IN THE VALHALLA AND OTHER POEMS. By James Young Geddes. [8vo.] Dundee: JOHN LENG & Co. 1891. Contains-The Memory of Burns, 1890 (pages 45-48); The Memory of Burns, 1891 (pages 49-52). POEMS. By T. J. Powys. [8vo.] London: KEGAN PAUL, & Co. 1891. Contains-The Grave of Burns (pages 145-150). SONG AND SENTIMENT: Lyrical and other Verses. By John Cotton. [8vo.] London: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT, & Co. 1891. Contains-To Robert Burns (pages 135 and 136). BACKWARD GLANCES, OR SOME PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS. By James Hedderwick. [8vo.] Edinburgh: WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS. 1891. Contains-Burns Worship in Scotland (pages 153-158). BURNS BIRTHDAY SONG. Words by Alexander Lowson. Music by Philip Sheridan. To be sung at Forfar Burns Club Festival, on 26th January, 1891. "The SCOTLAND FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT CENTURY. By John Mackintosh, LL.D., author of History of Civilisation in Scotland," "The Highland Land Question Historically Considered," "The Revolution of 1688, and Viscount Dundee," etc., etc. Second Edition. [Svo.] The Story of the Nations Series. London: T. FISHER UNWIN. 1891. Contains-Notice of Burns (pages 314-316). Portrait of Burns after Nasmyth. Cottage where he was born. LUMIR. Casopis Zabavny a Pougny. Contains-Zbasni Roberta Burnse. Poems translated into Cech. EASTERN BELLS (No. 22). : Prague: 10th Zari, 1891. Prelozil Jos. V. Sladek-Seven of Burns's Glasgow ROBERTSON, 304 Duke Street. January, 1892. Contains-Portrait of Burns; Burns on his Birth; The Twenty-fifth of January ; Personal Sketch of Burns, by Allan Cunningham; The Nationality of Burns, &c., &c. Printed, Published, and Delivered Free. PEOPLE'S FRIEND: A Miscellany of Popular and Instructive Literature. No. 1170, Monday, May 30th. Dundee: JOHN LENG & Co. 1892. Contains-Robert Burns and Scottish Song: Where he found it, and how he left it. By Robert Ford. ANNUAL BURNS CHRONICLE AND CLUB DIRECTORY, Edited by John Muir, Vol. I., 25th January, 1892. Price One Shilling, net. [8vo.] Kilmarnock: D. BROWN & Co. 1892. Contains-Brief Summary of the Life of Burns; Summary of the Posthumous History of Burns; Fac-simile of Jotting Book kept by William Burnes, the Poet's father, containing two entries by Robert Burns, when a boy of thirteen; The Influence of Robert Burns on American Literature; "Bonnie Jean," a Memoir; Burns Topography; The Portraits of Burns; Burns from a musical point of view; Relic of Highland Mary; Notes and Queries; Bibliography of Robert Burns; The Burns Federation; Directory of Burns Clubs and Scottish Societies throughout the world, etc. THE DAWN OF LOVE AND OTHER POEMS. Complete Edition. Contains several Poems on Burns. Edinburgh: SCOTTISH HOME RULE ASSOCIATION. 1892. BURNS, POET-LAUREATE OF CANONGATE KILWINNING, A MYTH. Letters reprinted from "The Freemason," with Prefatory Note, by William Officer, P.M. The Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel), No. 1, etc., etc., etc. Edinburgh: PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION. 1892. A PILGRIMAGE TO THE LAND OF BURNS, AND OTHER POEMS, by Hew Ainslie, with a Memoir of the Author by Thomas C. Latto. [8vo.] Paisley: ALEXANDER GARDNER. 1892. KILMARNOCK BURNS CLUB. Speech by Dr. Wm. Findlay. January 25th. [4to]. Kilmarnock: DUNLOP & DRENNAN. 1892. Reprinted from the Kilmarnock Standard. CELEBRATION OF ANNIVERSARY, BY KILMARNOCK BURNS CLUB. January 25th, 1892. [4to]. I marked thy Embryo-tuneful art. Thy natal hour. Kilmarnock: PUBLISHED BY THE BURNS CLUB. 1892. Title-page a beautiful representation in black and white of the above quoted words from the Vision, executed by William Findlay, Junior. SONGS OF LABOUR. To the Residents of Tradeston who love Right and the Golden Rule. [4to sheet.] 1892. Glasgow: THE LABOUR PUBLISHING SOCIETY, Ltd. Contains "A Man's a Man for a' that." ANNUAL BURNS CHRONICLE AND CLUB DIRECTORY. Edited by John Muir. [8vo.] Kilmarnock: D. BROWN & Co. 1892. Contains-Specimen Title page, Prospectus, etc.: Price Twopence, post free. LAIRD NICOLL'S KITCHEN, AND OTHER SCOTTISH STORIES. By Joseph Wright. [8vo.] Glasgow: JOSEPH WRIGHT. 1892. Contains-Burns and Tannahill (pages 45-48). By John ODE TO THE MEMORY OF ROBERT BURNS. B. M'Taggart. Dedicated to the Thistle Burns Club, Glasgow, Jan. 25th, 1892. ROUND BURNS' GRAVE: The Pæans and Dirges of many Bards. Gathered together by John D. Ross, Editor of Celebrated Songs of Scotland," and author of "Scottish Poets in America." [8vo.] Enlarged Edition. Paisley: ALEXANDER GARDNER. 1892. BURNSIANA: A COLLECTION OF LITERARY ODDS AND ENDS RELATING TO ROBERT BURNS. Compiled by John D. Ross, Author of "Scottish Poets in America," and editor of "Celebrated Songs of Scotland," "Round Burns' Grave," etc. Vol. I. [4to.] Paisley: ALEXANDER GARDNER. 1892. ISOBEL BURNS (MRS. BEGG): A MEMOIR BY HER GRAND SON. [8vo.] "Type of the wise, who soar but never roam, Impression limited to 150 copies. 1891. NORTH BRITISH DAILY MAIL, Saturday, September 17th, 1892. Contains-Forthcoming Translation of Burns's Works, by John Muir. NORTH BRITISH DAILY MAIL, Tuesday, December 27th, 1892. Contains-Burns's "Deil," by John Muir. DUNDEE WEEKLY NEWS SUPPLEMENT OF SCOTTISH SONG. [Folio.] 16 pages. Dundee: W. & D. C. THOMSON, November 12th, 1892. Contains-Numerous Songs by Burns. CLUBIANA. BYE-LAWS AND CONSTITUTION OF THE ROBERT BURNS CLUB OF CHESTER, PA. Instituted, November 24th, 1879. Chester EVENING NEWS OFFICE. 1881. DUNDEE BURNS CLUB. Thirtieth Session. List of Office-Bearers, etc. Dundee: PRINTED FOR THE CLUB, February, 1889. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE DUNDEE BURNS CLUB. By Mr. Alexander Macdonald, President. [8vo.] Dundee: WILLIAM KIDD. 1889. CONSTITUTION AND BYE-LAWS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE AUCKLAND BURNS CLUB AND LITERARY SOCIETY. Auckland: SCOTT PRINTING Co. 1890. RULES OF THE BRIDGETON BURNS CLUB (Instituted 1870), with Report of Meeting of the 132nd Anniversary of the Poet's Birthday, and List of Members. [12mo.] Glasgow: PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1891. CAMPSIE BURNS CLUB. Instituted 1890. "Shall Brithers be for a' that." Syllabus, Session 1891-92. Lennoxtown: PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1891. BOLTON FEDERATED BURNS CLUB. Instituted January, 1882. Affiliated with the Burns Federation, July, 1886. Rules, Syllabus, Dumfries: COURIER AND HERALD OFFICES. 1892. CAMPSIE BURNS CLUB. Instituted 1890. "Shall Brithers be for a' that." Syllabus, Session 1892-93. Lennoxtown: PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1892. CAMPSIE BURNS CLUB. Programme, Anniversary Celebration, 1892. POSSILPARK BURNS CLUB. Instituted 1892. Constitution, Rules, POSSILPARK BURNS CLUB. Constitution, Rules, etc. Laws, etc. Constitution, Rules, Bye ABINGTON BURNS CLUB. Syllabus, 1892-93. ROSEBERY BURNS CLUB. Syllabus, 1892-93. DIRECTORY OF BURNS CLUBS AND SCOTTISH SOCIETIES FOR 1893. Societies marked with an asterisk, thus *, are affiliated with the Burns Federation; and those marked with a dagger, thus †, are fraternized with The Order of Scottish Clans. The following Clubs have affiliated with the Federation : INSTITUTED 1890. PRESIDENT-John Tennent. SECRETARY-G. A. Wilson, Bay City, Mich. †BATTLE CREEK, MICH.-Clan Macdonald, No. 77. ROOMS-K. Templar's Hall, East Main Street. CHIEF-J. W. Bryce. SECRETARY-Frank Reid, 34 Irving Street. †BAY CITY, MICH.-Clan Forbes, No. 104. CHIEF-W. D. M'Intosh. SECRETARY-George E. Smith, 509 Eleventh Street. SECRETARY- A. W. M'Nair, 12 Woodware Avenue. SECRETARY-Jan. M'Kenzie, 202 Fay Street, South. ROOMS Foresters' Hall, Richmond Street. SECRETARY-John G. Jones, 241 Queen's Avenue. SECRETARY-George C. Barry, 40 Inspector Street. |