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On the 31st we saw large flights of geese and other birds, but in vain looked out for crocodiles. We made but little progress.

On New Year's Day, 1850, we anchored off Ehkmim, and on the 2nd reached Girgeh, at about midday. Girgeh is a town of apparently the same size as Miniëh, but its bazaars are even poorer and less inviting. It contains the oldest Roman catholic monastery in Egypt. While Achmet and some of the sailors were purchasing provisions, B-, F, and myself, set forth to shoot pigeons in the fields around the town. The produce of our shooting excursions furnished our Arab cook and the French artiste on our friend's boat with the means of supplying our table with several excellent dishes, but those scientific performers in no-wise depended upon our efforts, but at each town took care to supply themselves with an abundance of turkeys, poultry, and occasionally sheep. The poultry of Egypt is unequalled, but the small black sheep of that country never attain to any degree of fatness, and would excite the contempt of our English butchers: indeed, they are not much larger in size than our lambs. Their price varies from six to ten shillings. Before the great influx of travellers, they were still cheaper.

After leaving Girgeh, we passed Bellianeh, the nearest landing-place to Abydos, where was the great temple of Osiris. During the last two days, we had passed several considerable villages, far more than below Ossioot. Many of them were remarkable for the number of their pigeon-houses. In some villages, every house appeared to have a pigeon-tower rising from its roof.

The flights of pigeons are incredibly large.

On the 2nd, I missed seeing a crocodile, of which they had a good view from the other boat.


On the 3rd January we had a fair wind, and looked forward to arriving at Keneh in good time. Unfortunately there was a bend of the river, and just as we entered the most lovely reach, with a distance of mountains and a foreground of palms, the fair wind was no longer available, our direction having changed. Eight or nine crocodiles were visible during the morning. It requires some practice to distinguish them from the sandbanks on which they lie, or from logs of palm-wood which have been floated down the stream. At length we anchored on the west side of the river, Keneh being on its eastern bank. Our object was to see Dendara and its famous temple of Athor. My friends not being in any hurry to start, I left them, and having mounted one of the donkeys which were standing ready on the shore, cantered off as fast as I could towards the site of the ancient city of Tentyra. After crossing an uncultivated plain, my Arab guide pointed out to me a heap of ruins, apparently of unburnt brick, as being the position of Dendara. Presently, however, I came within sight of a Pylos or gateway, and shortly of the Temple itself. The first view of this first Egyptian temple I had seen was disappointing. I was almost rejoiced to think that those learned in Egyptian lore have thought meanly of it, on account of its want of antiquity. The exterior of the temple, especially in front of the

portico, is much encumbered with rubbish. The bases of the columns are completely concealed, until, on reaching the portico, one finds it necessary to descend some steps into the temple, from the interior of which the accumulations of ages have been cleared away. Owing to these collections, the front external view of the portico disappointed me; but when I had descended beneath its roof, I found myself, all at once, in a sanctuary (almost perfect and undisturbed) of the old religion of Egypt.

The portico is itself a spacious hall, with several rows of gigantic columns. This opens into a second, and that into a third, and the third into a fourth hall, each one smaller and darker than that preceding it, the only light being derived from the open portico. The fourth, which was the Sanctuary (corresponding to the Holy of Holies, in the Jewish Temple), and which, probably, none but the fully initiated could enter, is perfectly obscure, without a taper. Around these halls are passages and numerous cellæ, which were either used as chapels for the celebration of the mystic worship, or else as apartments for the priests. Every portion of the interior is sculptured with bas-reliefs and hieroglyphics, even to the narrow and almost inaccessible passages running at the back of the cellæ.

The most striking feature is the portico or entrance hall. The capitals of the gigantic columns are formed of the face of Athor, the daughter of Isis and Osiris, and the divinity of Love, repeated four times on each capital. There is a great sameness about the bas-reliefs, and a want of clear cutting, which became more perceptible to me when I revisited the temple on my return from Aboo-Simbool and Thebes. The outside of the Great


Temple of Athor is wanting in architectural effect, having an uncouth and box-like appearance. On its northern side is a smaller temple, of which the dedication is not clearly known, and at the back of the Great Temple is a beautiful little Fane of Isis. The completeness of the Temple of Athor compensates for much that is wanting in beauty and antiquity of style. It was built in the age of Cleopatra, whose portrait is sculptured on the western wall. In the days of Cleopatra, the spirit of the old religion was gone, and I was reminded in some degree of those attempts made, in England, in Sir Christopher Wren's time to reproduce the architecture of the middle ages, after that the genuine faith of those ages had passed away. As I wandered through the intricate corridors of this sanctuary of Athor, I could not help contrasting with the elaborate symbolism and mystic idolatry which called it into existence, the plain Deïsm of Mohammed, which now rules in the land. Each extreme has had (humanly speaking) its advantages and its evils, but Egypt under the sway of El Islam has never risen to the preeminence she attained under the

old Mythology of Amun-ra and Osiris. The True Faith unites qualities found in each of these extremes, the glorious mysteries of the Church being combined in the simplicity of the Cross, and the Holy Trinity in the stupendous Unity of God.


On Friday, the 4th January, we were to arrive at Thebes, which is only forty-eight miles and a half above Keneh. I was all anxiety to catch the first glimpse of El Karnak, but, owing to the wind falling, we did not reach the Plain of the Great City until after dark. It was halfpast ten at night when we anchored off Luxor,

Thebes, of which the Egyptian name was Amunei, or Amunoph (the abode of Amun, the king of the Gods), is known in Holy Scripture by the names of "Noph" and "No," as in Jeremiah xlvi. 19-25, where it is prophesied that "Noph shall be waste and desolate without an inhabitant," and that the "multitude of No" shall be punished. It is probable that Noph was a portion of "No," one of its quarters, for in Ezekiel xxx. 16, we are told that "No shall be rent asunder," (as indeed was the case with Thebes in the Persian invasion) and that "Noph shall have distresses daily." See also Ezekiel xxx. 13, 14, 15. In Nahum iii. 7, 8, 9, Thebes is contrasted with Nineveh,-" Nineveh is laid waste: who will bemoan her?" "Art thou, Nineveh, better than populous No, that was situate among the rivers," (alluding to the various streams formed by the overflowing of the Nile,) "that had waters round about her, whose rampart was the " Nile; (called "Bahr," or 66 Sea," to this day, by the Egyptians) "and her wall was from the" Nile? Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength, and it was infinite." Such are the inspired accounts of that great city, where, two thousand years before London's first stone was laid, millions of men were toiling, and trading, and living, the few in luxury and the many in poverty and want.


On the 5th of January we started early to inspect the remains on the western side of the Nile, Luxor being on its eastern bank. We crossed the river in a small boat, leaving our own Dahabiëh off El Uxür (corrupted into Luxor) where there were some ten or twelve travellers' boats congregated on the shore, while their Hawajees (Gentlemen) were inspecting the remains of Thebes.

Landing near the Sycamore tree, we found an abundance of horses,

of which we hired the strongest looking, and set off, without delay, for the Tombs of the Kings. We rode over a fertile and cultivated plain, and passed the Temple-Palace of Old Koornëh and the modern village surrounding its ruins. Its inspection was delayed till later, and we continued to pursue our course over the broad and cultivated plain, which had once been covered with dense streets, until, at length, the fertility ceasing, the corn-fields were succeeded by some arid and rocky ground at the base of the western mountains, a defile of which we presently entered. This defile was a wild rocky valley, far wilder than the valley of rocks at Linton, Devonshire, a most desolate glen of yellow lime-rock. This glen branched into a variety of other valleys, and the road pursued a winding course, which was at once the most picturesque and impressive scene of desolation, I remember to have traversed. Scarce aught but a single vulture was to be seen among these rocks, to break upon the death-like solitude. Poetry has never conceived anything more sublime than this approach from populous Thebes, with its millions of men, its merchandise, its traffic, and its luxury, to the silent tombs of its dead kings. It is a grand entrance to an Inferno (or region of departed spirits. I strove to imagine a procession winding out of the gorgeous city with its gardens of Palm and Mimosa, to these desolate valleys of the dead. The religion of Egypt seems to have contemplated death as the main object of life, in which respect it had preserved more faithfully the Divine traditions than most other Polytheistic systems of ancient times.

I visited six tombs. The entrances to these tombs appear to have been concealed and made to appear like the surrounding rocks,

in order to prevent that sacrilegious opening of them, which (with respect to so many) these precautions have, after all, failed to hinder.

Belzoni's tomb, (or number 17) is by far the most beautiful. The elaborate finish of the plaister-work, and painting of the successive chambers and corridors of these royal excavations, is beyond all conception. The freshness of the painting far exceeds that of Pompeii, although the tombs of Thebes are some 1500 years older than the Campanian sea-town. The extreme neatness of finish of many of the corridors and chambers recalled to me some modern drawing-room, papered according to the newest style introduced by the Great Exhibition, and almost led me to forget that I was in a tomb 3500 years old, among the designs of old Thebans, who had lived and died ere Israel had reached the Promised Land. The doorways are carved with exquisite precision, and the lintels tastefully surrounded with Arabesques.


In one of the tombs (I think number 9) I was much struck with seeing a representation of Osiris, with out-stretched arms like HIS of WHOм Osiris may have been a heathen fore-shadowing or type. the Polytheism of Egypt, Osiris, the unnamed one, was the divinity best calculated for mortal sympathy. Whether from a strange coincidence, or from an admixture of the primeval traditions in their theology, together with a strong appreciation of that great necessity engendered by the Fall of Man, the Egyptian story of Osiris, in several points, reminds us of the great truths of the Incarnation. Osiris was the most beneficent of the divinities, and, for the love of men, had assumed a mortal form, and had taught the inhabitants of the Nile valley the arts of life and the cul

| ture of the soil. After a life spent in doing good, he had died in a contest with the powers of evil, and while his body was buried at Philo, (or, as others held, at Abydos or Memphis, &c.,) his divine essence had risen again, and he became the judge of departed spirits. He had married Isis, the divinity of the earth, and their child Horus was the god of the earth's produce and fertility. All this poetical creed is an allegory of the yearly fertilization of Egypt. Each year does Osiris, the fertilizer, in the form of his great river, visit the earth and mystically wed Isis, its fair divinity, The swelling Nile scatters gifts to men, and by wedding the earth, begets Horus, the rich produce of the Egyptian soil. It swells and inundates the valley, until checked by the sandy mountains of the desert, the mystical Typhon (the divinity of Evil,) who thus conquers the Nile, which then recedes and dies,again to rise the following year, and flowing around Philoe's Holy Isle, to pour his rich torrent down the cataracts once more. Such is one of the most sublime of those legends which formed the theology of those past times when God "suffered all nations to walk in their own ways, and yet left not Himself without witness."

NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. Received.-R. P-; E. P-; M. G. A—; H. B-, Devon; Christiana; Exeter; H. G-; J. E. W; W. S-; M. F-; R. W-; W. C. O-; Rev. H. G-; George L-; R. J. L-; J. J. B-; H. P. M-; A Clergyman's Wife; Dorchester; H. F. W-.

Replies.-W. C. O-; we are unable to answer your question.-George L—; thank you very much for your letter: a Volume of "The Churchman's Companion" has just been published: the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel began a little Magazine in January, called "The Gospel Missionary," one half-penny per month. You could get them through the Bookseller who supplies you with the Penny Post.


No. 3.

The screaming sea-fowl, widening ring
o'er ring

Till heaven grows dark; then wheeling on the wing

Landward, they whiten all the rocks


Or diving, melt into the gulf like snow.

"Of the truth of these lines," remarked Miss Sidney, "you would, my dear children, have been fully convinced, had you been with me on a tour to the Land's-end, in Cornwall. There, in the more solitary and craggy parts of the coast, you would have seen gulls and other sea birds in such vast numbers, as to resemble swarms of locusts; and when at rest, covering the rich dark brown of the rocks, and converting it into silvery grey."

"That is a gull," exclaimed Rose, as the beautiful bird gracefully rested its silver breast and rode upon the crested wave, at a little distance from the shore. "I should like to know a little about its habits."

"The common gull," replied Miss Sidney, "belongs to a family of birds which is found in every part of the world, inhabiting shores scorched by a tropical sun, or dwelling amid the frozen icebergs of the north. Gulls have been called the scavengers of the sea, for nothing comes amiss to their voracious appetite. However loathsome may be the putrefying carrion left upon the beach, to the gull it is just as acceptable as a meal of the finest and freshest fish. But whether the food be fresh or stale, they will gorge almost to suffocation; and in that state may be taken up torpid and insensible. The late Bishop of Norwich, an eminent naturalist, relates an amusing instance of this greediness of disposition in these beautiful birds, one of which you may now

see winnowing the air with its large fan-like wings, and eagerly watching that dark spot in the distant sea, which most likely is a shoal of herrings.

"Some years ago,' says Bishop Stanley, 'in riding with a friend on the sea shore, we espied a gull lying motionless on the sand, apparently dead; but as its eyes were open, life was clearly not extinct. Suspecting it to be a wounded bird, we alighted to examine the extent and nature of the injuries it had received, but not a drop of blood was to be seen, nor was a feather ruffled. After having, therefore, handled it for several minutes without its evincing the slightest symptoms of vitality, beyond the opening and shutting of its eyes, we threw it into the air, when, to our inconceivable surprise, the apparently dead bird expanded its wings, and, tucking up its legs, flew off with the utmost composure and steadiness.'"

"Such greediness," said Alfred, "reminds one of the blubber feasts of the Esquimaux."

"The gull," replied Miss Sidney, "is just as fond of the same kind of food. The king of them all, the Burgomaster-a name given him by the Dutch, from his domineering over the whole race of gulls, is a constant attendant on the whale fishers. Whenever they are busy cutting up one of these monsters of the deep, he hovers over the carcass, and having fixed his eye upon a choice piece of blubber, which some other of the gull tribe has secured for his own eating, down he pounces, and forcing him to abandon the prize, carries it off as his own. The gull is found wherever the sailor goes, and is always the same noisy,

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