The Plays of William Shakespeare: With Notes of Various Commentators, Vydanie 26G. Kearsley [Printed, 1806 |
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Æne Agam Agamemnon Ajax Andromache Antenor arm'd art thou bastard BINDING NELECO blood brave brother Troilus Calchas call'd Cassandra cousin Cres dear deeds DEIPHOBUS Diomed DIOMEDES doth Enter ACHILLES Enter ÆNEAS Enter HECTOR Enter PANDARUS Enter TROILUS Exeunt Exit Pandarus eyes fair faith Farewell fear fight fool give gods Grecian Camp Greece Greek Greekish hand Hark hast hath heart heavens Hect Hecuba Helen Helen loves honour i'the Jove kiss lady Lidgate look lord Æneas Menelaus morrow Myrmidons NELBCO NELBOO BINDINGS Neoptolemus Nest Nestor niece night Paris Patr Patroclus peace pr'ythee praise pray Priam pride prince Troilus proud SCENE Shakspeare sleeve soul speak stand STEEVENS sweet queen sword tent Ther there's Thersites thing thou art thought to-day to-morrow TROILUS AND CRESSIDA Trojan Troy true trumpet truth Ulyss unarm'd uncle valiant vows what's word yonder