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AUGUST 4, 1941

First Edition, 1881. Reprinted, 1886, 1889.

§6. Disputes in Religion wisely avoided. Fantasies in Di-

vinity dangerous, as giving entrance to errors; whereof our

Physician confesseth to have had two or three :-87. Ist, that

the Soul might, in some sort, perish, and rise again with the

body; 2d, that all men should finally be saved; 3d, that we

might pray for the Dead :-but these he suffered not to grow

into Heresies.-§ 8. Of the manifold nature of schism, ever

multiplying itself.-89. Mysteries in Divinity only to be ap-

proached in Faith.-§ 10. The armour of a Christian. -

SII. I. The Eternity of GOD.-§ 12. Of the Holy Trinity.

The visible World a picture of the invisible.-§ 13. 2. The

Wisdom of GOD. No danger in attempting to trace the hand

of GOD in His works.-§ 14. Every essence hath its final Cause.

-§ 15. Nature doeth nothing in vain.-§ 16. Nature a Bible

open to all.-§ 17. Providence often falsely called Fortune.—

§18. The term Fortune used in a relative sense.-§ 19. Danger

of confounding the First with second causes. Passion, Reason,

Faith.-20. Atheism can hardly exist.-§ 21. Inconsistency

of unbelief. Many questions may be raised not worthy of

solution;-§ 22. others, which are often raised, may be easily

solved; others may admit a free dispute; and others are in-

consequent. § 23. The Bible the best of books.-§ 24. "Of

making many books there is no end."-825. Obstinacy of the

Jews, and want of constancy among Christians. The blood of

Martyrs the seed of the Church.-§ 26. Not all are Martyrs

who suffer in matters of Religion.-§ 27. Of Miracles. All

Miracles equally easy to GOD.- § 28. All relations of Miracles

not to be received alike.—§ 29. Oracles.- § 30. Witchcraft.—

§31. Philosophy distinguished from Magic. The suggestions

of Angels.-832. The Spirit of GOD diffused throughout the

World.-833. Of guardian and attendant Spirits.-§ 34. Man

a Microcosm, partaking of the nature of all created essences.

-835. Of Creation.-§ 36. Man the masterpiece of Creation.

-837. Of the perishable body.-§ 38. Death hath no terrors

for a Christian.-§ 39. Man hath three separate States of

existence I. in the womb; 2. in this world; 3. in the next.—

§ 40. Death to be ashamed of rather than feared.-§41. Post-

humous fame not to be desired.—§ 42. Length of days not to

be prayed for, as age doth but increase our vices.-§ 43. A

special Providence preserves our lives.-§ 44. Though death is

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