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was purchased by that organization, and Mr. Albert M. Lythgoe was sent with an expedition to the sand-buried cemetery to bring it to New York. The blocks of the tomb were carried on camel-back to a railway twenty miles from the tomb; thence shipped by rail to Cairo, where they were transferred to steamers for New York. The tomb, which is the only one of its kind owned by any museum in the world, has just been opened to the public. A photograph of the tomb will be found in our picture section.

All that we know about Perneb we have learned from the inscriptions and drawings on the underground limestone house which he called a tomb.

On the lintel of the doorway

is inscribed," Perneb, Sole Companion [of the King] and Lord Chamberlain." It is believed that Perneb's royal friend and master was one of the later kings of the fifth dynasty, the date of which is put by various authorities at from twenty-six hundred to forty-four hundred years before Christ. Judging from a quarry mark, it is thought that the monarch was King Isesy, next to the last ruler of the fifth dynasty of the "old kingdom." Another inscription tells us that one of Perneb's titles was" Keeper of the Crowns." The tomb consists of a vestibule, a main offering chamber and an adjoining offering chamber, a statue chamber, lighted only by a slit in the wall through which Perneb's descendants and admirers gazed at a wooden statue of the departed, an unfinished burial shaft, which was probably planned to lead to the burial chamber of Perneb's wife, and the shaft which led to the room fifty-five feet underground where was the limestone sarcophagus of the tomb's owner. Of course it has been impossible to reproduce this shaft and burial chamber in the Museum, but the opening to the shaft is represented and all the other essential parts of the tomb are intact. The walls of all the chambers are gorgeous with bright reds, yellows, blues, and greens, painted figures of Perneb's wife, his two sons, and processions of birds and beasts. haps the most interesting feature is the painted and carved menu of what the deceased and his ka or "double were to have for their sustenance. A long line of squareshouldered Egyptians is represented as bearing toward the slab which served as diningtable for the two spirits lambs, geese, goats, loaves of bread, and other edibles.

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Some time during the three or four hundred years of the "dark period" that inter

vened between the "old kingdom" and the "middle kingdom," thieves broke into the ghostly home of Perneb, smashed the wall into the statue chamber and made kindlingwood of the statue, broke open the sarcophagus and stripped the mummy of its jewels and rich ornaments. The Museum's searchers found the bones and the skull of the old Egyptian on the floor beside the casket, and these grim relics are now on exhibition in a glass case next to the entrance to the tomb.

Thus, while the tombs of many of the celebrities of the "old kingdom" were destroyed by robbers, or by later monarchs who wanted sandstone blocks for their own burial houses, thanks to the sand-storms that buried Perneb's post-mortem home soon after it was robbed, and thanks to the inquisitiveness of a latter-day generation, the fame of Perneb is now secure until New York shall be buried by its own drifted dust or sunk beneath the sea by the weight of its towering sky-scrapers.


The most novel and interesting feature of the annual dinner of the American Museum of Safety in New York City was the equal participation of representatives of labor and capital in the rewards dispensed in the shape of medals for services in conserving the health and safety of the public and employees on American steam and electric railways during the year 1915.

The medals awarded were the Brady medals, donated annually from a fund provided by the family of the late Anthony N. Brady, and the Harriman medals, given by the widow of the late E. H. Harriman. Each fund provides for three medals, two to go to the executive and operating departments, respectively, of the railways that have made the best record for conserving life and limb on its lines, the third in each case to be given to some workman who has merited it by the caution and skill with which he has performed his particular function in railroading. The awards are made by juries of railway men.

This year the Harriman medals went to the Cincinnati, New Orleans, and Texas Pacific Railway Company; to the operating department of the Scioto Division of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company; and to Mr. John O'Brien, a switchman and con

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bank Anderson of more than half a million dollars to the New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor for the carrying on of experiments in matters relating to the public health, to the physical welfare of school-children, and the enormous problems connected with the food supply, was of tremendous assistance in extending the work of the School Lunch Committee. To-day there are twenty schools, registering thirty-two thousand children, where the penny-a-portion service is operated. Fundamentally, this service is devoid of any mark of poor relief. During the last school term nearly a million and a quarter portions of food were sold, for which the children themselves paid more than twelve thousand dollars. A deficit which amounted to about a third of a cent per portion was paid from funds drawn from Mrs. Anderson's gift.

The function of the New York School Lunch Committee has grown with its work. Through its own personnel it now carries on a careful investigation of the quality of the food which it supplies to the school-children. Food is submitted to a chemical and a bacteriological test, and an inquiry into its nourishment value. In this work the hearty co-operation of the New York Health Department has been secured. Both the laboratories of the Department and the food inspectors in its employ have proved valuable aids in the selection of proper food products by the Lunch Committee, and this work has resulted, not only in supplying wholesome food to many thousands of school-children, but it has proved of distinct social value in encouraging trade where decent conditions of work and welfare prevail. This has again reacted in the interest of public health, for the diminution of sickness and incapacity throughout the community is directly dependent upon the conditions of labor and employment in the foodproducing industries.


Five thousand men, women, boys, and girls marched five miles through the heart of New York City one evening recently clamoring for a right to a public education. That sounds more like Petrograd than New York, but it happened in the American metropolis, nevertheless.

There were middle-aged men and women in the procession. About half of those in line were foreigners and almost all of them


were stamped by poverty. They were protesting against the curtailment in the number and curriculum of the evening schools of New York which went into effect on January 1, and which affected twenty-five thousand persons.

New York's evening schools are of three kinds: elementary schools, trade schools, and high schools. The great majority of the persons who attend these schools fall into two classes:

1. Poor and hard-working people in general whose only available time for securing an education is during the evening hours.

2. Foreign-born residents of New York in particular, who go to school when their day's work is over in order to increase their earning capacity, to prepare for citizenship, and especially to learn English.

Thus the people who are affected by the closing of many evening schools are the very people who most need education and who should most be encouraged to get it.

Mr. Julius Guttag, a successful business man who is a graduate of a New York evening high school, and who is the President of the Associated Evening High Schools Alumni, said to a representative of The Outlook:

"Roughly speaking, about eighty per cent of the students in the evening schools are foreign-born and are going to school to learn English.

"New York has 115 night schools," continued Mr. Guttag, "of which fifteen are high schools, nine are trade schools, and the rest are elementary schools. The elementary schools have felt this uncalled-for blow most, the high schools have felt it least. Of the 25,000 persons who have been affected, 16,000 are in the elementary schools and 9,000 are divided between the trade schools and the high schools. The order of the Board of Education has affected forty per cent of the enrollment of the elementary schools, fifty per cent of the trade schools, and twenty-five per cent of the high schools."


A good many of the evening schools have been abolished entirely, and in all the evening elementary schools the courses in civil service, stenography, typewriting, bookkeeping, and cooking have been eliminated. high schools have lost the courses in millinery, dressmaking, cooking, music, gymnasium, applied electricity, and structural drawing. Moreover, in the elementary schools the "school week" has been cut from four nights to three. In these schools pupils for

merly received eight hours of instruction a week, whereas now they get only six hours, and in certain courses they get only two hours out of every four nights. Such desultory instruction is called by Mr. Guttag "farcical-in fact, practically useless."

Last, but not least, the required attendance in the evening trade schools has been reduced from one hundred and twenty nights a year to sixty nights. And now only such pupils are accepted as are engaged in a trade during the day. It certainly seems unfair to admit the persons who have positions and debar those who need the very training which the night trade schools give in order to qualify for positions.

All this change and curtailment has been caused because the Board of Education reduced the appropriation of slightly over a million dollars needed by the night schools to $750,000.

Already 15,000 signatures, including those of school principals, teachers, and social workers, as well as students, have been attached to a petition which is to be sent to the Mayor, the Board of Estimate, and the Board of Aldermen, asking that funds be supplied for the maintenance of the evening schools on the basis that existed up to the first of this year. A fund of $250,000 will be sufficient for this purpose, and a resolution calling for an issue of revenue bonds to provide this sum has already been placed before the Aldermen by one of their number. money can be granted only if the Board of Education asks for it. We hope the Board will do this, for the education of the masses of the poor who patronize the night schools seems to us as important as any phase of the work of enlightenment with which the New York Board of Education is charged.


Why should there be a voluntary auxiliary police force in any city? For emergency work in case of a destructive cyclone, or a hurricane, or an earthquake, or a great conflagration, or a possible invasion by some armed force.

The report comes from Chicago that a socalled "Citizens' Auxiliary Police Force" has been formed there for other than emergency work. If the newspaper accounts are correct, the members of that organization are authorized to make observations of every-day violations and call them to the attention of the

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the wireless wire swindle- -a man described as a millionaire, who at the time of his death lived in luxury in a handsome house in a fashionable part of New York, and whose only associates were the thieves, male and female, of the Tenderloin. He was known, it is said, to the police of both hemispheres, in every quarter of either of which that possessed a pecuniary circulating medium he had plied his trade of confidence man, as "Paper Collar Joe;" and, although he was first arrested at the Centennial Exposition in 1876 and had probably been locked up on criminal charges at least once a year ever since, his prison sentences totaled not more than a few months. Another prominent member of the wireless wire gang, who could not resist the lure of the gambling table, "went broke "" two years ago and committed suicide. Still another is a fugitive from justice, who forfeited bail to the amount of $50,000, and five more are serving prison sentencesevery man of them supposed to be worth a small fortune.

The wireless wire-tapping game is the successor of the green goods game, which was at the height of its success a generation and a half ago, and which it resembled in that the victim was handicapped in bringing his despoiler to justice, since in the process of being victimized he had involved himself in an attempt to swindle some one else. The victim of the green goods men purchased what he supposed to be counterfeit money with a view to passing it among his neighbors in the rural district from which he came. The victim of the wireless wire-tappers lost his money in an effort to swindle what he believed to be a gambling-house, a poolroom.

Paper Collar Joe, whose real name was Kratalsky, began his wireless wire career with the actual tapping of a real telegraph wire in 1898, when with others he held back the returns of a race at Long Branch until their confederates got their money down on the winner-on which occasion they took $35,000 from the bookmakers. Really to tap a telegraph wire was a difficult and dangerous job, however, and the idea of a fake poolroom was conceived, where a victim might be led to believe that he had received accurate advance information as to the winner of a race, and thus induced to bet heavily on a losing horse, in which event the fake poolroom got his money.

The most amazing thing about the wireless wire game is that its victims were so often


victimized over and over again; and the next most amazing, the character of these dupes. One hard-headed Denver mining man, past middle life, lost $20,000 on his first visit to the wireless poolroom, and $40,000 in an effort to get the $20,000 back. Still unsuspecting, he went home and raised $70,000 in cash, which he brought to New York with the intention of betting the entire amount on. one horse on the afternoon of his arrival, as he would have done had he not read in a newspaper on the morning of his arrival of the arrest of the men who had introduced him to the game. A former city official of Winnipeg, Manitoba, lost $60,000 to the gang, a Fittsburgh real estate man lost $30,000, an English tourist lost $17,500, and the police heard every year of scores of cases in which the loot ran from $3,000 to $15,000. In one instance, in which the name of the victim was not learned, the gang took $90,000 from one man, and it was in only comparatively few instances that the police heard of the wireless wire swindlers at all. Over and over again the members of this gang have been arrested, but it was seldom possible to induce their dupes to make charges against them, and when that was done they invariably refused to carry on the prosecution or were bought off by their despoilers. That the gang has been finally broken up is due to the fact that during the last year the policy has been adopted of holding the victims in heavy bail as material witnesses in the wireless wire cases, which has brought about the prosecution and conviction of the offenders.


Mr. Alexander Wilson Drake, who recently died at his home in New York City, combined in a rare degree quietness of manner with effectiveness. No man of his attainments and accomplishments was more modest, nor had. any man greater power of attaching his friends.

He came to New York as an apprentice to one of the leading wood-engravers of the time. He became an expert engraver, and his skill was backed by fine artistic feeling. He had just taken up work as an engraver on his own account when "Scribner's Magazine was organized by Josiah Gilbert Holland, Roswell Smith, and Richard Watson Gilder. They invited Mr. Drake to join them, and, fortunately for the country and for himself, he accepted the offer.

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A few years later the same group of men

inaugurated the "Century Magazine," and Mr. Drake became its art editor. Mr. Drake was responsible for its artistic standards and leadership. The magazine very soon made a place of its own, and under the direction of Mr. Gilder, Mr. R. U. Johnson, and Mr. Drake it not only stood for the best things in art and literature, but it aided very materially the development of the artistic taste of the country. When the half-tone engraving, now so widely used, was introduced, Mr. Drake immediately mastered the art and used it with singular effective


He had not only skill and capacity for the practical use of delicate artistic methods, but he had also the rare quality of being able to help artists by sympathetic and intelligent criticism. He could make men aware of the defects of their work in such a way as to encourage and inspire them, and it was to his quick recognition of ability and his great desire to help that many of the foremost engravers, such as Timothy Cole and other eminent wood-engravers, found their opportunity.

He was a born collector, and in unusual lines. His collections of copper and brass and of rings were famous. The basement of his house contained a great collection of bottles, many of them of great beauty, while ship models, bird-cages, and samplers, to say nothing of bandboxes, drinking-glasses, and pewter, indicated the range of his interests.

He was a member of many clubs and he had a host of friends. At one time he suffered from sleeplessness and spent many hours at night walking in out-of-the-way sections of the city, where he formed the acquaintance of many out-of-the-way people. These experiences gave him material for some interesting and unconventional short stories.

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