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repeating the dull formal repetitions used on trials, we have thrown the whole into the form of a narrative; and at the end of each life, deduced fuch practical inferences, as cannot fail to make a lasting impreffion on the mind of our readers. Every difficult term is likewife explained, without interrupting the narrative; and as great pains have been taken to make this Work acceptable to the Public, the Author doubts not but he fhall receive their warmeft approbation.

This entire new Work is therefore offered not only as an object of curiofity and entertainment, but as a Publication of real and substantial use, to guard the mind (by striking reflections on the conduct of thofe unhappy Wretches who have fallen facrifices to the injured laws of their country) from the allurements of Vice, and the paths that lead to destruction.

The Copper-plates to this Work will be defigned and engraved by the moft celebrated artifts, and finished in fuch a taste, as to convey the most striking idea of the manner in which the various crimes have been perpetrated.

It is extremely natural to wish for the approbation of the Public; but, however, anxious we may be for that, yet we defire it no further than the merits of this performance fhall intitle us.

Confcious that nothing has been neglected by the authors, they doubt not but thofe of difcernment and fenfibility, will give it the preference to all the books on the fame fubject ever yet offered to the public, for whose benefit it was undertaken; and parents and guardians will find it one of the most ufeful books to be put into the hands of the rifing generation, before their tender minds have been led aftray from the practice of virtue.

It will alfo become extremely useful for families, and be a fund of entertainment, as well as inftruc

tion for those who have a few leifure hours to fpend in the evening, or fuch as go on long voyages to fea. Those who live in the country, and at a diftance from large towns, will find it very useful, as a work of entertainment; and although the greateft number of crimes are generally committed near the metropolis, yet the reader will fee that we have given the lives of the most notorious offenders, throughout every part of England, Wales and Scotland, with as many in Ireland, as we could procure authentic accounts of, fo that the work is calculated for the ufe and advantage of all our fellow fubjects. W. JACKSON.

The following COPPER-PLATES, (among many others) are already engraved for this Work.


Representation of an execution oppofite the New Gaol of Newgate.

The Recorder making his Report of Prisoners under Sentence of Death tohe King.

Reprefentation of A new Plan of Prifoners under Sentence of Death to the King.

An Execution at Kennington Common.

View of the County Gaol Borough Ditto of Kingston Affize House. View of the New Houfe of Correction Cold Bath Fields.

View of the Cells Prefs Yard. &c. in Newgate.

Alfo the New Compter Giltspurfreet, &c. &c.

Representation of A new Plan propofed to the Legiflature for the punishment of Highwaymen.

An excellent View of the Juftitia Hulk, and the Convicts at Work, near Woolwich.

An exact View of the new Prifon Clerkenwell.

Ditto of Tothill-fields Bridewell, Westminster.

The Convicts taking Water previous to their transportation to Botany Bay.

A Criminal (condemned for High Treafon) drawn on a Sledge to Ty


Street, and Prifoners under Examination.

Reprefentations of the Skeleton's in Surgeons Hall in the Old Bailey. Striking Difplay of the Mode of hanging Pirates at Execution Dock.

View of the Machine called the Maiden, formerly ufed at Edinburgh; an inftrument fimilar to the French Guillotine.

John Smith cut down at Tyburn, in Confequence of a R prieve which came five Minutes after he had been turned off.

The Manner of whipping Delinquents at the New whipping Poft, in the Seffions Houfe Yard, Old Baiey. Beautiful Profpect of the New Seffions Houfe.

Ditto of the New Gaol of Newgate.

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The Bell-man of St. Sepulchre's fpeaking the admonitory Words to the Malefactors going to Execution.

The Punishment of Preffure, formerly inflicted on thofe who refufed pleading to Indictments.

View of Houflow Heath, with the Gibbets and men hanging in Chains.

The Manner of Branding or Burns, ing in the Hand, as now practifed at the Old Bailey.

The Body of a Murderer expofed in the Theatre of Surgeon's Hall.

Jack Ketch arrested, and taken into Cuftody, when attending a Malefactor to Execution.

The prifoners stopping in St. John's Lane, at the Baptift-head Public, Houfe, on the Day of Removal from Manner of executing Women, the New Prifon to Newgate. View of the Public Office in Bow-convicted of petit-Treafon.

O R,



FROM THE YEAR 1700 TO THE PRESENT TIME. Embellished with a Set of Entire New Copper Plates.


IT being the profeffed intention of the Compiler of this Work to exert his utmost endeavours to unite entertainment and improvement, he thinks it abfolutely neceffary to apprize the reader that he does not mean to fwell his volumes with recitals of accounts of trials, convictions, &c. that have nothing interefting to recommend them: on the contrary, it is his intention to infert in this New Collection fuch narratives only as become valuable from the fingular circumstances with which they were attended; and not a fingle event of this nature, fince the commencement of the present century, fhall remain unrecorded.

It being required by the laws of our country, "that the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but "the truth," should be told, the occafional deviations, therefore, in respect to the brevity of the language, muft, in fome inftances, be excufable. It is to be remembered that the expreffions are not the Compilers; and feeing that it behoves VOL. I. No. 1. reporters


reporters as much as witnesses to adhere to the truth; the repetition of them is therefore unavoidable. In like manner the Compiler may be obliged (unwilling as he is) to give the cant phrafes of thieves; for in many inftances, if the witneffes' depofitions be not faithfully recorded, the narrative may be fo imperfect, as to be scarcely intelligible. The utility of being fo exact is the best apology for reviving any vulgar expreffions, for thereby the honeft and unwary are put upon their guard, and apprized of all the fecret craft of thofe low-lived fons of depredation; while youth is likewife forewarned of thofe deftructive purfuits, the end of which is in general fatal and ignominious!

The Compiler of this New work returns his fincereft thanks to thofe gentlemen who have communicated either printed or manufcript trials and narratives, which may tend to the perfection of his plan; and he affures his worthy contributors that their favours have not been conferred on one ungrateful. Every prudent ufe fhall be made of their communications, it being prefumed that the public will reap an advantage, from what was intended as a private compliment.

Circumftantial Account of the Trials, Declarations, and Executions of MICHAEL VAN BERGHEN, CATHERINE VAN BERGHEN, and GERRARD, DROMELIUS, in Eaft Smithfield, for the Murder of OLIVER NORRIS.

THE wretched fubjects of this narrative

were natives of Holland, but having fettled in England, Michael Van Berghen and his


wife kept a public-house near Eaft-Smithfield, and Dromelius acted as their fervant.

One Norris, a country gentleman, who lodged at an inn near Aldgate, went into the houfe of Van-Berghen, about eight o'clock in the evening, and continued to drink there till about eleven. Finding himself rather intoxicated, he defired the maid-fervant to call a coach to carry him home. As fhe was going to do so, her miftrefs whispered her; and bid her return in a little time, and fay that a coach was not to be procured. These directions being obferved, Norris, on the maid's return, refolved to go without a coach, and accordingly took his leave of the family; but he had not gone far before he discovered that he had been robbed of a purfe containing a fum of money: whereupon he returned, and charged Van-Berghen and his wife with having been guilty of the robbery. This they pofitively denied, and threatened to turn him out of the house; but he refused to go, and refolutely went into a room where the cloth was laid for fupper.

At this time Dromelius entered the room, and treating Mr. Norris in a very cavalier manner; the latter refented the infult, till a perfect quarrel enfued. At this juncture Van-Berghen feized a poker, with which he fractured Mr. Norris's fkull, and in the mean time Dromelius ftabbed him in different parts of the body; Mrs. Van-Berghen being prefent during the perpetration of the hor

rid act.

When Mr. Norris was dead, they stripped him of his coat, waistcoat, hat, wig, &c. and then Van-Berghen and Dromelius carried the body, and threw it into a ditch which communicated with the Thames: and in the mean time Mrs.

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