The Works of Edmund BurkeРипол Классик, 1887 |
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Výsledky 1 - 5 z 68.
Strana 11
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Strana 16
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Strana 18
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Strana 29
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Strana 40
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or a View of the Miseries | 1 |
A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime | 55 |
Magnificence XIV Light | 59 |
74 | 75 |
SECT | 77 |
belonging to Selfpreservation and those which regard the Society of the sexes | 84 |
Of Beauty XI Society and Solitude XII Sympathy Imitation and Ambition | 85 |
Sympathy | 87 |
The Beautiful in Sounds | 158 |
Taste and Smell | 160 |
PART IV | 162 |
Association | 163 |
Cause of Pain and Fear | 164 |
Continued V How the Sublime is produced VI How Pain can be a cause of Delight | 165 |
ib | 169 |
Why visual objects of great dimensions are Sublime | 170 |
The effects of Sympathy in the distresses of others | 88 |
Of the effects of Tragedy 88 | 89 |
Ambition XVIII Recapitulation XIX The Conclusion Imitation | 91 |
Color considered as productive of the Sublime XVII Sound and Loudness XVIII Suddenness XIX Intermitting XX The Cries of Animals XXI Smell a... | 93 |
ib | 99 |
116 | 116 |
117 | 117 |
ib | 123 |
124 | 124 |
Perfection not the cause of Beauty X How far the idea of Beauty may be applied to the qualities of the mind | 145 |
Beautiful objects small | 148 |
Smoothness XV Gradual Variation | 150 |
Delicacy | 152 |
Beauty in color XVIII Recapitulation | 153 |
The Physiognomy XX The | 154 |
Ugliness | 155 |
Grace XXIII Elegance and Speciousness | 156 |
The Beautiful in Feeling | 157 |
Unity why requisite to Vastness | 171 |
The artificial Infinite | 172 |
The vibrations must be similar | 173 |
The effects of succession in visual objects explained XIV Lockes opinion concerning Darkness considered | 176 |
Darkness terrible in its own nature | 177 |
Why darkness is terrible | 178 |
The effects of Blackness | 179 |
The effects of Blackness moderated | 181 |
The physical cause of Love | 182 |
Why Smoothness is Beautiful | 183 |
Sweetness its nature | 184 |
Sweetness relaxing | 186 |
Variation why beautiful | 187 |
Of Words | 193 |
Poetry not strictly an imitative | 202 |
A Short Account of a late Short Administration | 207 |
Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents | 347 |
Speech on American Taxation | 433 |
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Časté výrazy a frázy
admiration agreeable Albunea anatomist animals appearance arises artificial artificial society Athens body Caligula cause of beauty civil list colors common concerning consequences consider considerable court danger darkness degree delight designed despotism destruction effect equal federacy feel France frequency compensate frequently give greater house of commons human human leg idea images imagination imitation infinite inquiry judge Julius Cæsar kind labor laws least less liberty light Lord Lord BOLINGBROKE Macedon mankind manner means measures ment mind nation nature necessary ness never object observed operate opinion pain parliament passions persons Phlegethon pleasing political positive pleasure principle probabilior produce proportion purpose qualities reason sect SECTION sense sensible shew sion slavery smooth society sophism sort species stamp act strength sublime suffer suppose taste terrible terror things tion trade truth tyranny virtue whilst whole