ympnis consecrat Of luvis use, now soft now lowd among, That all the gardynis and the wallis rong Ryght of thaire song, and on the copill next Of thaire suete armony, and lo the text :

1 living thing.

2 boughs.


'Worschippe, ye that loveris bene, this May,
For of your bliss the kalendis are begonne,
And sing with us, away winter, away,

Come somer, come, the suete seson and sonne,
Awake, for schame! that have your hevynis wonne,
And amourously lift up your hedis all,

Thank Lufe that list you to his merci call.'

Quhen thai this song had song a littil thrawe1,
Thai stent a quhile, and therewith unafraid,
As I beheld, and kest myn eyen a-lawe2,

From beugh to beugh thay hippit and thai plaid,
And freschly in thair birdis kynd araid

Thaire fatheris3 new, and fret thame in the sonne,
And thankit Lufe, that had thair makis* wonne.

This was the planë ditie of thair note,

And therewithall unto myself I thought,
Quhat lufe is this, that makis birdis dote?
Quhat may this be, how cummyth it of ought?
Quhat nedith it to be so dere ybought?

It is nothing, trowe I, bot feynit chere 5,
And that one list to counterfeten chere.

Eft wold I think, O Lord, quhat may this be?
That Lufe is of so noble mycht and kynde,
Lufing his folk, and suich prosperitee

Is it of him, as we in bukis fynd,
May he oure hertis setten and unbynd:
Hath he upon our hertis suich maistrye?
Or all this is bot feynit fantasye?

For giff he be of so grete excellence,

That he of every wight hath cure and charge,
Quhat have I gilt to him, or doon offense
That I am thrall, and birdis gone at large?
Sen him to serve he mycht set my corage,
And, gif he be not so, than may I seyne
Quhat makis folk to jangill of him in veyne?

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Can I not ellis fynd bot giff that he

Be lord, and, as a god, may lyve and regne,
To bynd, and louse, and maken thrallis free,
Than wold I pray his blissful grace benigne
To hable1 me unto his service digne,

And evermore for to be one of tho

Him trewly for to serve in wele and wo.

And therewith kest I doun myn eye ageyne,
Quhare as I saw walkyng under the Toure,
Full secretely, new cumyn hir to pleyne,

The fairest or the freschest youngë floure
That ever I sawe, methought, before that houre,
For quhich sodayne abate, anon astert
The blude of all my body to my hert.

And though I stood abaisit tho a lyte,

No wonder was; for quhy? my wittis all
Were so ouercome with plesance and delyte,
Only through latting of myn eyen fall,
That sudaynly my hert become hir thrall,
For ever of free wyll, for of manace2
There was no takyn3 in her suetë face.

And in my hede I drew rycht hastily,
And eft sonës I lent it out ageyne,
And saw hir walk that verray womanly,
With no wight mo, bot only women tueyne,
Than gan I studye in myself and seyne,
Ah! suete, are ye a warldly creature,
Or hevinly thing in likeness of nature?

Or ar ye god Cupidis owin princesse ?
And cumyn are to louse me out of band,
Or are ye veray Nature the goddesse,

That have depayntit with your hevinly hand
This gardyn full of flouris, as they stand?
Quhat sall I think, allace! quhat reverence
Sall I minister to your excellence.

1 enable.

2 pride, lit. menace.

3 token.

Giff ye a goddesse be, and that ye like
To do me payne, I may it not astert;
Giff ye be warldly wight, that dooth me sike1,
Quhy lest God mak you so, my derest hert,
To do a sely3 prisoner thus smert,


That lufis you all, and wote of nought but wo?
And, therefore, merci, suete! sen it is so.
Quhen I a lytill thrawe had maid my mone,
Bewailing myn infortune and my chance,
Unknawin how or quhat was best to done,
So ferre1 I fallyng into lufis dance,
That sodeynly my wit, my contenance,

My hert, my will, my nature, and my mynd,
Was changit clene rycht in ane other kind.

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In hir was youth, beautee, with humble aport,
Bountee, richesse, and womanly faiture,
God better wote than my pen can report;
Wisdome, largesse, estate, and conyng sure
In every point, so guydit hir mesure,

In word, in dede, in schap, in contenance,
That nature mycht no more hir childe auance.
Throw quhich anon I knew and understude
Wele that sche was a wardly creature,
On quhom to rest myn eye, so much gude
It did my wofull hert, I yow assure
That it was to me joye without mesure,

And, at the last, my luke unto the hevin
I threwe furthwith, and said thir versis sevin :

O Venus clere! of goddis stellifyit,

To quhom I yelde homage and sacrifise,
Fro this day forth your grace be magnifyit,
That me ressauit 5 have in such [a] wise,
To lyve under your law and your seruise;
Now help me furth, and for your merci lede
My hert to rest, that deis nere" for drede.

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