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the divine hypostasis called Heavenly Wisdom." And there are other half-true statements made throughout the book.

The book is a worthwhile introduction to Eastern Orthodoxy for those who are unacquainted with the subject. It is short, but is fair in bringing out the weaknesses and strength of the Orthodox Churches. Much interesting knowledge can be gleaned from it with regard to the history and present relationship of the Russian Church and the Russian government. There is a discussion of the Nestorian Church in China which existed there as far back as the seventh century, and there are a few brief biographies of some of the main leaders in Eastern Orthodoxy down through the ages. Finally, and of current interest, the author brings out the connection between Eastern Orthodoxy and the ecumenical movement.


Books Received

A SOLDIER PRIEST TALKS TO YOUTH. By Patrick J. Ryan. New York: Random House, 1963. Pp. 205. $3.95.

THE EASTERN CHURCHES AND CATHOLIC UNITY. Edited by Maximos IV Sayegh. New York: Herder and Herder, 1963. Pp. 236. $4.95.

THE IMAGE OF GOD. By John Edward Sullivan, O.P. Dubuque, Iowa: The Priory Press, 1963. Pp. xvii + 356. $5.00.

FAITH AND HISTORY IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. By R. A. F. MacKenzie, S.J. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1963. Pp. viii+119. $3.75.

A THEOLOGY OF WISDOM. By Kieran Conley, O.S.B. Dubuque, Iowa: The Priory Press, 1963. Pp. xiii + 171. $3.00.

THE UNITY OF CHRISTIANS. By Augustin Cardinal Bea. Edited by Bernard Leeming, S.J. New York: Herder and Herder, 1963. Pp. 231. $4.95.

MATTER AND SPIRIT. By R. C. Zaehner. New York: Harper & Row, 1963. Pp. 210. $4.50.

THE SACRAMENTAL INTERPRETATION OF EPHESIANS 5:32 FROM PETER LOMBARD TO THE COUNCIL OF TRENT. The Catholic University of America Studies in Sacred Theology (Second Series), No. 145. By Ralph J. Lawrence. Washington, D. C. 1963. Pp. viii + 160. $3.00.

DE RELATIONE INTER EPISCOPATUM ET PRIMATUM. By Wilhelmo Bertrams, S.J. Roma: Libreria Editrice Dell'Università Gregoriana, 1963. Pp. 133. L.900, $1.50.

LE SOIR DU SIXIÈME JOUR. By Henry Bars. Bruges: Desclée de Brouwer, 1963. Pp. 243. 186 F.B.

VOCATION ET LIBERTÉ. Par Maurice Bellet. Bruges: Desclée de Brouwer, 1963. Pp. 238. 120 F.B.

DE INTEGRITATE CONFESSIONIS APUD PATRES CONCILII TRIDENTINI. By José A. do Couto, S.C.J. Roma: Sacerdotes Cordis Jesus, Analecta Dehoniana, 1963. Pp. 182. L. 1.500.

LA SELEZIONE DEI CANDIDATI AL SACERDOZIO. By P. Mario Panciera, S.C.J. Roma: Sacerdotes Cordis Jesus, Analecta Dehoniana, 1963. Pp. 178. L. 1.500.

ATHEISM IN OUR TIME. By Ignace Lepp. Translated by Bernard Murchland, C.S.C. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1963. Pp. 195. $5.00.

CLASSICAL AND CHRISTIAN IDEAS OF WORLD HARMONY. By Leo Spitzer. Edited by Anna Granville Hatcher. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1963. Pp. xi + 232. $5.50.

WITH DEDICATED HEARTS. By Sister Aimee Julie, S.N.D. New York: Fordham University Press, 1963. Pp. x + 261. $4.95.

THE PHILOSOPHY OF ARISTOTLE. Translated by A. E. Wardman and J. L. Creed. New York: The New American Library, 1963. Pp. x + 432. $.95.

LIVES OF SAINT THOMAS MORE. By William Roper & Nicholas Harpsfield. Edited by E. E. Reynolds. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1963. Pp. xv+ 175 + 16. No Price Given.

WHAT HAPPENS AT MASS. By William Barden, O.P. Staten Island, N. Y.: St. Paul Publications, 1963. Pp. 159. $2.95.

THE HISTORIAN AND CHARACTER AND OTHER ESSAYS. By Dom David Knowles. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1963. Pp. xxix +387. $8.50.

UNTO THE ALTAR. Edited by Alfons Kirchgaessner. New York: Herder and Herder, 1963. Pp. 202. $4.50.

How SILENTLY. By Rev. Edward J. Kowrach, M.A. Medical Lake, Washington: St. Anne Press, 1963. Pp. iii + 94. $1.40.

MONITIONS LITURGIQUES. Par A. Allehaux. Bruges: Publications de Saint-André, 1963. Pp. 216. 96 Fr.

THE NUMBER OF YEARS. By Arthur Edwards. New York: The William-Frederick Press, 1963. Pp. 85. No Price Given.

KIRCHLICHES HANDBUCH. Herausgegeben von Dr. Franz Groner. Köln: Verlag J. P. Bachem, 1962. Pp. xvii + 672. No Price Given. L'ENFANT MALFORMÉ. Collection du Centre D'Études Laennec. Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1963. Pp. 156. 8,00 Fr.

LES ADIEUX DE Jésus. By J. Em. Janot, S.J. Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1963. Pp. 140. 7,80.

[blocks in formation]

John P. McCormick, S.S., and Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R.

Some Requiem Problems..


Special Anointing


(Contents Continued on Next Page)

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