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" Ut jam nunc dicat jam nunc debentia dici, Pleraque differat et praesens in tempus omittat ; Hoc amet, hoc spernat promissi carminis auctor. "
Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera: Accedunt Clavis metrica et notae Anglicae ... - Strana 171
podľa Horace - 1844 - Počet stránok 356
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Quinti Horatii Flacci opera: accedit index variantium lectionum insignioris ...

Quintus Horatius Flaccus - 1721 - Počet stránok 246
...valeant humeii. cui leua potenter erit res, 40 Nec facundia deferet hunc, nec lucidus ordo. Ordinis hzc virtus erit, et venus, aut ego fallor, Ut jam nunc dicat, jam nunc debentia dici Plcraque différât, et pratfens in tempos omittat; Hoc amet, hoc fpernat promiflí carminis auftor....
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Dialogues Concerning Eloquence in General: And Particularly that Kind which ...

François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon - 1722 - Počet stránok 360
...the fecond : and the next always ferve to fupport the former. We ought * Ordinis hsec virtus eric, & Venus, aut ego fallor, Ut jam nunc dicat, jam nunc debentia dici fleraque ditferat, & prxfens in tentpus omittat— . Infelix opens fumma, quia ponere totum Nclcict...
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Harlequin-Horace: Or, the Art of Modern Poetry

James Miller - 1735 - Počet stránok 102
...lefta potenter erit res, Nee facundia deferet hunc, nee lucidus ordo. (8) Ordinis hzc vertus erit, & Venus, aut ego fallor, Ut jam nunc dicat, jam nunc debentia dici VER« 80. When Hunger prompts yon.] It has been oljeSul to thefe Lilies, that they contain tin Infinuation,...
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A Poetical Translation of the Works of Horace: With the Original ..., Zväzok 3

Horace - 1749 - Počet stránok 304
...lefla potenter erit res, 40 Nee facundia deferet hunc, nee lucidus ordo. - Ordinis haec virtus erit & Venus, aut ego fallor, - Ut jam nunc dicat jam nunc debentia dici : - Pleraque -differat, & praefens in tempus omittat. In ing and Harmony of the Figures, and in Poetry the Incidents or Epifodes...
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The Art of Rhetoric Made Easy: Or, The Elements of Oratory ..., Knihy 1–2

John Holmes - 1755 - Počet stránok 204
...in Book I.) a Figure which is thus prais'd and defcrib'd by HORACE— Or dinis h<ec Virtus erit, 6? Venus (aut ego fallor) Ut jam nunc dicat, jam nunc debentia dici Pleraque differ at &? pr<efens in tempus omit fat. Art. Poet. ver. 42. VIRGIL and MILTON, not only in their...
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Quintus Horatius Flaccus, ad lectiones probatiores diligenter emendatus

Quintus Horatius Flaccus - 1756 - Počet stránok 310
...recufent. Quid valeant humen, cui lefta potenter erit res, '^ Nec facundia deferet hunc, nec luctdut ordo. Ordinis haec virtus erit et venus, aut ego fallor; Ut jam nunc dicat jam mme debcntia dici ; Pleraque dilTerat, et praefens in tempus omittat. Hoc amet, hoc fpernat promiffi...
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Dialogues Concerning Eloquence in General: And Particularly that Kind which ...

François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon - 1760 - Počet stránok 382
...remembered, i muft here again apply to hiftory, apaflage of Horace which relates to an epic poem : Ordinis haec virtus erit, et Venus, aut ego fallor ; Ut jam nunc dicat, jam nunc debentia did Pleraque differat, et praefens in tempus omittat : Hor. de Ar. Poet. v. 43. A dry heavy annalift...
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A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes. By Several Hands, Zväzok 1

Robert Dodsley - 1765 - Počet stránok 392
...cui le£ta potenter erit res, Nee facundia deferet, hunc, nee lucidus ordo. Ordinis hzc virtus erit & Venus, aut ego fallor, Ut jam nunc dicat, jam nunc debentia dici, Pleraque differat, & prsefens in tempus omittat. Dixeris egregie, notum fi callida verbum Reddiderit junftura novum ;...
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Collectio pisaurensis: omnium poematum, & carminum, fragmentorum latinorum ...

1766 - Počet stránok 540
...Cui leña potenter erit res, Nee facundia deferet hunc , nee lucidus ordo . Ordinis hie virtus erit & venus , aut ego fallor , Ut jam nunc dicat, jam nunc debentia dici Pleraque différât , & przfens in tempus omittat . Hoc ainet, hoc Ipernat promifïî carminis audor. In verbis...
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“Les” quatre Poëtiques: d'Aristote, d'Horace, de Vida, de ..., Zväzok 1

Charles Batteux - 1771 - Počet stránok 436
...lecta potenter erit res, Nee fàcundia deseret hune, nee lucidus ordo. Ordinis 8 hxc virtus erit &: venus, aut ego fallor, Ut jam nunc dicat jam nunc debentia dici , Pleraque differat, & prxsens in tempus omittat. "4 j Hoc amet , hoc spernat promissi carminis auctor. In verbis etiam...
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