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which was received with acclamation. Thereafter a splendid programme was submitted in song and story, Mr. R. B. Laing with his usual efficiency presiding at the piano.

An interesting lecture on the subject of "Pearls and Precious Stones was given by Mr. R. J. Watson, a past President of the Club. A number of photographs were shown to illustrate the securing of same, while a large assortment of specimens were submitted showing them in the rough state as when found, along with a valuable selection of the finished articles. The lecture was highly appreciated by all present.

Our annual drive took place on 27th June, when 30 members attended. We left Dundee via the Carse, per motor charabanc, and after a most enjoyable drive reached Killin, where dinner was served. The return journey was made

via the Beech Hedges and Coupar Angus.

In connection with the Golf Tournament, which last year attracted much attention among district golfers, it was found necessary to delay same for the time being; but it is hoped that by another season the Burns Golf Cup will have a prominent position in the golf trophies in the district.

Lieut.-Col. Lamond represented the Northern Counties at the quarterly meetings of the Federation, while I carried out the duties of District Secretary, at the request of the Hon. Secretary of the Federation.

Messrs. Philipps, Love, and Ramsay represented the Club at the Federation Meeting held in Perth, reports of which have been given by them.

Deputations from Tayport and Lochee Clubs favoured us with visits during the session, when pleasant evenings were spent.

An interesting syllabus has again been arranged for the winter months, when it is hoped every member will make a point of being present on these evenings.



It is with considerable pleasure that the Directors submit their Annual Report of their efforts on behalf of the Burns Cult. The Club, under the Presidency of Mr. Robert Cowper, has passed from one success to another with unfailing regularity, and records have been broken and created. The Club is now in the enviable position of being the largest Burns Club known. 213 new members have been added to

the roll, an achievement which has never before been accomplished, and the membership now stands at 1021.

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The Annual Excursion-the "Three Lochs Tour "-took place in June last; the "Tattie and Herrin' Supper in October; the Whist Drive and Dinner in December; the 56th Anniversary Dinner in January; and the Ladies' Night in February.

The School Competitions, we are pleased to report, are still proving most attractive to teachers and scholars, the entries increasing in numbers. 6259 entered for the Class Competitions in Literature-an increase of 1982 over last year; 31 Boys and Girls entered for the Solo Competitionsan increase of 10 over last year; and 7 choirs of 24 each for the Choir Competitions-an increase of 1 over last year. As on former occasions the Class Competitions were conducted by the Headmasters, and the Solo and Choir Competitions were judged by Mr. Peter White and Mr. George Newton. Our Annual Concert and Presentation of Prizes in connection with these Competitions took place on 15th January, in Bellgrove Hall, which was taxed to its utmost, when the various prizes were presented.

SYLLABUS 1926-27.

1926-Oct. 29. Tattie and Herrin' Supper; Address by George Eyre-Todd.

Dec. 3. Ladies' Night: Whist, Dinner, and Music.

17. School Competitions-Choir, Solo, and Elocution -in Calton School. Examiners-Miss Nan Macdonald, Peter White, J.P., and George Newton.

1927-Jan. 14. Annual Concert and Distribution of Prizes, Bellgrove Hall.

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25. Anniversary Dinner Grosvenor Restaurant.
Oration: "The Immortal Memory," by Dr.
Joseph Hunter, Dumfries.

Feb. 25. Ladies' Night: An Appreciation of Robert
Burns, with Musical Illustrations, by J. B.
Crawford, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., Organist of
Rutherglen Parish Church, and friends.


Hon. Secy.


The Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the Club was held in the Burns House Club on 12th April, 1926. Mr. Alex.

S. Murdoch presided over a large attendance of members. The Secretary reported that during the year 22 life members had been admitted.

The Annual Outing, which took place in June to Perth and Rumbling Bridge, proved a great success, genial weather and a pleasant company contributing largely to this end.

During the year the usual lectures and social evenings were held, all being successful both from a social and a financial aspect.

The Directors regret that, owing to difficulties in making arrangements with Headmasters, the Children's Competitions had to be omitted, but next year they hope to be more fortu


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The Annual Dinner and Dance was held in the Grand Hotel. The toast of "The Immortal Memory was proposed by Sir Robert Bruce, LL.D., President of the Burns Federation, in his usual easy and felicitous manner. Α collection on behalf of the Mauchline Houses amounted to £16 19s. 3d.

The auditors, Messrs. Duthie and M'Allister, after careful examination, certified the books as correct. They are due the thanks of the members.

Hon. Secy.


The work of the Club has been well maintained. Our meetings, during the alterations and extensions of the Palatine Hotel, have been held in the Mountain Daisy Hotel, and have been well attended.

The St. Andrew's Day Celebration was held on Wednesday, 25th November, 1925; a company of 124 ladies and gentlemen were present and enjoyed to the full the special fare provided.

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The Anniversary Dinner was held on Monday, 25th January, and was attended by 87 ladies and gentlemen. The Immortal Memory was proposed by Mr. H. G. MacColl, B.A., B.Sc., Christ's College, Cambridge. His address on this occasion will rank among the finest tributes paid to the memory of the Bard.

Our genial President and his good lady, Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Findlater, gave a reception to the members on 14th February, 1926, which was largely attended, when ample provision was made for the comfort and enjoyment of their guests.

SYLLABUS 1925-26.

1925-Oct. 8. President's Address, by G. Findlater.

22. "Life History of Robert Burns," by Dr. A. Stevenson.

Nov. 12. "Dips from a Bran Tub," by M. MacLennan. 25. St. Andrew's Celebration.

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Dec. 3. Visit to Gateshead Club.

10. "Shakespeare's Macbeth," by G. Mackay. 1926-Jan. 14. "Our Vernacular Classics," by G. Mitchell.

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24. "Burns and Patriotism," by Rev. H. Parker Davies.

25. Anniversary Dinner.

Feb. 4. President's Reception to Members.

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11. "Tobias Smollett, M.D.," by D. Gordon.

25. "The Early Scottish Kirk," by W. M. Donaldson. Mar. 11. Visit from Gateshead Club.

25. "My Favourite Authors," by W. Waddle. Apr. 8. "Russia of To-day," by A. Goodall.

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22. Annual Meeting.

Hon. Secy.


Under the Presidency of Mr. James Millar, another eventful year in the history of the Club has passed. Although much distress was caused in the district through the dispute in the shale-oil industry, our Anniversary Supper was carried through; over 40 sat down to supper, and Mr. Kelso Kelly proposed "The Immortal Memory." Children's Competitions still claim the attention of children and parents, the hall being crowded on the Annual Competition night.

Mr. Wm. Baxter, Tranent, presented the Club with a framed photograph of the Federation Meeting held in Edinburgh, also two framed photographs of the wreaths he had placed on Burns's grave at Dumfries. Mrs. Taylor presented the Club with a framed extract from a Dumfries paper of 4th April, 1834, giving an account of the death and character of "Bonnie Jean."

Mr. Jas. Millar, who has been connected with the Club for over 25 years and has been President for 15 years, desired to be relieved of his duties; but it was felt that the influence and personality of Mr. Millar had much to do in keeping the Club together, and his withdrawal from the Chair would be disastrous. We earnestly hope he will re

consider his decision, and help to carry on the good work of the Club.

SYLLABUS 1925-26.

1925-Oct. 30. Children's Competition.

31. Hallowe'en Supper.

1926-Feb. 25. Anniversary Supper. Oration by Kelso Kelly. Aug. 7. Trip to Bridge of Allan.

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21. Bowling Match with Scots Guards.

Oct. 8. Presentation to Mrs. Taylor.

29. Visit to Balerno.





SYLLABUS 1926-27.

6. President's Address.

Nov. 3. "A Trip to Inveraray," by James Brown.
1. "Books," by Samuel B. Langlands, J.P.



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5. "Modern Poets in Braid Scots," by Councillor Ninian WacWhannell.

25. Anniversary Dinner: "The Immortal Memory," by Rev. W. White Anderson, M.C., M.A. Feb. 2. Whist Drive.


2. "Talk and Chalk," by William M'Ewan.


The past session of the Club was not quite so successful as those of previous years. Owing to the depressed industrial conditions, which have severely affected many of our members, a number of the usual activities had perforce to be curtailed. The interest of the members, however, has been maintained, and with the return of more prosperous times the normal will quickly be restored. The passing of Robert Brown was a distinct loss to the Club, and a matter of the keenest regret to the members. He was a loyal and enthusiastic supporter of our Fellowship, and alike in the direction of its affairs and as a participator in its functions he was trusted and respected.

The thirty-eighth Anniversary Dinner was held in the Liberal Club Hall on 22nd January, and was largely at

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