Obrázky na stránke

O'CONOR, Mr. D. M., Sligo Co.
Ireland-Protection of Person and Property
Act, 1881-Messrs. M'Donough and Finn,
Prisoners under the Act, 825

O'DONNELL, Mr. F. H., Dungarvan
Army Medical Department-Hospital Quarter-
masters, 27

India-Miscellaneous Questions

Afghanistan (Military Operations), 368
Charges against Hyat Khan, 365

Finance, &c.-Annuities and Furlough Pay,

Outbreak of Prisoners, 362
Ireland-Protection of Person and Property
Act, 1881-Patrick Slattery, a
under the Act, 22
Ireland, State of-Disturbance at New Ross,

Irish Fisheries, Res. 199

Land Law (Ireland), Lords Amendts. Consid.
1418; Motion for Adjournment, 1580, 1603,
1605, 1612, 1615, 1634; Lords Reasons and
Amendts. Consid. 1933, 1949, 1956, 1971,
1973, 1976, 1980, 1994, 1998
Parliament Order


O'Kelly, 876


Suspension of Mr.

Public Business-Ministerial Statement,

Parliament-Privilege-Mr. Bradlaugh, Res.


Passenger Acts-Emigrant Ships, 1865
Regulation of the Forces, Comm. 440; cl. 35,
446; cl. 48, 449

Royal University of Ireland, 2R. 2001, 2008
Russia in Central Asia, 434

Science and Art Department, South Kensing-
ton, &c.-Case of Mr. Goffin, Head Master,

Supply-Local Government Board, &c. 223,
224, 585, 595

Miscellaneous, Charitable, and other Allow-
ances, Great Britain, 1168
Secret Services, 665, 667

O'HAGAN, Lord (Lord Chancellor of Ire-

Land Law (Ireland), 2R. 270, 271; Comm.
cl. 1, 786; cl. 12, 945; Report, 1170
Leases for Schools (Ireland), 2R. 1372, 1373

O'KELLY, Mr. J., Roscommon

Corrupt Practices at Elections--Boston Elec-
tion, 30

Ireland Peace Preservation Act, 1881-Mr.
Matthew Harris, a Prisoner under the Act,

Ireland, State of The Magistracy - Mr.
Clifford Lloyd, R.M. Res. 1130, 1131
Land Law (Ireland), Lords Amendts. Consid.
1408, 1578, 1629

Supply-Miscellaneous, Charitable, and other
Allowances, Great Britain, 1168

ONSLOW, Mr. D. R., Guildford

East India Revenue Accounts, Financial
Statement, 850
India-Afghanistan-Defeat of the Ameer's
Forces, 67
The Nizam, 1916


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]




[blocks in formation]

Motions of Adjournments at Question Time,
Question, Mr. Anderson; Answer, Mr. Glad-
stone Aug 4, 851

Suspension of Mr. O'Kelly, Observations, Mr.
Parnell; Reply, Mr. Gladstone; short de.
bate thereon Aug 4, 862

Order-Suspension of a Member

Mr. SPEAKER having Named Mr. Parnell as
having been repeatedly cautioned by him for
making use of un-Parliamentary and im-
proper language, Moved, "That Mr. Parnell
be suspended from the service of the House
during the remainder of this day's Sitting
(Mr. Gladstone) Aug 1, 390; Question put;
A. 131, N. 14; M. 17 (D. L. 346)

Rules and Orders

Petitions-The Bradlaugh Petitions, Questions,
Observations, Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Mr. Tho-
rold Rogers; Answers, Sir Charles Forster
Aug 6, 1107


Mr. Bradlaugh-New Writ for Northampton,
Questions, Sir Wilfrid Lawson; Answers,
Mr. Speaker Aug 4, 852

Alleged Disorderly Conduct of a Member of
the House within its Precincts, Observations,
Mr. Labouchere, Mr. R. N. Fowler Aug 5,

Business of the House and Public Business
Order of Supply, Questions, Mr. Arthur
O'Connor, Sir John Hay, Mr. Callan; An-
swers, Mr. Gladstone July 28, 34;-Educa-
tional Endowments (Scotland) Bill, Question,
Mr. Arthur O'Connor; Answer, Mr. Glad-
stone Aug 1, 370;-A Saturday Sitting,
Observation, Mr. Gladstone Aug 4, 843;-
Order of Supply, Observations, Mr. Glad-
stone; short debate thereon Aug 5, 998;
Questions, Mr. W. H. Smith, Mr. Arthur
O'Connor, Mr. Healy; Answers, Lord
Frederick Cavendish, Mr. Gladstone Aug 8,
1209;-The Navy Estimates, Question, Sir
John Hay; Answer, Mr. Gladstone Aug 11,
1541;-Arrangement of Public Business,
Statement, Mr. Gladstone; short debate
thereon Aug 12, 1725;-Irish Church Act
Amendment Bill, Question, Mr. Callan; An-

PARLIAMENT COMMONS- Business of the House
and Public Business-cont.

swer, Mr. W. E. Forster Aug 12, 1728;-
Land Law (Ireland) Bill, Observations, Mr.
Gladstone, Sir Walter B. Barttelot, Sir
Stafford Northcote Aug 12, 1816

Foreign Legislative Assemblies (Oaths and
Procedure), Question, Mr. Labouchere; An-
swer, Sir Charles W. Dilke Aug 12, 1714
Mr. Bradlaugh-Threatened Meeting in Tra-
falgar Square, Question, Mr. Warton; An-
swer, Sir William Harcourt July 29, 119
Parliamentary Oath (Mr. Bradlaugh), Ques-
tions, Mr. Labouchere, Mr. Gibson, Mr.
Macfarlane, Mr. T. P. O'Connor; Answers,
Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Labou-
chere Aug 8, 1207;-Legislation, Question,
Mr. Thomasson; Answer, Mr. Gladstone
Aug 11, 1539

The House of Commons-Conduct of Public
Business-New Rules, Question, Mr. Rath-
bone; Answer, Mr. Gladstone Aug 5, 994
Corrupt Practices at Elections-The Boston
Election-The Crown Prosecutions, Ques-
tion, Mr. O'Kelly; Answer, Sir William
Harcourt July 28, 30

Reported Magistrates, Questions, Mr. Ander-
son, Mr. T. Collins, Mr. Healy, Mr. J.
Cowen; Answers, The Attorney General
Aug 1, 360

Suspension of Corrupt Boroughs, Question,
Mr. T. Collins; Answer, The Attorney Gene-
ral Aug 2, 560

Parliament-Election Petitions and Cor-
rupt Practices at Elections Act-
Knaresborough Commission

Amendt. on Committee of Supply Aug 2, To
leave out from "That," and add "in the
opinion of this House, having regard to
statements of the Royal Commissioners, it
is not in accordance with justice nor with
the policy of the Act of 31 and 32 Vic. c.
125, that the cost of this inquiry should be
borne by the ratepayers of the borough of
Knaresborough" (Mr. Thomas Collins) v.,
560; Question proposed, "That the words,
&c.; after short debate, Amendt. with-

Parliament-Privilege-Mr. Bradlaugh
Moved, "That, in the opinion of this House,
the Resolution of the House passed 10th
May last. That the Serjeant at Arms do
remove Mr. Bradlaugh from the House, until
he shall engage not further to disturb the
proceedings of the House,' meant that Mr.
Bradlaugh should not come within the outer
door of this Chamber, and did not give any
power to the Serjeant at Arms to hinder him
from entering and remaining in all or any
other portions of this edifice, and that there-
fore the Serjeant at Arms and the Officers of
the House acting under him, in excluding
Mr. Bradlaugh from such other portions of
the edifice, acted without the authority of
this House, and in so doing interfered with
the privileges inherent in Membership of
this House, and from which no Member can
3 Y



Parliament-Privilege-Mr. Bradlaugh-cont.
be deprived without a Resolution of this
House to that effect" (Mr. Labouchere)
Aug 3, 695

After debate, Amendt. to leave out from
"That," and add "this House approves the
action of Mr. Speaker and of the Officers of
this House acting under his orders" (Sir
Henry Holland); Question proposed, "That
the words, &c.; after further short de-
bate, Question put; A. 7, N. 191; M. 184
(D. L. 351)

Question proposed, "That the words 'this
House approves the action of Mr. Speaker
and of the Officers of this House acting
under his orders' be there added;" after
short debate, Question put, and agreed to
Main Question, as amended, put, and agreed to

Parliament-Public Business

Question, Mr. Ashmead Bartlett; Answer,
Mr. Gladstone Aug 1, 373

Moved, "That for the remainder of the Session
Orders of the Day have precedence of Notices
of Motions on Tuesday, Government Orders
having priority, and that Government Orders
have priority on Wednesday" (Mr. Glad-
stone); after short debate, Moved, "That
the Debate be now adjourned (Mr. Arthur
O'Connor); Question put, and negatived
Original Question put; A. 111, N. 12; M. 99
(D. L. 347)

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Read 3 Aug 1

Parliament-Public Business (Half-paste. Read 10* (Mr. Childers) Aug 5

Twelve Rule)

Order for resuming Adjourned Debate there-
upon [3rd May] read Aug 11, 1519; Moved,
"That the Order be discharged" (Mr. Monk);
Motion agreed to; Order discharged

Sat First

Aug 1-The Lord Fingall, after the death of

his father

Aug 15-The Earl of Harrington, after the

death of his father

[blocks in formation]

(No. 183)

[Bill 240]

Read 2°, after short debate Aug 8, 1343
Committee; Report Aug 10

Considered; read 3° Aug 11


Commons Amendts. considered, and agreed to;
Question, Viscount Sidmouth; Answer, The
Earl of Northbrook Aug 15, 1881

PEASE, Mr. A., Whitby

China-The Opium Trade, 1711

PEDDIE, Mr. J. DICK-, Kilmarnock, &c.
Chelsea Hospital-Burials, 1913
Supply-Fishery Board in Scotland, &c. 747
Prisons, Scotland, 1100

Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remem-
brancer in Exchequer, Scotland, &c. 738
Register House Department, Edinburgh,

Army Estimates-Volunteer Corps Pay and Pedlars (Certificates) Bill [H.L.]
Allowances, 900

Ireland-Miscellaneous Questions

Crops in Munster-Harvest Labour, 848
Law and Justice-Case of Margaret Cole-

man, 25;-Cumulative Sentences, 24, 25.
Peace Preservation Act, 1881-Gun Li-
cences, 22

Land Law (Ireland), Consid. cl. 45, 39; Amendt.
43, 44, 47; cl. 49, 51; Amendt. 52; cl. 53,
Amendt. 60; Lords Amendts. Consid. 1390;
Amendt. 1392, 1396, 1397, 1408, 1409, 1412,
1427, 1429, 1433, 1442, 1445, 1448, 1495,

(The Earl of Dalhousie)

7. Committee; Report July 28 (No. 163)
Read 3* July 29

c. Read 10 (Mr. Courtney) Aug 1 [Bill 234]
Read 2o, after short debate Aug 4, 917
Order for Committee read; Moved, "That Mr.
Speaker do now leave the Chair" Aug 12,
1818; after short debate, Question put ;
A. 80, N. 8; M. 72 (D. L. 385); Committee;
Report; read 3°

1496, 1497, 1555, 1582, 1597, 1606, 1621, PEMBERTON, Mr. E. L., Kent, E.

1635; Lords Reasons and Amendts. Consid.
1932, 1940, 1945, 1947, 1952, 1964, 1978;
Amendt. 1974, 1978, 1990, 1991

Law and Justice-The Magistracy-Mr. R. P.
Laurie, 1197


[blocks in formation]

Peru-Robbery of Jewellery, &c. from the Poor Removal (Ireland) Bill

British Vice Consulate at Lima
Question, Mr. Alexander M'Arthur; Answer,
Sir Charles W. Dilke Aug 15, 1917

Petroleum (Hawking) Bill [H.L.]
(Mr. Courtney)

c. Committee July 29, 226 [House counted out]
Committee Report Aug 2, 681 [Bill 222]
Consideration, as amended, deferred, after short
debate Aug 12, 1820

PLAYFAIR, Right Hon. Mr. Lyon
(Chairman of Committees of Ways
and Means and Deputy Speaker),
Edinburgh and St. Andrew's Uni-

Army Estimates-Militia, Yeomanry Cavalry,
and Volunteer Corps, 1044

Corrupt Practices (Suspension of Elections),
1101; Schedule, ib.

Navy Estimates-Half-Pay, &c. to Officers of
the Navy and Marines, 1139

Petroleum (Hawking), Comm. cl. 2, 229, 682
Supply-Commissioners in Lunacy in England,

Consular Establishments Abroad, &c. 1147,
1148, 1151, 1158

Education, England and Wales, 1319
Fishery Board in Scotland, &c. 746
Local Government Board, &c. 224, 571,
581, 594, 597

Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, &c. 753, 757,
758, 759

Lord Privy Seal, 83

Mint, including Expenses of Coinage, 616,

Paymaster General's Office, 630
Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remem-
brancer in Exchequer, Scotland, &c. 738
Science and Art Department, &c. 1335
Secret Services, 667, 670

Universities (Scotland) Registration of Parlia-
mentary Voters, &c. 2R. 919, 920

PLUNKET, Right Hon. D. R., Dublin

Land Law (Ireland), Consid. cl. 49, 52 ; cl. 53,
65; Lords Amendts. Consid. 1432, 1483

Police Superannuation (Great Britain)
Observations, Colonel Alexander Aug 4, 821

(Sir Hervey Bruce, Mr. Corry, Mr. Lewis)
c. Bill withdrawn * July 28


Land Law (Ireland), 3R. 1188

[Bill 89]

Portugal (India)—The Goa Treaty
Question, Mr. Cartwright; Answer, The Mar-
quess of Hartington Aug 9, 1386

[blocks in formation]

Telegraph Department

Greenwich Time, Question, Mr. Mitchell Henry;
Answer, Mr. Fawcett Aug 11, 1530
Telegraph Clerks, Question, Mr. Justin M'Car-
thy; Answer, Mr. Fawcett Aug 8, 1200
Telegraph to Shetland, Question, Mr. Laing;
Answer, Lord Frederick Cavendish Aug 4,

Weather Forecasts, Question, Mr. Earp; Au-
swer, Mr. Fawcett Aug 9, 1379; Question,
Major Nolan; Answer, Mr. Fawcett Aug 11,

Telephone Posts and Wires, Question, Mr. W.
H. Smith; Answer, The Attorney General
Aug 12, 1712

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Supply-Local Government Board, &c. 224, c. Lords Amendts. considered, and agreed to,


after short debate Aug 9, 1464

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