Obrázky na stránke
[blocks in formation]

Sterrett, Marjorie..

Stores, Co-Operative.

Street Boys, Helping..

Apr. 12

.E. N. Fell


Side of the Angels, The (King)


Those about Trench (Lewis)..

N. O. Nelson .F. H. Potter G. W. Hunter 704 Success, The Four Corner-Stones of...T. H. Price 1002 Swiss Soldier, The..... Jean Martin 801 Uncle Sam Goes Fishing.. .. Hawthorne Daniel 211 War Impressions, Some, of an American Woman.. 632 War, Recent Changes in the Art of... F. V. Greene 218 War, The European.

Student Co-Operation, An Experiment in.

American in England, The... ..J. D. Whelpley 95
"Americani," The, in Italy..... G. C. Speranza 844
America's Attitude...
.G. C. Speranza 920

America's Pretense of Neutrality.

Belgium in Holland.

Thomas Chalmers Sanford Griffith 5:4

Brunhilda, The New........ Katharine Anthony 333
Churches, The Protestant, in Distressed Bel-
gium and Northern France....Rev. H. K. Anet 864
Country, Our...
Bainbridge Colby 235
L. R. Freeman
England Pays for the War, How? J. D. Whelpley 277
Englishman in America, The.... J. D. Whelpley
French, What an Englishman Thinks of the.

Eastward Drive, The.



Twin Sisters, The (Forman)


Within the Tides (Conrad)..

Fishing with a Worm (Perry).

Mar. 15 Mar. 8

Apr. 5 Feb. 23


Foraker, J. B.: Notes of a Busy Life.. Great Maze, The, and The Heart of Youth (Hagedorn).

Mar. 15


Hague Arbitration Cases, The (Wilson). Harvest, My (Whiteing)..

[blocks in formation]

House on Henry Street, The (Wald).. Imperial Impulse, The (Orth)..


Apr. 26

Industrial Leadership (Gantt)

Mar. 15

International Government, Towards (Hobson).

Jan. 26

[blocks in formation]

Morality of Nations, The (Burns)

Apr. 26

Mountain, The (Van Dyke)

Apr. 26


Nelson, William Rockhill.

Feb. 16

Painting, The Philosophy of (Bell)..

Apr. 26

[blocks in formation]

Panama-Pacific Exposition, Impressions of Art

at the (Brinton)..

Mar. 22


Payne, Father..

Feb. 16

[blocks in formation]

Pioneer, The Story of a (Shaw)


Italy and Servian Aid.

G. C. Speranza 518

Liebknecht, Kautsky, and Bernstein on the War

Red Cross Flag at Home and Abroad, Under the (Boardman)..

Jan. 26

[blocks in formation]

184, 835 F. L. Waldo 151 .Gregory Mason 273 Gregory Mason 755

Reporting the War, from Deskside...F. B. Elser 693 Russian Jews and Russian Liberalism.

Responsibility, The Dread of (Faguet). Responsibility, The Inspiration of (Brent)..... Shakespeare, William, Life of (Lee)...



Apr. 5

Gregory Mason


South America's Southland, Through (Zahm). Mar. 15 Strathcona and Mount Royal, Lord, The Life of (Willson)..

Jan. 26

Russian People, The Double War of the.

[blocks in formation]

Gregory Mason ...Gregory Mason 515 .Gregory Mason 141


Socialists, Three German-Liebknecht, Kautsky,

Bernstein-on the War.

[84, 835

[blocks in formation]

Trudeau, E. L., M.D.: An Autobiography. Mar. 15 Underground Railroad as it was Conducted by the Anti-Slavery League, History of the (Cockrum)...

Mar. 22

584 Mar. 22

What an American Saw in Germany.

We (Lee)..

Apr. 26

A. L. Kroeber


Work, Out of (Kellor)

Jan. 5


The Outlook

JANUARY 5, 1916

Offices, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York

but it is believed that it includes the introduction into the House of Commons, at the earliest possible opportunity after Parliament meets on January 4, of a law applying conscription to the younger unmarried men. The Labor party has urgently opposed this, and conscription at large has been opposed also by those who think it un-English, and who point with pride to the fact that England in this war has placed some four million men under her flag without conscription.

Neither of these grounds of opposition is sound. Great Britain's difficulty in this war, and her failures in certain directions, have been due to the lack of preparedness, such as Lord Roberts long urged before the war began, and to slowness in getting adequate forces under adequate training.

There may be some resignations from the Cabinet. That of Arthur Henderson, President of the Board of Education and the leader of the " Laborites," is considered most probable; but the present indications are that Mr. Asquith, Mr. Balfour, Sir Edward Grey, Reginald McKenna, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and other able men who have been regarded as opposed to the principle of conscription will remain.

David Lloyd George, formerly sneered at by the Tories and anti-Progressives in England as "that little attorney from Wales," remains, after all this political turmoil, the great figure in England. The effect of his "too late" address, reported last week, has been extraordinary. It was followed by a bold and outspoken speech before three thousand trade-unionists in Glasgow. In this the workingmen were told, with irresistible clearness and force, that they must set aside, where necessary, their union rules, so that munitions should be manufactured at a rate commensurate with the needs of the British army. The alternative, said Lloyd George, was to tell the Kaiser frankly that we cannot go on," pay an indemnity, give up a British colony or two, surrender the command of the sea, and, in brief, put Great

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Britain at the mercy of Prussian despotism as Belgium is to-day. A typical passage of Lloyd George's plain speaking was this:

I have often feared that the British people think of this war as only a passing shower. I have wondered if they realize the tremendous issues involved. This is a cyclone, an earthquake. You cannot haggle with an earthquake.

The skilled workmen as well as others must realize that it is really opening before them the greatest opportunity ever presented to their class, and there will emerge after this war that future hope which the great leaders of democracy of all ages have pictured in their dreams.

And when a workman shouted in reply to Lloyd George's demand for eighty thousand skilled workmen, "You won't get them," the Minister of Munitions crushed him by saying, "I have come here to face three thousand Glasgow trades union men; will that gentleman venture to go to Flanders and face three thousand British soldiers in the trenches?" This is the kind of thing to carry conviction with the British workingman. Lloyd George is a leader whom Englishmen can follow with confidence.


The situation at Salonika now appears more favorable to the Allies than had been rumored. No one knows how many troops the French and British have behind their trenches and in fortified positions in the region reaching in a semicircle twenty miles from Salonika; German reports say not much more than 200,000; other reports say 400,000, which might be an adequate force for almost any attack. An interesting account of the situation at Salonika has been given by General Thomas S. Hutchinson, who fought as an officer in the Greek army in the Balkan wars, and who has lately returned to this country. He says that the fortifications at Salonika are practically impregnable, and he believes that, instead of awaiting an attack by the Teutonic and Bulgarian forces, the Allies, in time (and that probably means in the spring), will start a big drive "straight across to Adrianople, and thus cut off Turkey." Supplies, men, and munitions, General Hutchinson states, are pouring in every day at Salonika, and the belief there when he left was that the Greek hatred of the Bulgarians would certainly bring Greece into the war if the Bulgarians should cross the border. An interview granted lately by King Con

stantine to General de Castelnau, the French Chief of Staff, is also reassuring as indicating that the King honestly means to remain neutral if he can, and to give the Allies a fair opportunity to carry on their operations.

There was during the week no serious military alteration in the situation on the border between Greece and Servia, and some experts seem confident that the Teuton-Bulgarian plan is to intrench behind the Greek border for the winter.

The general optimism among the Allies as to the present situation in Salonika makes it seem probable that the Indian troops (an entire army corps, forty thousand men, it is said) which were last week taken away from the line in France are destined, not to Salonika, but either to support the situation in Egypt, or quite possibly that in Mesopotamia. If the former, this is a measure of protection in view of the continued reports that Germany and Turkey mean to cut the line of the Suez Canal; if the latter, it is to render much-needed support to General Townshend, whose little army of thirty thousand men, after bravely fighting in its advance upon Bagdad, was driven back after the battle of Ctesiphon, where it lost over 4,500 men, to a defensive position on the River Tigris at a place called Kut-el-Amara. One of the crassest errors of British military policy was this attack against a superior force in an impregnable positionan astounding instance, as we have already pointed out, of a lack of primary information. which should precede such a campaign. Reports from General Townshend's forces indicate that they have repelled a serious attack and are holding their own, while Turkish reports declare that the British position is desperate and precarious.

An important announcement is that the advance guard of the Italian troops which recently disembarked at Avlona, Albania, have reached the northern frontier of Epirus (Greece). Thus, with Italian troops in southern Albania, and with the 75,000 Servian troops reported to be at Elbasan in central, and at Skutari in northern, Albania, that country bids fair again to become such a center of interest as it was during the Balkan war of 1912.


While American, German, and Austrian diplomats are apparently enjoying themselves

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thoroughly in verbal fencing, the atrocious and lawless attacks on merchant vessels continue. The Yasaka Maru, a Japanese passenger ship on her way from London to Japan, with 120 passengers and a crew of 160, was sunk by a submarine (presumably technically an Austrian submarine), without any warning whatever, on December 21. Full details are even now lacking, but all reports which have reached this country agree that the first evidence the vessel had of the existence of a submarine was the firing of its torpedo. One of the passengers is said to be an American; but our State Department has rather gone out of its way to declare that it should require absolute proof of this man's citizenship before making any inquiry into the matter.

Only by the extraordinary ability and promptness of the officers of the ship, and the almost marvelous skill and discipline of the crew, were the lives of the passengers saved.

Two or three days later came reports of the sinking of a French passenger ship, the Ville de la Ciotat, in the Mediterranean. Here, too, there was no warning whatever, and the meager reports indicate that perhaps between seventy and eighty persons perished -no Americans were on board. Still another passenger ship, torpedoed without warning. but without loss of life, was the Italian liner Porto Saïd.

Our Government has over and over again 'declared that this kind of submarine warfare was contrary to humanity and international law, and that where American citizens were concerned it would not tolerate even their being put in jeopardy of their lives.

still the interchange of notes continues while repeated violations of these primary laws and principles of humanity continue. Unfortunately, more than once, and especially in its first Ancona note, our State Department has intimated that it considers that Germany has accepted the principles we have laid down. What Germany has done has been to modify her practice by instructing her submarine officers not to torpedo passenger ships. Does our Government wish to go on record as saying that if a non-combatant merchant ship, not a passenger vessel, is wrongfully destroyed, and American citizens who happen to be sailors on board are lawlessly slaughtered, we have nothing to say; that only when people on board liners are injured is it any concern of ours? If such a case should happen to-morrow, Germany would have a



perfect right, in view of Mr. Lansing's statement in our first Ancona note, to assume that this, and this only, is the principle for which we are contending.


One sometimes thinks that a little censorship of the American press by the American papers would tend to help the cause of truth and justice. Over and over again during this war stories have been printed which come from special correspondents by mail, or are personal interviews, which have made extraordinary assertions never confirmed. A little discretion in confirming stories of horror before their publication might be wise.

Here, for instance, we find what has on its face the appearance of a truthful story, because it is vouched for by an observer over his own name. Yet it is so strange and so horrible that one hesitates to accept it. If it is true, it places a stigma of eternal disgrace, first, on a Servian regiment which is named, and, secondly, on the German forces in Servia; yet it has hardly excited a ripple of interest in this country, and we have noted practically no comment by the press upon it. If it is true, it is immensely important; if it is false, it should be exposed and denied.

We find this story in the columns of the New York" Tribune" in the form of an interview with Mr. Douglass M. Dold under the shrieking headline, "Blind, He Paints Nish Teuton Hell." Mr. Dold, this article tells us, has just come back to the United States after six months' work in Servia among the hospitals. He saw the fall of Nish, and shortly after was stricken blind. Mr. Dold is reported as saying, in effect, that when the Bulgarians broke through the Servian defenses Nish was panicstricken, and he adds: "It was terrible. The 20th Puhk (regiment) killed its colonel and, as it retreated, looted the city and violated the women."

The story proceeds to say that when the Bulgarians approached, a group of young women bearing great garlands of flowers as a peace offering went out to meet them, not out of friendliness, but to deprecate violence; that the Bishop of Nish and Mr. Dold (as a neutral) were placed in chairs at the entrance to the city, and addressed the Bulgarian commanders, urging that Nish be spared; that the Bulgarians behaved "splendidly," and that there was no disorder until the Germans arrived. What then followed, according to

the "Tribune's " account of Mr. Dold's statement, was this:

Then hell broke loose. It was terrible. They looted, they burned houses, they violated and whipped women, they did every sort of awful and unmentionable thing imaginable. The cathedral was used for a stable, and all of the sources of water supply they did not need for themselves were ruined for others by throwing in rubbish and garbage. The filth that accumulated filled the city with an awful stench.

Hundreds of women came to us begging for protection, asking us to take them away or to marry them, to do anything that they imagined would save them from the Germans. The guards over the hospital supplies were knocked down and kicked. I don't know what happened to the supplies. It was at that time that I became blind.

We quote this story, not to deny it nor to affirm it, but to say that it is a thing that ought not to be passed over without confir mation or disapproval.


A few months ago the relief expedition of the American Red Cross in Mexico, which had been engaged in combating starvation and typhus fever there, was withdrawn because General Carranza said that its services were no longer needed. Now the Red Cross reports that there are 30,000 cases of typhus in Mexico City alone. General Carranza himself is reported as admitting the presence of 19,000 cases, and a Mexican business man who has just come to New York from Mexico City naïvely remarks to The Outlook that "the typhus situation in Mexico is not serious. There are only 15,000 cases in the capital of the country, and they are mainly confined to the uncleanly poor in the slums." Evidently the situation is very serious. The American Red Cross is ready to lend Mexico a hand, but will probably make its offer of assistance warily, in view of the past discouragement it has received from Carranza. The Rockefeller Foundation, which gave $75,000 toward the campaign against typhus in Servia, is also reported to be investigating the Mexican epidemic, with a view to offering its aid. The State Department has already offered to have a medical commission sent to Mexico City to assist in checking the epidemic, but the Mexican First Chief has declined this assistance. It is easy to understand Mexican dread of American intervention of any kind, and offers of assistance from the United States should be couched as tactfully

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A voluntary body known as the AntiMilitarism Committee has begun a campaign against what it calls "the cult of preparedness." Its headquarters are in Washington. Among its members are Miss Lillian D. Wald, of the Nurses' Settlement in New York City; Paul U. Kellogg, Editor of the "Survey;" Mrs. Florence Kelley, of the National Consumers' League; and Professor Kirchwey, of Columbia University. Its Executive Secretary is Mrs. Crystal Eastman Benedict.

It does not confine itself merely to opposing increased expenditure for military and naval purposes, but advocates "a true democratic federation of the twenty-one American republics in the interests of peace and republican ideals;" and urges "the appointment of an expert commission, representing America, Japan, and China," to study the questions at issue between America and the Orient and to make recommendations. Its specific fight, however, is against military and naval preparedness, and its programme in this respect is as follows:

Our immediate purpose is to prevent, if possible, any unusual expenditure for armament during the present session of Congress.

Before any increased defense appropriations are made we demand public investigation of our present huge war budget, so that every dollar now spent for the army and navy may bring one hundred per cent of efficiency.

We stand for a Congressional investigation of the sources of the demand for a large increase in the army and navy appropriations.

We stand for taking private profit out of armament manufacture.

We hold that the expense of National defense should be met by income and inheritance taxes and not by taxes which place the burden on the poor.

Those who believe that preparedness is a National duty should consider without preju

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